
After the meeting,

With Jungkook in his cabin,

"Hyung that person messaged me again" Jungkook sat down on his chair.

"Well, Jungkook that's the problem," Hoseok said worriedly.

"What do you mean hyung?" Jungkook asked confused.

"I can't get through it," Hoseok said.

"What do you mean by that hyung?" Yoongi asked.

Hoseok sighed "I am unable to hack him"

"What?!" Jungkook, Namjoon, Yoongi and Jimin said in shock.

"Hyung you are joking right?!" Jungkook asked in shock.

"Sorry Jungkook" Hoseok said.

"It's okay, but who can beat you?" Jungkook asked confused removing his phone from his pocket.

"I don't know Jungkook" Hoseok sighed deeply.

"Could it be.." Yoongi said hesitantly.

"Who baby?" Jimin asked Yoongi giving an assuring look.

"Could be Taehyung?" Jungkook's head immediately looked at Yoongi and then at Hoseok, with eyes asking something.

"I don't know Yoongi," Hoseok said.

"So it could be Taetae-" Jungkook's phone suddenly dinged indicating a message but when he picked it up-


You were wonderful in the meeting today baby

"Hyungs that person messaged again," Jungkook said. Everyone peeked into the message.

"How did he know about the meeting and how you did?"Jimin asked. Jungkook showed them the previous chats also.

"I don't know hyung" Jungkook replied.

"Jungkook ask his name" Namjoon said. Jungkook nodded.


What is your name?


You can call me tiger baby




Yes baby


I am asking for your real name


So you can hack me through J-Hope😏

Everyone was shocked seeing the message, how did he know that the person who tried to hack him was J-Hope?

"How did he know?" Namjoon asked shocked.


How did you know?


It's a secret baby😉


Okay, then I talk to you later baby, I have some work right now

"Let's just go home," Yoongi said. Everyone agreed but Jungkook and they knew it was no use so they just walked out and went to their home.

With Taehyung,

After he left Taekook, he went to his company.

When he reached he was still in his mask, except for the mafias and Rose nobody has seen the face of the CEO of The Kim Empire, he walked to his office without looking at the employees who are scared of their boss who is back after five years.

In his office,

He was signing some papers when someone burst in revealing Jin and Ana panting covering their faces with masks and carefully closing the door. Taehyung looked up at them with his elbows on the table leaning and palms supporting his chin with a raised eyebrow.

"Taehyung here is –" Rose said but stopped when Jin and Ana looked at her "Hello Jin Hyung and Ana eonnie," she said keeping the file coffee on the table.

"Rose what are you doing here?" Jin asked Rose.

"Well, we have some work" she replied nervously.

"Hmm.. and you?" Jin asked Taehyung.

"Hyung, first sit you still haven't healed from the accident," Taehyung said to Jin, leaning back on the chair which shocked Jin and Ana "Lock the door," he said to Rose.

Jin immediately sat down "Tae what are you planning now?"

Taehyung removed his mask as Rose closed the door "His end hyung" anger filled in his eyes and voice, he clenched his hands and a dark angry aura surrounded him.

"Your Kookie misses you," Jin said calming Taehyung "He cries every night for his Taetae" in a sad voice.

"I know hyung" three of them were shocked "I see him every night hyung, every night crying and cuddling my pillow sleeping, in my room wearing the couple night wears we brought on our date," he said in a cracking voice.

The others were shocked that he had CCTV in his room watching him and they thought only Jungkook suffered but little did they it was Taehyung too suffered.

"Then come back," Ana said.

Taehyung let out a chuckle " I wish I could go "

"Why didn't you tell him anything?" Jin asked turning serious.

"There is no guarantee of me coming back hyung," Taehyung said with a little sadness in his eyes.

"Then give your everything for your Kookie and come back Tae," Ana said, the other two nodded.

"I am doing this for him only, for his safety, for his life, for his happiness, for his joy, for his everything," Taehyung said. Rose was a little shocked to hear everything

"You love him so much?" Rose asked Taehyung in shock.

"More than you think, Rose" Taehyung replied.


A knock came on the door saying that he has a meeting with the staff and went away when that person got a 'Yes' from Rose. Jin and Ana stood up wearing their masks on the way to the door when Jin stopped and said without turning back "Think what I told you" and walked out with Ana.

As for Taehyung and Rose, they went to the meeting in a mask. Taehyung was angry and frustrated because the meeting was awful so he had to leave it halfway and went out of the meeting, followed by Rose.

He told Rose to go home and Rose could not say no knowing saying no will make Taehyung angrier she doesn't want to die yet so she left and decided to go shopping with Ana.

It was nighttime now and both sides were done with their dinners.

"Wow, Jinnie hyung the same old taste," Rose said. Yes, she was with them at Jungkook's place now.

"I know, I am the best and will always be," Jin said proudly.

"I am done. I will be in my room if you need me" Jungkook said getting up and going into his room whereas the others just sighed. Since Rose was here before Jungkook they told them everything to prevent Taehyung's name in front of him.

In Jungkook's room,

He was in the washroom taking a shower when he heard some noise 'Huh?? Who is it?' he thought and walked out of the washroom wearing a towel around his waist, exposing his milky collarbone, his well-built chest, and his abs.

"Who is it?" he asked.

"Your tiger, baby," a voice said.

Jungkook looked at the balcony door and was shocked to see the person in front of him, he had a tiger mask on his face with black skin-tight pants sticking to his legs, a black turtle neck t-shirt, and a leather jacket.

He walked towards Jungkook who just looked at him with shock 'How the heck did he get in? How did he pass the security?!' Jungkook thought.

Tiger walked to the door, locked it, and went in front of Jungshook. He grabbed his waist and pulled him closer, that's when Jungkook came back to reality and started to struggle in his arms.

"Stop struggling otherwise I will fuck you here and now" Tiger and Jungkook stopped moving not wanting to get fucked by a stranger.

Tiger sat down and pulled Jungkook on him making him sit on his lap "Ask" he said.

"How did you get in?! How did you get past the security?! How did you know that J-Hope was the one who was trying to hack you?! Who are you?!-" Jungkook stopped when a finger was placed on his lips.

"I am all yours, baby, so, ask the question one by one and as for who am I you will know soon," Tiger said pecking Jungkook's forehead and that's when a similar feeling hit him.

"I climbed up the window and as for the guards, I think you should recruit new ones since they were easy to fool" Tiger chuckled putting Jungkook on the bed and walking towards the cupboard removing his clothes and giving them to Jungkook.

"Here baby wear something, otherwise you will get cold and I don't want my baby to get sick after getting such an important deal," Tiger said giving the clothes to Jungkook who immediately took them and ran to the washroom hearing the word 'important deal'.

After he came out wearing his clothes, he saw a tiger laying on the bed and reading something.

Jungkook became curious as to what he was reading so he came close to see it was his diary, he immediately snatched the diary and held it tight to his chest making Tiger frown but he let it go this time.

"Baby, come let's sleep," Tiger said opening his arms to Jungkook who shook as head indicating a no.

"Baby come and sleep otherwise I will read that diary of yours," Tiger said to which Jungkook immediately reacted by walking to the other side and keeping his diary, moreover, hiding it inside the night table and tugged himself in the blanket not facing Tiger.

"Baby, in my arms now," Tiger said in a commanding and angry which made shivers run through Jungkook's spine and turned around only to be pulled by Tiger close to his chest.

Jungkook's face was in Tiger's neck sniffing it and he found it similar 'Is it you Taetae?' He thought.

"Baby, tell no one that I am here otherwise you will not be able to see him again," Tiger said. Jungkook nodded not wanting one more person important and precious to him to leave him.

"Words baby" Tiger's voice was commanding.

"Ye-yes" Jungkook said.

"Good baby" Tiger kissed his forehead "Sleep now baby, in my arms" in a calm voice.

After a few minutes, Jungkook was asleep in Tiger's arms.