
Next morning,

Everyone was awake and busy in Taehyung's party arrangement except for TaeKook who were still sleeping even though they went to bed early they still slept late. Both were talking, laughing, and whining while cuddling with each other.

Taehyung wanted to know his gift from Jungkook, the gift he gave was from their baby so now he wanted a gift from his Kookie who is not ready to say or give the gift, little does Taehyung know that what an amazing gift his Kookie has planned for him. Something he never expected from Jungkook.

TaeKook were sleeping peacefully.

Jungkook woke up rubbing his eyes cutely. When Jungkook opened his eyes, he found himself in Taehyung's arms with their faces only inches, a blush crept on Jungkook's cheeks and he looked down.

Jungkook looked down and his hairs were almost in Taehyung's nose making them itchy, because of the itchiness Taehyung groaned and opened his eyes only to find the source of the itchiness which was Jungkook's hair, he pulled back.

Even though Jungkook heard the groan he dared not to move otherwise Taehyung would see the blush on his face though they have kissed many times and had been with each other for a while like for months still Jungkook's heart would go boom boom on these types of small things and blush would creep on his face.

Taehyung pulled away from the hug but Jungkook still didn't look at him, he was still feeling shy.

Taehyung got up and went into the washroom without a word which confused Jungkook but he was happy that Taehyung went fast otherwise who knows what would have happened to him.

An hour passed,

Taehyung still hasn't come out. Jungkook was getting worried about him.

Jungkook was about to get up but then the bathroom door opened revealing Taehyung with wet hair, sticking on his forehead, water dripping from them, a towel around his waist, water dripping from his shoulder to his abs and all over his muscles, his abs wet.

Taehyung flipped his hair back, his biceps were in full view for Jungkook who now wanted to jump on Taehyung and lick those abs, bite on those biceps and that collarbone.

Without knowing Jungkook was now walking towards Taehyung and stopped in front of Taehyung who looked at him with a smirk.

Taehyung was about to say something when Jungkook smashed their lips together with his hands wrapping around Taehyung's neck who without wasting any second kissed him back and wrapped his hands around Jungkook's waist, pulling him closer.

Both indulged in lust for each other and kissed hungrily. The kiss was filled with lust for each other. Slowly both were moving back to the bed still kissing hungirly with Taehyung's one hand in Jungkook's shirt and the other still pulling Jungkook closer. Jungkook's now one hand was on Taehyung's bare chest feeling his abs, muscles, and biceps whereas the other hand exploring Taehyung's back and making a mess of them.

While kissing Jungkook fell on the bed and Taehyung took the chance to hover over him, still kissing.

Taehyung's one hand which was in Jungkook's shirt was now going upward touching the curves in a sexual way. He stopped at Jungkook's nipples pulling on them, Jungkook moaned in the kiss. Taehyung put his tongue in Jungkook's mouth and explored his mouth.

Jungkook's hand was going onto Taehyung's towel and was about to pull it when someone barged into the room.

Taehyung groaned and left the kiss and looked at the person who again interrupted them and let out a low but scary growl. Jungkook hid his face in Taehyung's chest out of embarrassment but was happy that someone interrupted them otherwise he would have given in and his surprise would fail.

"What is it?!" Taehyung asked in a low-key scary voice.

"We have got a problem," the boss said in a serious tone.

"We will be there," Taehyung said. The boss left.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook and worry was written all over the younger's face.

Taehyung gave a soft smile to Jungkook and a long kiss on his forehead to which he closed his eyes.

After Taehyung left the kiss Jungkook opened his eyes. They looked each other in the eyes.

"Go get fresh and don't worry everything will be alright ok?" Jungkook nodded and went to shower. Taehyung went to wear clothes and then went down.

After an hour,

Jungkook went down to the living room where everyone was only to find everyone sitting on the couch and the boss standing in the middle, he walked up to them. Everyone looked at him like they were waiting for him.

"You can ask him," Taehyung said.

"Ask me what? Jungkook asked.

"That BTS have a mission-" Boss was interrupted.

"BTS is not going to any mission if you want to go yourself or send TXT!" Jungkook said.

"But it is important"

"My Taetae's birthday is also important mister"

"He goes on a mission every year on his birthday"

"This year is different"

"We will lose a lot of money if he doesn't go"

"I own a very big company I can pay for their lifetime if they don't want to be a mafia"

"What is your problem if he goes on a mission today?!" Boss asked getting pissed.

"I just don't want him to go today," Jungkook said being at the last line of patience.

"It's just his birthday and he goes every year, especially today"

"HE IS NOT GOING AND THAT'S FINAL, INSTEAD TXT WILL GO!!" Jungkook shouted at the boss

"I knew it," Taehyung said.

"Knew what?" Jimin asked.

"That he would lose it and say no" Taehyung said walking to Jungkook.

Taehyung walked in between them facing Jungkook and he could clearly see that Jungkook was very angry at his boss who was also on the verge of losing it but said nothing thinking that Taehyung would make Jungkook agree, he is living in a hopeless world thinking Taehyung would go against Jungkook.

"Calm down baby," Taehyung said in a calm and soft voice.

"You are not going Taetae, if he wants, TXT can go otherwise no!" Jungkook said as an angry pout formed on his lips. Taehyung found it cute.

"Don't worry my dear Kook we are not going and yes TXT will be going instead of us since it's important," Taehyung said but after Kook, he side glanced at the boss and said it in a cold voice.

Jungkook happily hugged Taehyung who gladly hugged him back.

Jungkook looked at the boss and showed his tongue to him hugging Taehyung more tightly, the boss scoffed at his behavior but now he knew that if Jungkook says yes then yes if Jungkook says no then no. Jungkook rules Taehyung, he got to know that now.

In the evening,

At the party,

Expect the birthday boy everyone was there, waiting for him, especially Jungkook, he was anxiously waiting for Taehyung to arrive, he was very excited to see what Taehyung was going to wear. Jungkook was thrown out of the room by Taehyung saying that it is a surprise.

Jungkook was lost in his thoughts and didn't even realize that Taehyung came down and now is standing in front of him until he heard a voice calling him.

"Kookie" Jungkook came back to the world from that voice that belonged to his Taetae.

When Jungkook looked at Taehyung he couldn't keep his eyes from looking up and down at him again and again. Jungkook's mouth was also a little parted. Taehyung smirked proudly at the younger's reaction.

Taehyung was wearing black tight ripped jeans which revealed his thighs and his plumpy ass, then a white shirt that was sticking on his abs with a black blazer on it and a black tie, hairs above revealing his forehead and giving a perfect view of his forehead and eyebrows.

"You are looking very sexy Taetae," Jungkook said taking a heavy breath.

"I know my love" Taehyung smiled his signature boxy smile.

"Aish, don't smile your sexiness and cuteness both will kill me," Jungkook said dramatically keeping his hands on his heart.

"Really" Taehyung pouts and looks at Jungkook with adorable eyes.

"Don't!! Please you are killing me!!" Jungkook said dramatically. Taehyung laughed.

The couple had a quick but long and loving kiss with each other until someone interrupted them and Taehyung groaned frustratedly this time wanting to kill everyone. Jungkook laughed more like leaving a small chuckle.

"What are you groaning over you brat?!" Jin said smacking his head.

"Why does everyone keep interrupting us every time?!?!" Taehyung said rubbing his head and pouting.

"Kookie are you sure he is top?" Ana asked.

"That's how I got pregnant" Jungkook replied. Ana nodded.

"Let's cut the cake," Namjoon said bringing the cake.

"Happy birthday" they started singing as Taehyung cut the cake.

After the party was done,

Half of the population of drunk, TXT was drunk with Ana, Rose, and the boss laying on the couch like a drunkard.

"We will clean the house tomorrow," Jin said.

"Yeah I am tired too," Jimin said.

"But your gift is still left kookie" Taehyung pouted cutely giving Jungkook another heart attack.

"Ya-yah doesn't pout and I will give it to you today only, don't worry!" Jungkook pecked those pouted lips which turned into a smile.

"Okay! Let's go" Jake said carrying Rose.

They said good night and went to their rooms except for TXT and boss who were still laying on the couch.