Chapter 48

Yeah, how strange, as far as I remember, Farook died in the canon, after a collision with Barry, but now he is quite alive. It seems my appearance changed the story a little... Hmm, well, maybe that's for the best...

When I entered the central hall of Star Labs, I immediately noticed Wells's wheelchair. It had a device in it to help it charge or something. In general, it was quite useful and probably from the future, so I decided to pick it up.

I'm not sure how it works, so I'll take the whole chair, and Hartley will figure it out...


When I got home, I immediately put the chair in my basement. Then I sorted out the little paperwork and went on vacation.


A few days later.

Events are getting more and more curious. Flash and Snard attempted to transport the meta humans as thawne began to put his plan into action. The particle accelerator could kill them all, so the noble Flash decided to save the villains. I just laughed at that and didn't interfere. I remember that Sarda fuck Barry and will release all the meta. All this is of course very interesting, Blackout will certainly do things, since he has big problems with hunger. Poor guy, I can't say I understand him, electricity is not exactly my type, but I feel a little sorry for him. Most likely, Barry will catch him again, this electric guy will definitely light up. It's a pity, but I didn't need it, it's certainly an interesting ability to control electricity, but I'll probably refrain. Out of the whole bunch, I chose to take one, and I already had one. His strength was mediocre, so he couldn't even resist.

Now this red-eyed man is lying on the operating table unconscious. Now this will be the norm for him, I will put him in a coma and will use it for a long time. Once a month or two, I'll pump out his bone marrow, and look at the results. Cruel of course, but I was curious about what would happen if I fed on his power for a whole year. I'm not going to touch anything else, of course, because I don't want him to die prematurely.

A rainbow raider, his abilities are mediocre, but in the right hands can also be dangerous. I've already absorbed his bone marrow and felt some changes. Of course, they were only in terms of normal boosts, like my reaction or strength, otherwise everything was the same as before. I didn't feel his abilities, so I probably needed eye contact with the victim... Well, I'll check it out later, I'm not really interested in it right now.

I was distracted from my thoughts by an alarm.

* Beep!* * Beep!*

I walked over to the monitor and grinned:

- It's started-

The Flash, Green Arrow, and Firestorm finally collided with the Reverse Flash. I remember this battle should have happened earlier, but for some reason it happened now. I was worried that something had gone wrong and I would have to intervene. I think it's because of Ras Al Ghul and me, the canon changed slightly so the battle started a little later...

A few minutes later, the result was already known, tone lost, and Barry celebrated the victory by taking him to Star labs. I wasn't surprised, but the fight was spectacular, it's good that they installed cameras otherwise I would have just found out about it and would not have been able to enjoy the view.


Finally, the day I've been waiting for is almost here. The disappearance of Thawne and the emergence of new meta people. The fun will start very soon, so I decided to go closer to Star labs and wait for the singularity to appear. I really hope that my appearance in this world will not cause the death of this planet. If Firestorm for some reason decides not to save this planet, it will be quite sad. Although, he kind of managed to marry Caitlin, so he has a reason to be a hero, I hope he doesn't let me down.

After about an hour, my instincts began to give me the first warning signs of danger. Then, it all started...

Something bluish rose directly above Star labs, and then the space began to shake. This thing began to twist and increase in size with each new turn. Everything began to drag in there. The roofs of the buildings were torn off and quickly pulled inside this thing, I was a little nervous, but I kept waiting. Over time, the attraction increased even more and whole pieces of skyscrapers, cars and trees began to drag into the singularity.

A minute later, I saw a bright orange flash and Flash rushed towards the wormhole, with all possible speed. After that, he tried to stop the swirls, but unfortunately it didn't work out... He was only able to stabilize it slightly, but it was definitely not enough. If this continues, the city is finished...

At the critical moment, another bright flash flew towards the singularity. This time it was him – Firestorm. Looks like the fun will be over soon...

As soon as Roni flew inside the thing, an explosion occurred a moment later, and then a man flew out of there. Barry scooped him up and started to climb down to the ground.

The wormhole was closed, Ronnie Raymond saved our lives... Damn, it's kind of unpleasant... the guy gave his life to save others...

I sat on the roof and watched the sky clear, with mixed feelings. On the one hand, I felt disappointed that if I hadn't been so weak, I could have easily stopped it and no one would have had to die. On the other hand, I felt a little grateful. Of course, I understand that he did not save me, but still, I was one of those whom he saved... If I were him, I would definitely not do that, even if I had the opportunity to sacrifice myself and switch places with him right now, I would definitely not do that. I have to admit, I've changed too much... Hmm, I definitely can't stay in debt. He didn't have to save my skin, but he did. I definitely can't leave it like this...

- Grr, all right, I'll keep an eye on your Boyfriends and this town. As long as I'm here, rest assured, I'll protect them.- It is unclear to whom I made a promise, I exhaled. It had been a long time since my conscience had woken up, and until that day I hadn't even given Roni's sacrifice a second thought. But now I feel strange, it's a little unpleasant... somehow, after making that promise, I felt a little better...

I used to justify my murders by killing bad people. But over time, I stopped caring, but I still didn't kill innocents... Yeah, it looks like I still have a little bit of the human in me. Oh, fuck it, I'd better go get a drink, soon there will be Zoom and other rabble, another headache...