Chapter 7

I did not set up the base for long, most of the time it took to connect all the electronics and arrange surveillance cameras, motion sensors and signal silencers. When everything was ready, I finally relaxed and went to sleep.

The next day, I realized that I didn't buy food, and I also realized that I didn't want to eat, which was weird. Looks like after that time in the psych ward, I don't even need food... Hmm, I doubt it, but I don't think it's going to last. Well, if I don't feel like eating, I'll check the Internet. It would be worth ordering some things.

First of all, it was worth buying weapons and some medicines that are not found in the pharmacy. After that, I bought some Kevlar fabric for my future suit. I have already developed an approximate appearance, it remains only to find the material for manufacturing, and Kevlar was the most reasonable option. I also bought a billet of special carbon fiber, quite strong and quite light, the very thing for my mask. Of course I'm not going to be a superhero, but having my own costume was necessary, especially when I was going out into the world.

When I'm done with my purchases, all I have to do is wait for the bookmark to be placed in a certain place. Well, my weapons will arrive in about a week, it will be safer, and now we should start training.

It was almost three months before the start of the event, during which time you need to raise your form. I started with the classic work with dumbbells and barbells, practicing strokes and running.

A week later, a couple of Beretta 92 pistols and a bunch of armor-piercing rounds arrived. I decided not to take automatic weapons or anything, I just needed a couple of reliable pistols and that's it.

Then came my Kevlar clothes, which I had to alter for myself, I'm certainly not a seamstress, but I had to try, and came out a good black suit with a hood.

Next came the billet of carbon fiber similar to the mask of Deathstroke, only it was completely black. I didn't repaint it, just added a smooth red stripe horizontally in the eye areas. So that at least something in my suit was not black.

Well, the suit is ready, the weapon is there, now it remains to put the body in order and that's it. My body used to be pretty pumped up, no worse than Quinn's, so I need to go back to the way it was. Fortunately, the current body was quite sinewy and broad-shouldered, so I can return to the former form.

There was no movement in the outside world, even meta-people don't act, which is quite strange... Maybe their powers haven't awakened yet, just like Allen's? Hmm, I don't know...

Arrow also deals with all sorts of nonsense and catches criminals, in General, boredom is mortal.

Although, two days ago, I hacked into felicity smoke's main computer, so it was fun to watch Quinn's activities. Smoke is certainly a good hacker, but she doesn't have enough experience, and this is her main drawback, she needs more practice. Okay, I'll go get some exercise.

- What the...- As soon as I got up, I felt a little weak. It was only for a moment, and then it was over. But then my stomach growled...

- Ohh, it's started again.– Right after that, I felt hungry, not very strong, but a little unpleasant. It was different from normal human hunger, it didn't just make the body weak, but it also affected my mind, it wasn't very good. I felt as if I hadn't slept for a long time. So I Packed up and decided to go out for lunch at the nearest cafe.

The last time I ate was five days ago, which is quite a long time ago, so it's no wonder that the hunger returned. I wonder if I can satisfy it with normal human food and how much I will have to eat. Well, it's worth a try, but eating meat is a bit unpleasant...


- Mm, not bad... Bring more. – I asked the waiter for another batch of fried wings. Was it the tenth or the twelfth? Hmm, I don't remember...

My entire table was littered with food packages, but my hunger was still there, and everyone was already looking at me like I was some kind of freak. Unpleasant...

Yeah, it looks like regular food just dulls your hunger, but it doesn't quench it at all. Which is quite strange, I even tried meat with blood and nothing happened. It looks like I need human meat... Eh, it tastes so awful, can you try cooking it? Hmm, that's an idea. But who should I eat? I don't want to eat innocent people, but this is too much, and maybe check for the dead? Hmm, that's a good idea, they don't need meat anymore, and I don't have to kill anyone. Well, that's settled, I'll go check out the morgue.

I went back to my base and found out where the nearest morgue was, put on my suit and picked up my weapons, then set off.

I made my way to the morgue, knocked out the guards, and went to the body fridges, pulled out the first one I saw, and grimaced:

- Brr, eating people is disgusting, and eating dead people is even worse... MDA, and there is no choice, I do not want to wither like a skeleton. Oh, it wasn't...- I took out my knife and began to cut a piece of meat from the dead body's shoulder.

It wasn't a problem to cut it off, since the corpse was long dead but not rotten yet, so it wasn't so disgusting to eat, but it still made me feel sick just looking at the meat. Besides, I knew he was dead...

- Shit, I should have brought ketchup with me... Hmm, that security guard had pizza...- I ran to the security guard and got a slice of pizza, but it would be better if I did.

I exhaled and muttered:

- Enjoy your meal...-


- BGH... - I almost threw up, it was easier to eat meat last time, it's not right. I chewed hard, but still managed to swallow.

I grimaced:

- Ugh, what an abomination...-

Then I started waiting...

Strange, nothing happens, maybe it's because of the pizza, or I didn't eat enough?

I looked at the corpse and sighed, then cut another piece and swallowed it without chewing.

Hmm, nothing... Shit, is dead meat no good?- This guy's only been dead for five hours, which is probably too long. Yeah, what a picky stomach I have...

Well, we'll have to look for "live meat," and the Glades is the best place for that.

I put the body back in the refrigerator and went to the worst part of Starling to find food.