Chapter 18

- Thank You.- Snard said, still pointing the weapon at Flash.

- For what?- Barry asked, unable to move because of the freeze.

Snard chuckled:

- You took me to a new level... And not only in the equipment, but also in the very view of the case, I learned a lot.-

While captain Frost was still talking, Cisco, Caitlin, and felicity crept up behind Him rather quietly, holding a rather strange thing with a bunch of lights and buttons.

- Throw.- Ramon said, pointing what he called a "New Cryo gun"at Snard.

- It's four times bigger and four times stronger.- He continued to brag about Cisco. Although, as far as I remember, he's not bragging, he's just bluffing.

Snard looked at Cisco, then turned to Barry and grinned:

- I was wondering who you were talking to...-

- Hey, if you don't want to get frozen, I suggest you get off him.- Ramon Threatened.

Captain frost glanced at him and said:

- Your hands are shaking, you've never killed before...-

Ciscoi frowned and said:

- Everything happens for the first time, Captain Frost.-

Snard smiled cheerfully at that, and seemed amused by the new nickname. At that moment, I jumped off the roof and started walking towards them.

- I'll shoot.- Cisco continued to threaten.

But at that moment I came closer and started clapping:

* Clap* * Clap* * Clap*

- Well, who I like from your Trinity, so you Cisco.- I said with amusement as I came closer to the group.

Everyone looked at me and Flash asked:

- Who are you?-

I thought about it and started counting my fingers...

- No, that doesn't sound good...- I started to choose a good nickname for myself and couldn't think of anything interesting.

- Shit, and why didn't I come up with a cool name before?...- I sighed with displeasure, then it dawned on me and turning back to the others, I said proudly:

- I'm Hungry.-

- Hunger? What kind of hunger?- Cisco Asked.

- Come on, that sounds a lot better than an Ogre or a zombie.- I said sourly.

- So it's you!?- Barry Caitlin and Cisco exclaimed in unison.

Felicity didn't understand, so she asked:

- Who is he? Do you know him?-

- Uh, I'll tell you later.- Caitlin Said.

Snard stood under the barrel of the vacuum cleaner and did not know what to do, on the one hand he was smiling, and on the other, it was clear from his face that it was all beginning to strain. So I took out my gun and pointed it at him, and then I said:

- Put the gun down.-

- So you're with them?- Asked Snarl and sighed: - I should have known...-

I shook my head:

- It's unlikely, I eat people, we are not on the way with them, but I owe Flash.-

Snard chuckled:

- Okay, then what are we going to do?-

I looked at Cisco and said:

- Cisco, put down your vacuum cleaner.-

- Huh? How did you know?- The guy was surprised.

I sighed:

- Never mind, just put it down, he's useless, and you are...- I looked at Snard and said:

- Go away, solve your problems later.-

Snar first looked at me and nodded, then at Barry and said to Tom:

- I'll see you again kid, sometimes...- Lowered the Cryo gun and started to leave.

- Hey, what about the diamond?- I threw a Ciska after him.

- Don't be impudent.- Snard Said.

So the five of us were left next to the overturned cars. I didn't lower the gun, but turned it on Barry and started walking slowly toward him.

- What are you going to do?- Ramon Asked.

- Nothing, just a safety net...- When I got to Barry, I said:

- So you're going to catch me?-

Barry frowned and answered:

- Of course, you're hurting people.-

I chuckled:

- Then why didn't you catch wells?-

- What do you mean? I don't understand.-

I chuckled:

- It's simple, because of his mistake, I have to eat people, I can't eat anything else. If I stop eating, I'll die, so he hurt me, so why do you want to catch me and not him?-

After my words, Barry froze slightly, and I continued:

- If you want to catch me, catch me. But don't forget, once I get to jail, I won't last long and I'll just die. I'm not the guy who runs the gas, I need living flesh to keep me alive. Will it be fun to see what you do, catch me and let me die, or catch me and feed me?-

I grinned and lowered the gun:

- Okay, now I've paid back the favor for black, I should go.-

I turned and waved, then walked away with quick steps, but not far away...

Hiding behind one of the buildings, I began to watch and listen.

- What should we do?- Caitlin asked worriedly.

Cisco helped Barry to his feet and said:

- Let's get out of here first.-

That was the end of it, and they quickly left. Well, since nothing interesting happened, I also went to my base.


When I got home, I sat comfortably on the couch and turned on my laptop, then connected to Star labs and started listening. About ten minutes later, a conversation started between the entire Flash team.

- Okay, your team is good, but I need to get back to my...- felicity said with a smile as she said goodbye to Barry and the others.

After everyone had said good-bye to felicity, Caitlin asked:

- What should we do? With this... Starvation?-

Wells thought for a moment, then said:

- Apparently, his changes were too strong, and his very nature changed. We humans are omnivores, but he is...-

Caitlin nodded:

- Yes, he said he needed fresh flesh to live on, so it's no wonder he had to forage like this.-

Cisco chuckled:

- You mean hunting people?-

Caitlin sighed:

- It's not his fault, if he didn't lie, then his situation is just terrible, imagine what it is.-

Cisco didn't say anything, but Barry asked:

- Then... What should we do? We can't catch him, then he will...-

Wells chuckled:

- Then we won't, it's more use than harm.-

- How is that?- Barry Asked.

- It's simple, you may not have wondered who he killed and how he was able to last so long, but I managed to find some information.- With that, wells drove up to the computer and displayed all the information on the big screen. There was a long list of names, and Cisco widened his eyes and said:

- so that's it-

Wells nodded:

- Every single one of them is a criminal, most of them are murderers, and the rest are rapists or worse. Most often, several disappeared at once, and most were in different gangs. I'm not sure they were killed by it, but it's very likely. All these people have been missing for the past six months. For Central city, this is not surprising, but usually not so many people disappear, and even if they do, it is ordinary people without a stormy past. But this time, all of them are bandits and criminals. Just like the headless guy he left in the alley.-