Now it was worth just training and waiting. I couldn't eat the first Weather wizard, but I must catch the second One. If I can eat it, I'll finally have my first attacking ability. I was looking forward to it, but it had a lot of potential. As far as I remember, the second brother was able to develop powers even more than the first, or maybe he was just more exposed to black matter, I'm not sure... In General, its power is worth taking away, it will be very useful, especially in battles with a lot of people. And of course I wanted to test the ability to fly, he also knew how to control the wind, suddenly it will work. Although, I'm not sure if the ability I get will be slightly weakened compared to the original.
Also, you will still appear Faceless, this is also not worth forgetting. I have a great appearance. If I get my hands on it, I can do a lot of things. I think it's as useful as teleportation. In General, there will still be a lot of work to do, and I will become even stronger, and now it was worth waiting out of the city.
Events were moving quite quickly. I was going to Starling for a few days to avoid a nuclear explosion. You never know what could happen there, I decided not to risk it and live in another city.
In Starling, everything was as usual, although Oliver was temporarily absent, as it turned out that he was killed by RAS al Ghul. Of course I know he's alive, but the Arrow team thinks otherwise. Well, that's their business, I don't usually follow them. I'm more interested in the guys from Star labs and meta people. Let them deal with their own Affairs, if they had any meta, I might have intervened.
Anyway, I stayed here for a while, hunted a little like old times, and then I went back to Central city. I didn't interfere in anyone's business, but just rested and trained. I already have a lot of dead criminals on my account, perhaps my quiet life may soon end. Moreover, the hunger was shortened again after absorbing the forces of Peekaboo, instead of the previous four days, now a little more than three days. I'm getting more and more stressed out, but I can't stop the growth of my power either. Something has to be done about it, or it will get worse. This is now Flash is silent and behaves like a small child, admires wells and arranges a personal life. Soon the rose-colored glasses will have to be removed, and perhaps then he will decide to choose the lesser evil, and the greater, that is, me, just a ban in Star labs. Although, I think it's too late, his strength may not be enough, but if he teams up with someone, there may be problems. Wells doesn't want to put the guy in front of such a moral choice, I don't know why, but it's good for me. With the excessive righteousness of Barry Allen, there will surely come a time when I will want to be reined in. I may have information about the identity of all the masked heroes, but this is not an absolute weapon, it will work, but probably not for long. I'm not going to rely on others, so I'll eat as much as I can.
It took a long time, I mastered the abilities even better and even somehow got used to a quiet life. But of course it won't be for long, in this world... Although everything went according to plan, Roni and Stein split up, then reunited and left the city. The Flash team is already fully suspicious of wells, of course not all. Only the smartest of them is Cisco. Joe West really has some super powers, his gut is amazing. He realized that wells was involved in the murder of Barry's mother, not only by relying on weak evidence, but in large part by his instincts. Of course, he later discarded all these guesses, but he was so close...
It didn't matter, though, what really mattered was the Weather Wizard. He finally appeared, and I was very happy, because I was sitting in my den for a while. I did not immediately catch him, he was not an easy character, so I waited for the best moment to attack. This one appeared very soon, Barry was with iris, and Joe went in search of Mardon. That's when I started following the detective and waiting. The bait will go to the Weather Wizard, and then I'll grab it. I needed him alive, but I wasn't sure about the effectiveness of the sleeping pills or the effectiveness of the stun gun. So I chose a simple way, a good hit on the head, the benefit of the force allowed.
As soon as Mardon knocked Joe out, Joe carried him to the embankment nearby, and I followed. Thanks to teleportation, life became much better, and I quickly arrived at the place where Weist began to be tied up.
I waited, wanting not only to get Mardon, but also to help Joe. If he is conscious and takes away who saved him, he will be in my debt, and that's not so bad...
It didn't take long to wait, an hour later Mardon started his great plan of revenge and started raising a huge tsunami, and then Flash started stopping it using speed. The weather Wizard was focused and could not be distracted, this was the best moment to attack....
* Whoosh* * Shooh* * Shooh*
After a few short teleportations, I appeared behind Mardon, because of the strong thunder and the noise of the wave, he did not even hear me, but Joe was noticeably stunned by my appearance.
I looked at him and put my finger to the mask's mouth. Then I turned to Mardon and took a good swing...
* BAM!*
One blow and the great Weather Wizard lost consciousness. But unfortunately the wave didn't stop, now it was Barry's time. I turned to Joe and said:
- Flash can handle it and get your ass out, and Mardon will pay a big price for that cop. Well, come on...- I waved to West and slung the wizard over my shoulder, then quickly began to teleport back to my base.
After a few dozen teleportations, I still arrived home. But when I finally decided to relax, I felt a strange feeling, my whole body began to shake, and my head just ached. I was trying to figure out what was going on, going through a lot of options, and then I suddenly remembered a very important detail... Flash! Damn it! Misery changes, how could I forget!
I was shaking terribly, it felt like my whole body was being torn apart, and then everything stopped.
I was sitting on the sofa reading a book just like yesterday, the time was the same, ten o'clock. Everything is exactly the same as it was then... What nonsense, why do I remember what's going to happen? Okay, Barry, he's still the one who set this up, his memory should have been preserved, but mine... What is the reason? Is it because of my rebirth? Or is this another unique feature of my body? No, it's just a delusion of some kind, as to explain it all...