Chapter Twenty - Part Two

'' No, that's okay, we can do it another time; just let me when it fits into your schedule, ''snaps Avery almost as she was slapped in the face by her son. After she understood everything that her boy went through with the loss of his wife, he canceled plans a lot to be there for Thomas? So you would think that things would be different? Although they are just as they were last year? Liam has been wondering who or what mentioned the idea to Hazel about him attending a Grief Group for Widowers, seeing that she just recently met him, so who really? Motioned her to recommend this idea to him considering that everything Hazel knows is what Liam or anyone has told her? So in a way, she is still a stranger in a way to him?

As Avery is heading to the doorway,'' Mom...wait, we can do breakfast if you genuinely want to, ''tells Liam wanting to talk to someone since things are icy between him and Hazel at the moment. She is about to leave, but before Avery does,'' maybe another time and you can get you to go the cafe and get your coffee & egg white omelet yourself, ''responds Avery walking out of her son's office and leaves. This makes Liam stunned; maybe him canceling on his momma a lot has affected Avery more than he thought it did? After all, he and Holly get caught up in their own busy lives, and they forget their mom does get lonely from time to time. He then gets up and heads to the cafe to grab his breakfast & have a heart-to-heart with his sister. He should fix things and move forward with his mom because his parents and Holly are his support system at the end of the day. Who has been there for him whenever he needed help with Thomas, so Liam needs to resolve what is bothering his momma the most? If he didn't have his family to lean on this past year, Liam wouldn't have survived this past year without him. Whenever it was to have Thomas have dinner at his parent's house or to and from school. Jeremy, Avery & Holly have stepped into Zoey's role in so many ways. I mean, it's great that he has three significant mother figures in his life, his two grandma's & then his aunt Holly. Nor any of them will ever replace his mom, but they are all best second figures filling on what a boy needs.

The sound of the cafe bell goes off as he enters his family's place and takes a seat at the counter,'' Hey sis, I'll have my usual ''says Liam, but avoids making direct eye contact. To prevent any questioning referring to last night, he just took off and disappeared out of thin. Which is something he used to do back in his teen years when he first started seeing Zoey? It makes you wonder is he going back to his old teenage ways? To avoid facing reality and running something that Liam is afraid of facing?

''Coming up, as Holly is unsure if she should ask about what happened last night? Also, you want to talk about why you all of a sudden disappeared out of nowhere. The way that you did and left us all confused and worried about al night?'' states Holly? Concerned about what is going on with her big brother right now? If there is anything that she can do to help Liam through this dark, hazy time that he is dealing with at the moment? He takes a few seconds of looking down before lifting his head,'' Honestly, I would rather forget about last night, ''states Liam. Liam has one weakness, and that is confessing what is bothering him the most and. He is scared to open up about it to the people he cares about the most to avoid feeling like a burden to anyone around him, whether his family or his extended Peppermint family. Holly lifts his chin & looks him straight in the eye,'' you and I both know that's not true. Now what happened last night?'' asks Holly knowing that there is a missing piece of the puzzle on what. Indeed went on last night on how suddenly after Thomas's play the previous night Liam took off right after that, Hazel suddenly felt under the weather when Liam disappeared? A coincidence, maybe? Seeing that they both left shortly after one another? Or a theory that something might have happened between the two? If only Holly could put her finger on what truly happened?

Liam sighs before running his hands down his face, realizing what happened last night? He can't keep it to himself much longer, which is not true since his mom knows what happened last night. Due to his whereabouts, behold on why Tom sleeping at their house last night. Not they didn't want him over, just was unexpected seeing as their son just took off out of thin air as if he suddenly turned into some ghost? The whole thing seemed out of the usual and Bazar for the Browns, which recaps the last year for all of them. It makes all of them wonder, will life ever get back to the way it is before?

Life has a way of taking it in a way you never expected it to go? How could Jeremy and Avery of known that when their boy said I do to his soulmate eleven years ago, she would die a year before married to their son for twelve years? Is the answer there was no way of knowing something as this would have happened? Or that when Liam stood at the church watching his bride come down the aisle and lifted her white veil, there would have been so many years of her as his wife.

Or nevertheless for their family to grow into something big? Unfortunately, there was a major eruption in that dream to expand when something came crashing down on that dream.