Chapter 3

An alarm went off throughout the building. In fact, it's too late for this, most likely those who wanted to have already escaped, and I should have already.

I sped toward the exit, which I remember passing more than once in a wheelchair.

When I ran out into the hall, I saw a few dead bodies and a mess, but there were no living people here, so I ran for the stairs to the floor below. The building had four floors, and I was kept on the last floor, on the floor of "Violent". On other floors, the patients were more adequate, if you can say so, and of course, more calm.

When I went down to the fourth floor, I immediately found other patients, some sitting on the floor and banging their heads, some shouting or laughing, in General, it was lively, of course, there were corpses, and there were no doctors in sight. It looks like they got away, I think they did the right thing, many people here suffer even more from their pills, so the first people who want to kill the runaways are the poor doctors. I didn't linger long, but continued down the fire escape. With quick steps, I reached the first floor and immediately heard a noise.

- Attention! Stay in your seats! Everyone please calm down.- Someone was talking into a loudspeaker. Yes, and I heard the sounds of police sirens, it looks like they took control of the situation, not good... I looked out the door and saw a lot of police officers standing with shields and batons, and in front of them was a crowd of psychos. Most of them were covered in blood and behaved inappropriately. Also, at the end of the whole group of madmen, they were quite smart and expected a good chance to escape from here. Yeah, looks like this is my chance, too... The inadequacies will draw all the cops ' attention to themselves, and I'll get out of here.

Then it's settled... As soon as I got ready, most of the crazies ran straight at the cops and the mess started, no one shot at them, they were just beaten with batons, but that was enough. The line of police officers quickly staggered and they began to crowd the number. At this point, I made my way into the crowd of psychos and began to wait for the moment.

There was a real chaos around, some people were beating up the police, some were being beaten with a baton, and I was still trying to look for a good opportunity. I could have broken through the police barricade, but I doubt they'd let me leave, just in case there was another squad. I doubt they'll be so polite by now, they'll probably shoot right away. Therefore... Here it is!

I saw the back of one of the policemen, who was a little behind the squad and had already been knocked out by the psychos, he was lying unconscious and showed no signs of life. I pushed my way through the crowd and pulled him away. Then I began to remove his equipment and quickly change clothes. Unfortunately, he didn't have a gun or anything better than a baton, but that was enough for me. I just hope I can get through fast enough so these lunatics don't mob me and think I'm one of the cops.

Quickly changing my clothes, I pulled my helmet and Balaclava over my face, then armed myself with a shield and a club, and quickly rushed to the most unprotected place. As soon as the patients noticed me, they immediately rushed in my direction, I did not linger and just pushed them through to the exit.

- Come on, come on! – I fought my way through, and they kept coming at me like a herd of zombies, some grabbing my legs, and some just throwing themselves at the shield. Already almost exhausted, I could still see a more or less even line of police officers who seemed to have come to the rescue. I immediately rushed towards them, and they parted to let me pass.

- Huuh, I did it.- I exhaled heavily.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder and said:

- Get some rest, man, we're here to end this shit, it's going to be over soon.- Having said this, a man in the same equipment as me, got in line and went to the crowd of psychos. Then there was a clap.

*Bang* * Bang*

And white-yellow gas spread, judging by the color, it's tear gas... Heh, Hana to you guys. Well, come on, it's time for me to get out of here. I walked towards the detectives who were near the police cars and were monitoring the situation.

When I saw a couple of detectives, I fell into a bit of a stupor, no way... Maybe I imagined it. Ahem, no it's definitely them... There were two detectives standing there, one black and slightly bald, and the other white and blond. I recognized them at once, for I had seen them somewhere before... Joe West, and Edward thawne, how is this possible?

Well, to hell with them, I'll deal with them later, but now I need to do something. I walked towards thawne and bumped into Him, then walked away and said:

- Sorry, detective, I didn't mean to.-

The blond man waved his hand and said with a smile:

- Yes, it happens.-

I nodded and started to leave with quick steps, but then I heard:

- Wait a minute, kid.-

I turned around and saw Joe walking towards me, and when he came up, he asked:

- Are you from the first group?-

I just nodded, it looks like I'm not a bad guy, he feels something...

- Clearly... All right, go get some rest, the others should be able to handle it, the others from your group are over there –

I just nodded and started walking away, just in the direction of the ambulance, so as not to be suspicious. It was necessary to leave as quickly as possible, so that someone would not be noticed missing.

Walking quickly around the ambulance, I disappeared into one of the alleys, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Hoo, that's all, it wasn't so easy, this detective has good instincts, it's a pity he doesn't understand them well... Although, even if he realized that I was one of the escapees, he wouldn't be able to stop me, especially when I have a gun.

I quickly threw away my shield and baton, as well as my helmet and police badge. Well, you'll still have to change your clothes, and this will make it a lot easier... I looked down at my left hand, which held the brand-new gun I'd privatized from detective Thawne, and grinned.

That's freedom, fine...