Nyssa frowned and said:
- N'm not a lesbian.
* ples*
I washed the blood from my face and grinned:
- Yes? so you're bisexual, not bad... Wasn't there a decent man in the league?-
- None of your business.-
- Ha, i agree, sarah Is Good If she were Alive...
- Shut up!- the Girl shouted at me, standing up to her full height.
- Mm, so, you're even hotter...- I drawled with a smile.
* ples*
Nyssa sat back down and blushed. She is funny, looks belligerent and behaves the same way. But when you can't do anything, you become like that... I like...
I looked at her and said smiling:
- Doesn't the situation turn you on? You and I, almost naked, all alone...- I ran my foot over hers and said , - Don't you want to have fun?-
* Bang*
Nyssa kicked me and growled:
- Don't touch me if you touch me again...-
I was about to stop when I smelled it...
- Mmm, interesting...-
* Splash*
When she got closer to the girl, she flinched a little and tried to run away, but I put my hands out and wouldn't let her. Placing both hands next to her shoulders, I blocked all escape routes, and then whispered in her ear:
- You can't fool me, I can easily detect the scent of an excited girl. You may not realize it, but you definitely like this situation...- Nyssa shuddered even more at my words. But suddenly I heard a sound and was distracted by raising my head...
Several people entered the hall, of course it was them...
- What happened here?...- Oliver said, startled.
Deagle put his hand over his mouth, and Palmer and Felicity were so sick. Merlin only grimaced, And Then looked in my direction. I smiled at the blushing Nyssa and took my hands away... Hell, she was so hot right now that I was ready to snap.
I stood up and said irritably:
- What else do you need?-
At that moment, Nyssa jumped up, took her clothes and quickly ran away, leaving only a pleasant smell behind her... I looked at the trail of her delicious ass and smiled predatory. This is definitely not the end... she couldn't resist my influence, even if her brain told her one thing, but her body felt something completely different. Perhaps this is due to the fact that my body has completely changed. My influence on the opposite sex has increased in the same way, before I could not check it, but now... It looks like it is, either my pheromones or something else has become stronger. It is interesting...
I was distracted from my thoughts by a voice:
- How cruel...-
I looked at Felicity's pale face and said calmly:
- People kill animals, mow grass, and cut down trees, isn't that cruel to them?-
Felicity didn't know what to say, but Palmer cut in:
- Killing people and mowing grass are two different things!-
I shrugged my shoulders:
- It's no different to me. If you want to teach me morals, it's a stupid idea...-
Merlin interrupted, glancing at Oliver:
- You're right, some people attach too much importance to human lives.-
I put on my pants and put on my shirt when Oliver spoke up:
- No matter what happened here, that's not what we came for.-
I raised an eyebrow and asked:
- Yes? and Why?-
- For biological weapons.-
Finally finding a vessel in which you can type something and went to the pit of lazarus and answered:
- Don't bother, I won't give it up.-
- Why not?- Oliver asked more menacingly.
I turned and looked at him, then grinned:
- Don't make such a disgruntled face, i won't give it to you anyway. you are not strong enough to protect it, and if you want to destroy it, then this will not happen. but don't worry, i won't use it- I scooped up some water from the pit and added: - It would be stupid to kill your food, don't you think?-
oliver's frown deepened at my question, but he didn't argue. he wasn't a fool like barry, so when he understood, he turned around and started walking away. i wonder why he dared to come at all... i added in his wake:
- Good luck, Arrow!- Oliver paused for a moment, then continued to walk away. Everyone else followed, except Merlin.
Without turning my head from the Pit, I told him:
- Now you're a new Race, you don't have to worry and you can rule in peace.-
Merlin suddenly bowed and said respectfully:
- Thank you for that, and I promise you I'll pay you back.-
I waved my hand:
- No need, i'll just check the water from the pit, and then i'll leave." I don't care about the League or anything related to it. In the meantime, go with Oliver, maybe they still need your help.-
Merlin nodded, and bowed goodbye and started to leave.
- Oh, I almost forgot.- I turned and looked him straight in the eye and said - Don't touch Nyssa, even though she's your subordinate now, but don't even dare use it. No hair should fall from her head...-
Merlin visibly shivered at my gaze and nodded. After that, I turned away and decided to start checking the water. Malcolm exhaled and began to leave Nanda Parbat with quick steps.
I wasn't too worried about the girl, she could take care of herself, but it was worth it... One day we will meet and then I will not be able to escape...
I pushed my wild thoughts away and began to stare into the water. It was crystal clear, it looks like the source cleanses itself, this is already good. I didn't want to drink dirty water, and if it is, it is still acceptable. My theory was simple, if this water is able to heal, then perhaps there is this so – called-life energy in it. Of course, the ones she resurrected were a bit insane, but maybe it was just a side effect. In any case, it was worth checking, even if it didn't work, I wouldn't lose much.
Exhaling, I took a sip...
- Well, I don't think so...- Just as I was about to be disappointed, I suddenly felt it... this feeling was unmistakable... Saturation... it wasn't just strong, it felt like i'd eaten a whole person. i literally took a sip, but it would have been enough for me for many days... unbelievably...
Looking at this wonderful water in a new way, I smiled happily. i haven't felt this way in a long time... There was enough of it here to feed me for decades. Moreover, it is possible she may recover. If that's the case, then I can eat endlessly... Hmm, something's wrong...
Suddenly my body began to tremble, and my heart began to beat faster. I felt a strong heat in my blood, as if it began to boil, but then everything began to calm down, and then it stopped altogether...
I mumbled in surprise:
- That's strange... Everything was back to normal.- The feeling of satiety remained, but there were no noticeable changes with me. It was not clear, I'm just sure that something is wrong here. There is no free food, this water will surely have a side effect.