Did they?

Next morning,

With YoonMin,

Yoongi was sleeping and cuddling something he thought was a pillow and started snuggling his nose "So warm and hard"

"Of course my Kitty my chest will be hard, I work out and I am a mafia," Jimin said.

Yoongi opened his eyes and found he was hugging Jimin's naked chest and that man was looking into his eyes with his hands on Yoongi's waist.


Yoongi realized that he was naked on the bed with his boyfriend. His face immediately turned red and hid in Jimin's bare tattooed chest which made Jimin chuckle and squeeze his ass "Ahh~" Yoongi let out a low moan and he would feel Jimin's member getting hard, he looked at Jimin.

"Don't worry I won't do anything to your pretty already swollen ass" Jimin again squeezed Yoongi's ass who hide his face in Jimin's chest.

"Why are hiding now you were very bold yesterday taking the initiative first" Yoongi blushed.

Jimin removed their blanket, Yoongi was about to hide his body with his hands but Jimin carried him in bridal style and took him into the washroom and Yoongi gave him a confused look.

"What? You think you can walk?" He put Yoongi in the bath tub followed by him and filled him with warm water and took a bath.

Yoongi in Jimin's arms went and saw everyone in the same condition as the two.

With HoNa (Hoseok and Ana),

Ana woke up rubbing her eyes and was about to move when he felt a pain in her lower body and that's when she realized that she was naked, she tried to get up but fall down with a loud thud and started crying.

Hoseok came out running when he heard the noise, he was taking a bath so he quickly showered himself wrapped the towel around his waist, and came out running, as he came out running he saw Ana on the floor crying so immediately ran to her and hugged her.

"Shh it's alright," Hoseok said patting her back while hugging her and when she calmed down he picked her up and made her sit on the bed and sat beside her.

"What happened baby?" Hoseok asked Ana who currently looking at her boyfriend's bare chest dripping water and unconsciously touching his body.

Hoseok immediately hold her hand and stopped her making her look at him "Don't do it, baby, otherwise I won't be able to control myself and I don't want to fuck you again"

"We last night?" Ana asked Hoseok with a red face as she started to flashback to yesterday night

"Yes baby and you were the ones who came to me first," Hoseok said with a smirk and took Ana in his arms and went to the washroom, and made her in the bathtub Hoseok said beside her.

After the bath, they both went down to see Namjin in the same state.

With NamJin,

Namjoon woke up with pain in his lower body and groaned sitting on the bed rubbing his eyes and then looked at the room it wasn't his room then he realized "Oh my god it's Jin's room" he said in shock and started thinking what happened last night and then realized he was naked on Jin's bed.

"Oh my god don't tell me we did it," Namjoon said in shock not knowing there was someone who was sitting on the sofa and enjoying what is happening he continued "Oh mo did I just sleep with the person I like"

"Well... I liked it too now that I think of it but was it true that I took the initiative first?" Namjoon thought out loud.

"Yes it was you," Jin said keeping the book aside, and got up from the couch and went to Namjoon.

He picked him up and put him in the bathtub for the bath.

After the bath, they both came down. They were the first ones to wake up and go down.

With TaeKook [whom you all were waiting for]

Jungkook woke up first, he opened his eyes only to widen them more when he saw Taehyung hugging him, his hands on Jungkook's waist and Jungkook's hands on his chest he blushed at the sight and only to make things worst he realized that Taehyung was shirtless since he could feel his abs and thick chest he blushed more now he was tomato red.

He tried to move and get up from Taehyung's grip without waking him up but as he moved Taehyung tightened his grip on Jungkook's face which made his and Jungkook's face only inches apart.

Jungkook now admired Taehyung's sleeping face, his pouty lips, squished cheeks in the pillow, the moles, and his eye lashes.

Unknowingly Jungkook moved forward until their lips meet. Jungkook realized what he was doing he was about back away when Taehyung held his nape and kissed him he unknowingly kissed him back.

After a few minutes,

They parted the kiss for air. Taehyung opened his eyes only to find a red-blushing Jungkook.

He removed his hands from Jungkook and sat back and removed the blanket revealing his naked body.

He got up that's when Jungkook realized he was naked on a bed with Taehyung 'NAKED ON A BED WITH TAETAE WHAT HAVE I DONE' he thought not realizing that Taehyung is behind him.


"Ahh!" Jungkook yelped when Taehyung removed the blanket and pick him up and went into the washroom.

Taehyung made Jungkook sit in the bathtub and started the tap to let it feel it warm water and went towards the shower and started taking the shower knowing at Jungkook was looking at him.

After the shower,

Taehyung goes to the bathtub "Go ahead" Jungkook does as he was told. Taehyung sat behind him.

It was silence between them but not awkward they were enjoying each other's company, Jungkook leaned back on Taehyung who wrapped his arms around the younger's waist.

"Taetae" Jungkook called him getting a hmm in response.

"Last night did we?" Jungkook asked Taehyung looking down and playing with his fingers shyly, Taehyung smirked and leaned on Jungkook's ears, and said, "What do you think?" Jungkook was completely red.

After a few minutes,

Taehyung got out of the bathtub wrapped a towel around his waist and picked Jungkook up in bridal style and took him to the room.

He gave him his pair of clothes which the younger gladly expected and wore it.

Taehyung took Jungkook down in bridal style to the breakfast table where the tops were smirking and the bottoms were shy.

"Oh, Taehyung did you two last night?" Jin asked smirking making Jungkook red.

"Oh hyung they must have done it look at their necks filled with hickeys," Jimin said smirking.

"No, we didn't". Taehyung and everyone including Jungkook was like 'what?'

"Then why is my lower body paining," Jungkook asked Taehyung in confusion.

"You feel down Kookie," Taehyung said unbothered but still noticing Jungkook's reaction who doesn't know whether he should be happy or sad.

"Then what happened because I remember Jungkook kissing you," Jin said getting what from everyone except Taehyung then again looked at Taehyung waiting for answers.

Taehyung kept his fork down and said "Yesterday-"

Flashback start.....