Chapter 10

Two months had passed, and it wasn't long before the ARGUS troops entered Starling city. I've done a lot in that time.

First of all, I ate quite a lot of bone marrow, and I noticed quite obvious changes. Over the past time, I managed to find four more criminals whom I put under the knife and ate them well.

I began to eat people more intelligently. He started with the eyes, and tried to keep the victim alive as long as possible. Then I started on the bones and bone marrow. I had to study the anatomy to find places with a greater concentration of it. So, during this time, I became noticeably stronger and more educated. Certainly not a warrior under Mirakuru, and not a great scientist, but already an unusual person. Even my muscle shape is pretty good, another couple of months and I'll be back to my old shape.

I noticed improvements not only in my body, but also in my brain, information became easier to remember, and I could remember something from the past almost instantly. It was the same with vision, the acuity reached a very high level, probably my indicator exceeds the usual five times at least. Although, as far as I know, among ordinary people there are people with sharper vision, but I think I'm not far away from them.

As for my body, it's even better, I'm not just stronger than a standard person, but also faster and more resilient. Muscles grow faster, wounds heal faster, not much of course, but you can already see it. My entire skeleton seemed to have been renewed and strengthened.

Of course, there were also problems.

First of all, it was hunger, it came every week, and once in seven days I had to eat someone. I did an experiment on myself. A couple of weeks ago, I got my appetite back and went hunting. Caught the victim, but did not immediately eat it, decided to wait. I managed to hold out for only two days, then I began to weaken very quickly and my thoughts began to get confused. Which was quite strange, because I had never done this before. At least I didn't feel so bad eating food in a psych ward. Probably having tasted human meat, I somehow affected my body and now this is the only thing that keeps me strong. So now I realized that I can survive without food from 8 to 10 days, and then I did not check, it might be something bad. Well, it was not so bad, the main thing was to satisfy your hunger in time and that's all.

Speaking of food, after yesterday's meal, I realized that my ability has limits. More precisely, the limits of my development by eating the bone marrow and bones of people. I noticed that the influence of the bone marrow, bones, and eyes decreased noticeably, and with each meal, everything decreases. If I understand correctly, it looks like my body can't go beyond a human by eating its own kind. So after a few more meals, the bone marrow will be useless to eat, because I will reach the maximum. This Maxim is rather not my body, but the maximum effect of the bones, brain, and eyes of ordinary people on me, I will just reach a more perfect stage where ordinary bone marrow, eyes, and bones will be useless to me. Probably I will need to eat even more powerful creatures or more intelligent, I'm not sure.

I'm not sure because I haven't tested the effect of body parts of someone other than humans on me yet. It sounds ridiculous, but it's easier for me to kill a drug dealer than a wild animal.

More recently, I've been curious about how the bone marrow of meta-humans will affect me. They are not exactly human, but they are almost the same, just have some mutation in their genes. When I thought about it, I had a great desire to go to Central city and conduct an experiment. Fortunately, most meta-people are still those bastards and they will not be sorry to eat them. But now is not the time, even in the news reports meta-people do not particularly flash, so I will finish first with Starling, and then wait for Barry to Wake up. Still, it would be easier if he became a flash, I would know approximately what meta he was hunting and be able to intercept his prey. So I'll wait...

By the way, I finally made my own documents and entered myself in all the databases. I am now officially a citizen of Starling city. I was even able to get a residence permit, I now rent an apartment not far from here and can be said to have joined the life of Starling. Yet I plan not only my secret life, but also my explicit one. I'll find some money, set up a business, and hide my future base there. Having your own territory is much better than hiding in this wilderness. Although I made a good security system here, but there are things that can not be organized, and having your own territory will make everything easier and safer.

But money is not the main thing now, as well as business. I'm already fully prepared for a war between Destroke and Quinn. The suit is fully created and the weapon is loaded. The plan is ready.

The plan was quite simple, first, I'll take the key that allows you to open any lock, this key was created by Quinn's company. It will steal Destroy from the base of the Boom, and then I'll take him at Decroce, unless of course you will be able to find it. Of course, I'm not going to come into conflict with destructor, but I'm sure He won't carry a key with him. Why would he do that? He'll probably leave it somewhere.

I also did not forget about the money, I will try to take out of the banks as much as possible, under the guise of, if of course I can find the key. Well, that's about it, I don't need anything else. Money to create a business, the key to all the doors for secret Affairs. I'm not going to take Mirakura, it's too bad for people, and it's not wise to create an army that I can't control. It's the same with weapons, I don't need them anymore, if I have money, it won't be a problem to buy them. Although, the device used by Detsrok to pump blood from the Arsenal should probably be taken away, it is rare and can be useful. Since I can develop my brain now, maybe I'll do genetic engineering or something. The information has become much easier to remember, so maybe one day I will become a genius, who knows, rare equipment still does not hurt.

Okay, it's time to go for a run, because my body has become more resilient, I have to run for several hours just to exhaust myself. This is quite problematic, but I found a solution, run with weights. Yes that there to run, I now constantly go with them, I train so to speak always. Yeah, I couldn't even do that in my previous life, but this ability is really good, even if you have to eat raw meat...