
Taehyung and Jungkook are right now in Taehyung's room sitting on the bed whereas the others left. Jungkook was focused on applying medicines and bandages on Taehyung's wound and Taehyung was busy staring at his Kooki taking care of him.

Suddenly, he hissed in pain and looked at Jungkook who was already looking at him with angry eyes which made Taehyung confused "What happened Kookie?"

Jungkook did not say anything and looked at him in disbelief.

"Kookie," Taehyung said again in a worried tone.

Jungkook sighed and said in an angry tone "I told you didn't know how to apply bandages!! And see, I was correct" saying this he got back to the wounds.

"Sorry Kookie," Taehyung said with puppy eyes and a cute pouty face.

"But Kookie how did you that my wounds are deep and how to apply a bandage?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook stopped doing his work and looked at Taehyung and said "I have studied medical" saying that he waited for Taehyung's reaction and he got an 'O' face in return.

Somehow, Jungkook found that face of Taehyung cute and let out a chuckle getting a 'what happened' look from Taehyung but he just shook his head indicating nothing but Taehyung was still looking at him confused as Jungkook went back to bandaging him.

"Kookie" Taehyung called Jungkook again who hummed in return "Why aren't you shocked by my wounds and didn't ask anything?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook stopped his work again, sat back, and took his hands away from Taehyung "Um... When you were explaining hyung who are you I heard it" before Taehyung could ask something Jungkook said "If you now ask me anything then I will let you bandage yourself and I will go from here" Taehyung quickly shook his head innocently and extended his hand towards Jungkook which he bandaging indicating to continue bandaging.

After an hour,

Both of Taehyung's hands were done and now it was his back's turn so Jungkook asked him to turn around and sit and he did it.

Taehyung's back had wounds some small scratches, some big scratches, some deep cuts, and some lights. It broke Jungkook's heart into pieces seeing his Taetae's back this way, he extended his trembling to touch Taehyung's wound but when he touched he earned a hiss from Taehyung he quickly apologized "Sorry" he said with a worried voice.

Taehyung knew that his Kookie is worried about him "It's okay Kookie I am used to it"

When Taehyung said that Jungkook went in shock 'he-he is used to it' but his thoughts were interrupted by Taehyung "Kookie it's okay if you can't do it ask Jin hyung-"

"No, I will do it!!" saying that Jungkook took the medicines and started applying the to Taehyung's wounds.

Taehyung just sighed and let him do whatever he wants to do after all his Kookie is innocent he can't see him like this and it will hurt his Kookie but he had no choice.

A few minutes later,

He could hear small sobs, he panicked and asked Jungkook "Kookie are you crying?" in a worried tone but he got no reply so he was about to turn the Jungkook stopped him by his hands and said "I am almost done" in a cracking voice but Taehyung did not listen to him and turned around to see his Kookie hanging his head low.

Taehyung kept his index finger on Jungkook's chin and lifts his face up.

"Kookie, look at me," Taehyung said to the one who is avoiding looking his eyes "Kookie" Jungkook shakes his head, Taehyung sighed and says "Kookie if you don't look at me then I will open all these bandages and will not apply for the medicines too neither will I allow anyone to do that" hearing that Jungkook immediately shakes his head and looks at Taehyung with red eyes and puffy eyes and nose which Taehyung found cute and cooed internally but worry replaced it when Jungkook started crying again.

"Kookie what happened why are you crying?" Taehyung said to Jungkook in the gentlest voice possible by him.

"You-your back," Jungkook said between his cries hearing that Taehyung chuckled at him which made looked at the younger look at him confused.

"Just because of the wounds on my back you are crying?" Taehyung asked and got a nod from the younger in return "Oh my kookie, you are so innocent and cute" Taehyung chuckled and pulled his cheeks leaving a confused Jungkook who after a few seconds slaps his hand and looks at him angry

"What are you laughing at? Do you know how deep your wounds are?" Jungkook said to Taehyung in an angry voice.

"Yes, Kookie I know"

"Then why were you laughing?"

"Because I am used to it"

"What do you mean by used to it, you are a big mafia and dangerous then you should be getting only get small wounds and not so severe ones," Jungkook asked in a worried tone

"It happens sometimes Kookie" Taehyung said ruffling the younger hair then he turned his back to Jungkook saying "Now finish it fast I am hungry" hearing that Jungkook started applying the medicines again.

After applying the medicines, he took the bandages in his hand and was about to put them on Taehyung when reality hit him 'I-I will have to hug him and touch his chest. Oh my god, his chest!!' Jungkook thought.

"Kookie are you done or not?" Taehyung asked him starting to get impatient.

"Almost done Taetae" Jungkook as he started warping the bandage around Taehyung's back.

'Ohh my god please help me' Jungkook thought.

As he was wrapping the bandage around Taehyung he leaned more on Taehyung's back to take the bandage from the front he was already a blushing mess but blushed more when he felt his hands touching Taehyung's well-built chest.

On the other hand,

When Taehyung saw Jungkook's hand coming towards his front to wrap the bandage he blushed but when he felt Jungkook's hot breath on his back and his hands touching his chest he was getting turned on.

Jungkook unknowingly moved his hands on Taehyung's hard chest feeling his abs which turned on Taehyung more the hot breath of Jungkook was getting on his back wasn't helping either so he took the matters into his own hands before he fuck the boy mercilessly.

He holds Jungkook's hand "Kookie stop otherwise what happens next is not my fault"

Jungkook immediately took his hands back "So-sorry" and continued wrapping bandage the around Taehyung again.

From time to time, Taehyung was feeling Jungkook's hot breath on his back each time Jungkook leaned but he had to control himself.

After a few minutes,

Jungkook was done so he got up and put all things back in the first aid kit and went to the washroom 'Jeon Jungkook what did you do to me' Taehyung thought.

On the other side, Jungkook immediately went inside the washroom and closed the door.

He patted his heart "Calm down my heart calm down he is not here" then he looked at himself in the mirror and his face was all red.

He remembered the moments he touched Taehyung's abs "His body his chest his abs, oh my god!! Jeon Jungkook stop thinking like a pervert" but his thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Kookie hurry" he hurriedly washed his hands and opened the door.

"Let's go," Taehyung said. Jungkook nodded so they went towards the door but when they opened the sight in front of them shocked them both.