
After breakfast,

Everyone was sitting on the couch,

"What's the plan Tae?" Jin asked.

Taehyung leaned back keeping his head on the couch eyes closed eyebrows a little frowned and arms crossed against his chest, taking a deep breath and releasing it still in the same position. The others sighed in worry.

"Tae you gotta think fast, we can't keep hiding here forever," Jin said worriedly. Taehyung nodded.

But even Taehyung is stuck on what can he do that will keep his baby and his family safe also he promised Jungkook to come back, he can't give him the same pain he gave him for the last five years for the rest of his life, so, he has to think of a safe plan in every way and also that can guarantee his come back.

Taehyung was stressing too much about the plan and the frown on his face has increased. Others were getting worried and got more worried when there was no plan what if something suddenly happens?

"I have thought something," Jungkook said as everyone looked even Taehyung opened his eyes and looked at him.

"What is it Kookie?" Yoongi asked.

"First promise that you guys will not shout at me," Jungkook said. Everyone narrowed their eyes "Please" Taehyung nodded. Jungkook took a deep breath and said his plan, everyone was looking at him in disbelief.

"No, Kookie we are not going with this plan," Jimin said.

"But-" Jungkook was interrupted.

"We have to keep you safe and not put you in danger," Rose said a little angrily.

"Baby, there is no way we are going with this plan," Taehyung said. Everyone nodded except for Jin.

"I think we can go with his plan," Jin said. Others gave him a shocked look and Jungkook gave him a small smile.

"But hyung it's too dangerous," Namjoon said worried written on his face.

Jin sighed and leaned by on the couch "I know Jonnie but we can train you guys and make sure that at least you guys know the basics, especially for Kookie" Jin said in a calm voice.

"But hyung-" Hoseok was interrupted by a loud bang on the table in the middle scaring everyone and looking with fear at the person who banged the table.

"We are not going to use this plan. We will think of another one but not this!" Taehyung walked to his room, slamming the door shut.

"How is the table still in one piece?" Hoseok asked looking at the table and then a 'crack' sound was heard "Ouch that must have hurt" some cracks appeared on the table.

"Hyung" Jungkook looked at Jin with teary eyes.

"Don't worry Kookie, I will talk to him" Jin said as he walked to Taehyung's room.

Yoongi immediately went beside his brother and gave him a side assuring him that 'Everything will be fine' when he saw the younger one on the verge of crying.

"Should we go and listen?" Jake asked.

"Do you want to die?" Jimin asked.

"Did you forget his warning in the before?" Namjoon asked.

"No, I remember but Jungkook is here," Jake said pointing atJungkook. The others sighed.

"Rose explain to your boyfriend- no husband how deadly can angry Kim Taehyung be," Jimin said. Rose nodded as she dragged Jake with him.

With Jin,

He was currently in front of Taehyung's room typing the password then opened the door only to find Taehyung sitting in the corner of the room on the floor with his knees curled up in between his arms and worry written on his face.

"Tae" Jin called Taehyung softly while walking toward him. Taehyung looked at him and Jin could see all the worry on his face.

The moment Jin told him about his father finding out about Jungkook, he became tense and the step he took was clear to Jin that Jungkook is too precious for him and if anything to him Taehyung won't be able to handle himself.

"Hyung" Taehyung replied back with an equally soft tone.

Jin sat beside him and engulfed him in a hug just like before whenever his father would abuse Taehyung he would do the same and pat his back.

"Tae, listen to me," Jin said patting his back. He nodded sniffing a little in his hyung's hold.

Jin let go of the hug with his hands still on Taehyung's shoulder "Tae we have to go with Kookie's plan" Jin said in the calmest and softest and gentlest voice.

"NO! hyung I can-can't lose him hyung," Taehyung said with teary eyes, he can't even think to live without his baby only he knows what he has gone through these five years.

Jin cupped Taehyung's checks and wiped the tears which were falling down his eyes unknowingly "Tae you won't lose him, you want to protect him right?" Jin said. Taehyung nodded.

Jin gave a small smile "Then do it, his plan is awesome Tae and you know it. We just have trained him a little" but Taehyung still shook his head as a no.

"Tae, listen to me please, it was the best plan anyone could come up with right now and this situation," Jin said and saw Taehyung thinking "Tae, it's the only plan in which everyone is present so he won't doubt anything right?" Jin asked. Taehyung nodded

"So, we are gonna use this plan right?" Jin asked. Taehyung sighed and nodded getting kisses on his face which made him giggle a little then stood up and was going out when "Want me to send him?" Taehyung nodded and Jin left with a smile.


With everyone by now, Jake and Rose were back,

They looked at Jin with curious and worried eyes when he came but got confused when they saw the smile on his face.

"He agreed," Jin said. Jungkook jumped happily to him while the others had their mouth hung open.

"But isn't it risky for Kookie?" Rose asked.

"Yes, it is but it involves all of us so I don't think so he will doubt it" Jin sighed. Others nod "Oh, Kookie go he calling you," Jin said. The younger ran to Taehyung.

"Are you sure hyung?" Jimin asked. Jin nodded and sighed "We will start the training tomorrow," he said and walked into the kitchen like a hungry mochi.

"Didn't we have our breakfast like a few hours ago?" Rose asked confused.

"My ass is gone," Yoongi said sighing.

"Why?" Ana asked.

"He is getting strength for tonight since we won't be able to do it in a while," Yoongi said sighing and praying for his ass which made everyone laugh.

"Hold on," Namjoon said frowning his eyebrows.

"Hyung it's fine I-"

"Did Tae wear protection yesterday or he didn't cum inside my Kookie?" Namjoon said making everyone gasp.

"We never asked that shit," Hoseok said.

"We will ask them later," Jin said not wanting to interrupt the two right now and the others agreed to it.

"Yoongi" Hoseok called. Yoongi looked at him.

"Don't be loud, I want to sleep today" Hoseok said with a smirk.

"JUNG HOSEOK!" Yoongi said and they started chasing each other like tom and jerry making the laugh at them.

In Taehyung's room,

With TaeKook,

Jungkook ran to Taehyung's room and typed the password then walked in only to find his lover sitting in the corner of the room legs between his hands which were wrapped around them and his head on his knees like a baby crying in the corner when his mother shouted at him which broke Jungkook's heart but he slowly went to Taehyung and gave him a soft hug.

The hug made Taehyung look up at Jungkook who has a soft smile looking at him. Taehyung hugged him back leaving his knees with his face in his neck taking in his scent while sniffing a little.

When Taehyung lifted his head up, Jungkook could see tears stain on his cheeks, his eyes a little red with his nose also red. Jungkook gave him a sweet and love-filled kiss on his forehead which made him smile in the hug.

It's been a few minutes and they were still hugging when suddenly Taehyung broke the hug and kissed Jungkook with all his love which shocked him but he quickly recovered and kissed him back with all his love wrapping his hands around Taehyung's neck and Taehyung's hand going on his waist pulling him closer deepening the kiss, there was no lust in the kiss only love and care for each other.

Jungkook broke the kiss panting and looking straight into Taehyung's eyes, the older panting and pecked his lips "I love you baby" the younger blushed "I love you too Taetae" he said pecking his face. The older giggled.

Taehyung picks him up in bridal style taking him to the bed, laying him down, hovering him, and firing his face with many kisses but stops at his lips. Taehyung kissed him again but this time the kiss got a little hot when the tongues got involved and hands started going down opening up their shirt button.

Taehyung broke the kiss and attacked Jungkook's neck with hickeys while the younger's hands went into his hair making it a mess.

Jungkook's hand was going unbuttoning Taehyung's pants but they were interrupted by two males who came into the room without warning, opening the door with a loud bang.

Yoongi and Namjoon just stood there shocked followed by others, Taehyung's lips left a scary and frustrated growl looking at them with deadly eyes for interrupting their session whereas Jungkook became all shy taking both his hands back to himself and hide his red face in Taehyung's arm who is still hovered over him glaring at the two.

"Taetae, get down" Jungkook whispered but enough for Taehyung to hear who sat beside Jungkook covering him so that he could get himself dressed properly.

"What?" Taehyung said in a lowkey scary voice glaring at them but this Yoongi glared back.

"What were you trying to do with my brother?" Yoongi glared and growled back at Taehyung making the others think he is dead.

"What Jimin does to you" Taehyung replied with his voice scarier and eyes more piercing which made Yoongi gulp and blush.

"Hyung what happened?" Jungkook asked peeking from Taehyung's shoulder since his face was still red.

"Did you wear protection last night?" Namjoon said trying to make the situation less scary but it was no use.

"No," Taehyung said.

"You cummed in him?!" Namjoon asked hoping the answer is 'no' because Yoongi was looking like an angry cat ready to attack.

"Yes," Taehyung said. Yoongi was to jump on him but Jimin caught him.

"Take this cat out," Jin said giving a little sassy look.

Jimin was about was say something "YOU CAME IN HIM YOU FUCKER!" Namjoon screamed trying to attack Taehyung but Jin caught him.

"You take your Koala out," Jimin said with the same sassy look Jin gave a while ago getting a glaring from him at which he scoffed at.

"Hyung I-I made him do it," Jungkook said shocking everyone except Taehyung.

Yoongi and Namjoon stopped struggling so Jimin and Jin loosed their grip a bit, they looked at Jungkook with their other mouths hung open and eyes wide.

"You made him do what?" Yoongi asked.

"You heard him, kitty cat, now get out" Taehyung smirked.

"You are kidding right kookie?" Namjoon asked again. Jungkook shook his head.

"YOU FUCKER I AM GONNA KILL YOU!" Yoongi said jumping onto the bed making everyone shocked, Jungkook almost fell because he was sitting on the edge but Taehyung caught him with one hand and the other holding Yoongi's hands.

Jungkook immediately got down.

Yoongi and Taehyung started fighting and Namjoon also jumped in it felt like a tiger, a cat, and a koala was fighting which each other while the others were trying to stop them but instead, they are getting kicked or punched away.

"Guys stop" Jungkook sighed and said in a calm voice.

"Guys stop please," He said again but nobody stopped.

"Guys it's enough," He said slowly losing his calmness.

"You are making a mess, stop it!" Jungkook said with a little loud voice but little fighting.

"YOU FUCKERS STOP FIGHTING AND CALM YOUR FUCKING ASSES DOWN!" Jungkook shouted and panted heavily due to anger. Everyone stop what they were doing, shocked because they never heard Jungkook shout this was the first time.

Right now,

Jungkook was sitting on the couch with his legs crossed and arms crossed on his chest, eyes, and face reflecting anger while the three men who were fighting were now sitting on the bed like obedient children afraid after mischief was found by their mother, the others were standing by the bed.

"Hyungs and Noonas you can make the lunch I will take care of these brats," he said looking at his hyungs and noona then at the three who gulped at the glare.

Ana, Rose, Jin, and Jake went down leaving only Hoseok and Jimin there since somebody has to stay if Jungkook gets angrier to handle the situation.

"Yoongi hyung you say first," Jungkook said looking at Yoongi "Why did you start the fight?"

"This bastard came in you that also was without protection," Yoongi said glaring like an angry cat.

"I said I made him" Jungkook glared at his hyung scarily who gulped.

"But he should have stopped you," Namjoon said.

"Want to say anything Taetae?" Jungkook asked. Taehyung nodded.

"I was about to remove myself but he pulled back," Taehyung said in defense.

"But Tae-" Jimin stopped when Jungkook gave him a death glare.

"He just like angry Taehyung" Hoseok whispered to Jimin who nodded.

"But Kookie what if you get pregnant in this situation?" Namjoon asked worriedly. Taehyung's eyes were wide open looking at Jungkook then Yoongi and Namjoon.

"I am sorry, I should have thought about the situation before doing it," Taehyung said with his head hung down.

"Yes, you should have," Yoongi said with an angry pout.

"You should have stopped us then hyung, weren't you guys eavesdropping," Jungkook said defending his Taetae to which Taehyung gave a sight smile and Yoongi shut his mouth.

"LUNCH IS READY!" Jake shouted from downstairs.

"Let's have lunch," Jungkook said getting up "And no one talk about it again understood" Jungkook glared. The three nodded and walked down for lunch.

After lunch,

Taehyung immediately went back to his room without telling or doing anything whereas the others were sitting in the living room, when they came downstairs Jin knew that Taehyung was upset about something but said nothing.

"What happened up there that made my brother upset?" Jin asked the ones who were up there.

"Hyung, what if Kookie gets pregnant in this situation?" Namjoon hugged Jin who hugged him back and gave him a small peck on his forehead.

"Jonnie baby" Namjoon looked at him "Did you say or ask that up there?" Namjoon nodded. Jin sighs heavily.

"I will go talk to him," Jin said about to get up.

"Hyung what happened to Taetae?" Jungkook asked worriedly

Jin sighed and sat back looking at Jungkook with a sad expression "He is worried that he may lose you kookie and if you get pregnant then..."

"Then what hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"Then I don't know how he will handle the current situation," Jin said with a sad smile.

"I will talk to him hyung," Jungkook said as he walked to Taehyung's and his room.

"Sorry hyung," Namjoon said.

"It's okay baby," Jin said giving him a peck.

'I just hope everything goes as planned' Jin thought.

Jungkook went into Taehyung's room only to find the latter laying down on the bed cuddling his blanket. Jungkook quietly went and lay beside him back hugging him. Taehyung turned around.

"What happened baby?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook was snuggling onto his chest

Jungkook looked at him and gave a long peck on his lips "You are worried that you will lose me?" he asked. Taehyung hesitantly nodded.

"Then don't be because I ain't going anywhere," Jungkook said with his adorable bunny smile.

"How couldn't I? You are too precious to be lost" Taehyung said pecking his head.

"I know," Jungkook said proudly. Taehyung chuckles a bit. Seeing him chuckle, Jungkook felt happy.

"Also, even if I get pregnant then worry about yourself"

"Why?" Taehyung asked raising an eyebrow.

"Because I am going to have late-night cravings and crazy mood swings"

"Ohh" Taehyung said with a small smile "Then I should worry about myself"

"Don't leave me after seeing the mood swings" Jungkook said pouting which turned into a smile when Taehyung pecked them.

"Of course not baby"

"The one who should worry is who makes me angry"

"Hmm" Taehyung pulled him closer and covered them with a blanket.

"Taetae it's still afternoon," Jungkook said snuggling his chest.

"Afternoon nap baby" Taehyung said closing his eyes.