He is back

That night Jungkook slept crying while hugging his pillow thinking about why Tiger left him when he spends the night with him at least till he is asleep.

As for Tiger aka Taehyung, he goes back to his place, not Rose's (The one he went to in the slap chapter), and starts training and thinking of what he should do to keep Jungkook away from that man and he was awake the whole night thinking, practicing and removing his aggression.

The next day,

With Jungkook,

He woke up and did his daily routine then went down to the others who are already at the dining table waiting for him.

"Ohh Jungkook you came, have a sit," Namjoon said and Jungkook did.

"Jungkook, are you alright"?" Rose asked. Jungkook nodded.

Jin was worried because Jungkook was looking sad and almost lifeless when he shouldn't be feeling like this as Taehyung was with him yesterday and they had a date.

'What happened between them' Jin thought.

"Hyung, what time do we have to go?" Jungkook asked Namjoon.

"Where are you guys going?" Jimin asked.

"To the construction site since Mr.Jung is busy today," Jungkook replied.

"We are going in the evening right before the sunset," Namjoon said.

After that, they left,

The mafias and Rose were home alone sitting on the couch and thinking about how to stop Jungkook from going there.

"I have an idea," Ana said and they looked at her.

"What?" Hoseok asked her.

"We will call him here" Ana smirked.

"Are you crazy Ana? He won't come" Rose sighed.

"You guys said that he will do anything for Jungkook right?" The others nodded.

"Ana, what are you trying to say just get to the point?" Jimin asked.

"We call him a thing that he has to give his marriage invitation and pick up Rose"

"Are you crazy woman?" Jimin said.

"Let me complete my sentence you dumbass"

"Sorry continue"

"So, we will call Jungkook home early and fast saying that it is an emergency and he will come running"

"But he won't agree" Rose sighed

"Then he has to make him agree," Ana said.

"That won't be needed," Jimin said looking at his phone.

"Why?" Jin asked.

"He agreed" Everyone looked at Jimin like 'What'

"What?! How?! When?!" Rose and Ana asked surprised.

"Aish, I forgot," Jin said.

"What?" Ana asked.

"He has installed cameras all over the house to keep an eye on Jungkook," Jin said.

"Wait that means even in our room THAT MEANS HE SAW ME AND MY YOONGI FUCKING?!" Jimin shouted.

"HE SAW US FUCKING?!" Hoseok and Ana shouted. Rose was dumbfounded and Jin sighed.

"No, you dumb fuckers he has only kept a camera in Jungkook's room, living room, and kitchen," Jin said sighed, and called Taehyung who picked up immediately.

Jin kept the call on speaker,

"So when are you coming," Jin asked.

"In an hour" Taehyung answered.

"Wouldn't that be early?" Rose asked.

"Come by evening an hour before the sunset," Jin said.

"Okay. When is he going?" Taehyung asked worry could be heard in his voice.

"They are going right before the sunset" Rose said.

"But what will happen when Jungkook sees the invitation card?' Hoseok asked.

"We will see" Taehyung ended the call.

"This bish," Jimin said.


In the evening,

The mafias' and Rose's plan was set now they were just waiting for the right time.

It was an hour before Jungkook, Yoongi and Namjoon were going to leave and that's when Ana called them and said 'It's an emergence come back home right now' as planned and the three of them rushed back to their house hoping everything will be fine.

After calling Jungkook within a few minutes Taehyung was standing in front of them wearing black skin-tight ripped jeans and a turtle neck t-shirt with hands in his pocket and not giving a damm aura and a cold voice "Where is he??"

"On his way," Jimin said.

After half hour,

"They are here," Jin said hearing the car noise.

Yoongi and Namjoon came running into the house while Jungkook parked the car.

They both stood at the door shocked and their mouths hung open.

When Jungkook came from behind, he got confused that why are his hyungs standing like that "What happened hyung? Why are you standing like that?" neither of them said but pointed behind Jungkook.

Jungkook turned back and saw his Taetae sitting on the couch with his hyung, his eyes became teary with a slight smile on his face.

The happiness he is feeling on seeing his Taetae after all these years he can't express in words.

Jungkook walked towards Taehyung with teary eyes, showing happiness and a smile on his face which was increasing as he walked towards Taehyung, but when he reached in front of Taehyung he just stood there, with no movement.

He opened his mouth "Taetae" with a calm and happy voice to which Taehyung responded with "Kookie"

Taehyung stood up and came in front of Jungkook. He engulfed Jungkook in a tight hug which said to Jungkook that it was real and hugged him back tightly while crying.

Everyone present there was happy that they reunited again but little did the three know what the others have planned.

After a few minutes,

They broke the hug. Jungkook cupped Taehyung's face and kissed him all over the face while crying "You are back" he hugged him again which Taehyung gladly accept and hugged him back giving him a long kiss on the forehead controlling his emotions, slowly everyone came in the hug expect Rose who captured the moment in her phone.

After more minutes,

They broke and stepped away but Jungkook was still standing in front of Taehyung.

"You are not leaving again right?!" Jungkook in a cracking voice thought if Taehyung leaves him again he won't be able to bare the pain this time.

"No Kookie I am not leaving ever again," Taehyung said with a smile.

"Should we still go according to our plan?" Hoseok whispered asking Jin.

"We have to" Jin whispered replied.

"After seeing them like this, I don't have the heart to say it" Rose whispered. The three nodded

"Tiger will take care, just go Rose" Jin whispered.

"Okay" Rose whispered sighing.

"Umm, Tae" Rose called Taehyung who looked at her with everyone.

Rose got a deep breath "Umm...we have to go, baby"

This shocked Jungkook, Namjoon, and Yoongi.

Jungkook immediately looked at Taehyung "Baby?" and asked with teary sad eyes.

It hurt Taehyung to see him like this but he had to so he removed something from his back pocket kept in Jungkook's hands and walked out with Rose following him leaving the mafias dumbfounded.

"What the hell?!" Ana said.

"Isn't he going to say anything?" Jimin said.

Jungkook looked at the card and it was an invitation to Taehyung's wedding with Rose, it completely broke him. He ran to his room throwing the card there and locking the door.

Namjoon got confused, so he took the card and got shocked followed by Yoongi was peeked at the paper from behind and then looked at the mafias.

"Sit, we will explain everything," Jin said. They sat down on the opposite side.

Outside the mansion,

In the car,

Taehyung and Rose were sitting in the car waiting for don't know what but suddenly they heard a loud bang on the door was heard.

"You are going?" Rose asked knowing what is going to happen next and why were they waiting.

"Yes," Taehyung said as he picked up his Tiger mask and walked out going towards Jungkook's room, and Rose drives away.

Taehyung as always goes inside Jungkook's room from the balcony.

But today when he opened the balcony and stepped in "GET THE HELL OUT KIM TAEHYUNG" Jungkook shouted at him without looking at him hiding his face between his legs.

Taehyung thought that Jungkook thinks he is Taehyung, well he is but right now it's Tiger.

He walked closer to Jungkook and calmy said "Baby it's a tiger"

"I KNOW WHO YOU ARE! NOW GET OUT!" Jungkook said still not lifting his head.

He came closer to Jungkook and sat in front of Jungkook, when he was about to say something Jungkook lifted his head and removed his mask smiled, and said "I knew it" Taehyung was shocked.

'He knew it but how?!' Taehyung thought.

"You thought that I won't be able to recognize my Taetae with a mask," Jungkook said still crying.

"I am sorry-" Taehyung was interrupted by a harsh slap on his checks by Jungkook who was a crying mess.

Jungkook grabbed his collar pulling him closer "Why did you come back when-when you were going to marry someone?! Why did come as Tiger and gave me hope?! WHY, WHY KIM TAEHYUNG??!!" Jungkook broke down he left his collar.

His hands were on Taehyung's chest with his head hung low, crying.

For Taehyung seeing his Kookie like this hurts him. He couldn't hold it anymore he quickly pulled him into a hug while controlling his own tears.

Jungkook was struggling in his arms "Leave me! Please, leave me" Jungkook said breaking.

"I am not going to marry her Kookie," Taehyung said. Jungkook's head shot up looking at Taehyung with shock.
