

Jungkook is 8 months pregnant,

Namjoon is 7 months pregnant,

Rose, Ana, and Yoongi are 6 months pregnant.

Sana would still come daily and trouble them but was kicked out every time. It has been a week since she hasn't come so the others thought that she got her senses back, that Jungkook and Taehyung will not be separated but little do they know she is planning something evil.

Everyone was at the breakfast table except for Jungkook, he was nowhere to be found but nobody knew that because Taehyung wasn't down yet. When Taehyung came down he looked here and there while sitting at the table and others noticed.

Male pregnancy was rare but not shocking that's why pregnant males could go out feeling free.

"Tae what are you searching for?" Namjoon asked.

"Where is bunny?" Taehyung asked back.

"He is not with you?" Ana asked.

"If he would have been with me, then why would I ask," Taehyung said.

"He back home right?" Jimin asked. Taehyung nodded.

Jin was about to say something when Taehyung's phone rang. Taehyung looked at the person who was calling him "Bunny🐰💜" Taehyung immediately picked it up.

"Bunny, where are you?!"

"Calm down Taetae, I am at TaeKook"

"What the fuck are you doing at Taekook so early?"

"I am sorry but I had a meeting"

"Could have-"

"Sorry, tiger, I have to go bye" Jungkook ended the call.

"What is he-where are you going?" Hoseok asked.

"To TaeKook," Taqehyung said getting up.

"At least take food for him," Jimin said bringing a tiffin from the kitchen.

"When did you prepare it?" Taehyung asked raising an eyebrow but took the tiffin.

"We knew if he is nowhere to be found, he will be at Taekook," Ana said eating her food.

"How?" Taehyung asked.

"He became like in those five years, now go," Yoongi said.

Taehyung nodded and left from there, in a hurry he grabbed his coat and mask and then rushed to the car. Taehyung drove fast but not too fast, just enough to complete a four-hour drive in an hour.

At TaeKook,

Taehyung parked his car, wore his mask, and ran to Jungkook's cabin. On the way, he meet an employee who bowed to him with a flirty smile on her face, which he ignored to rush to Jungkook's cabin.

"BUNNY!!" he shouted as he reached the cabin only to make a focused Jungkook startle.

"Tiger" Jungkook looked at him in shock. Taehyung sighed in relief and walked to Jungkook and hugged him.

"Yahh!! Tiger, leave me I am working!!" Jungkook said while playfully hitting Taehyung's back.

Taehyung left the hug and sat in front of Jungkook who continued what he was doing that was working and also giving instructions to his employees. Taehyung was feeding Jungkook from time to time, he couldn't let his bunny stay empty stomach in this kind of condition or ever.

An hour passed,

The employees left and Jungkook relaxed by leaning back on his seat, his eyes closed and hands rubbing his tummy gently. Taehyung got up and took the support of the table, standing in front of Jungkook while looking at him with hearty eyes.

Jungkook opened his eyes only to find his Taetae in front of him already looking at him, making him blush. Jungkook made grabby hands towards Taehyung who hugged him tight embracing him in a tight hug, gently patting his back.

When Taehyung was about lower his mask and give Jungkook a kiss when an employee came which made him groan and Jungkook chuckle.

"Sir your meeting-"

"You have a meeting again?" Taehyung asked in disbelief.


"You are not going"


"Bunny, I don't want you and our baby bun to get sick," Taehyung said sternly.

Jungkook sighed "How about this, you come with me and sit with me?"


"Tiger, it's a shareholder meeting" Taehyung sighed

"You are sitting on my lap or you are not going," Taehyung said proudly making Jungkook sigh and nod.


"Let's go before he changes his mind"

Taehyung and Jungkook went to the meeting room.

Taehyung sat on Jungkook's chair shocking everyone and then Jungkook sat on his lap making himself comfortable by leaning on Taehyung and ordering the meeting to start. The employees and shareholders were looking at them in shock, none of the people in the room knew that they were a couple.

All the men and women in the room who wanted to marry them and become powerful could see that their efforts were going in vain because both of them looked whipped for each other.

Taehyung's POV

I could see my bunny tried when I first walked into his cabin, he seemed drained out like he was tired. What am I even thinking, of course, he was tired. He came late at night and was working, I woke up because of the noise he was making while typing and clicking his mouse.

Though I said him to sleep, I know he came late to sleep. I could feel him cuddle with me when he came to sleep. Then in the morning I come I didn't find him, so I thought he might be down with others though he wouldn't go but still.

I took a shower in a hurry and then went down but found he was not there, I got worried cause I know he worked late till night, and now where did he in the morning? When he called me and said that he was at TaeKook, I got angry but worry replaced it when I saw him.

Even now, I can see how tired he is, and now I am getting more worried because of how much I can see and understand the meeting is going well but not so well, the shareholders are creating some problems.

How dare that old hag insult, my baby!! How can he say that my baby is using me for money?! When I was about to say something Jungkook held my hand and shook his head lightly indicating a no, I just sighed and leaned back, I don't want to stress him more.

After an hour,

The fuck?! How long will this meeting be going on-

End of Taehyung's Pov

Taehyung turned to Jungkook and so did everyone when they heard snores, it was coming from none another than Jungkook. Jungkook was sleeping on Taehyung's shoulder with his hands around his tummy, cheeks squished against the shoulder, and lips turning into a pout.

Everyone in the meeting was cooing at him but Taehyung noticed something more, Jungkook's eyebrows frowned, he was tired. Then suddenly some people entered but not with a bang.

"Take him back home, we will handle it here," Yoongi said. NamJin and YoonMin entered.

"Aww, he is looking so cute when he is sleeping," Namjoon said cooing at his brother.

"I know, like a bunny," Taehyung said smiling behind the mask with hearty eyes.

Jungkook wiggled on Taehyung's lap, he kept on his legs on him and hands on the older's chest with checks getting more squished and lips forming a bigger pout making others coo more at him.

"He is looking so cute," one of the shareholders said.

"Tiger, take him home," Jimin said.

"And take care of him," Jin said.

"I know" Taehyung picked Jungkook in his arms but the latter moved.

"Yahh!! Be careful you brat" Jin said to Taehyung who rolled his eyes and walked out of the room carefully with Jungkook in his arms.

"Umm.... do you know what you said Mr.Kim?" one of the shareholders asked.

"He is my younger brother, come here Joonie" Namjoon sat on his lap same with YoonMin.

"Now, start the meeting" Jin's voice turned cold.

'Like elder brother like a younger brother,' everyone thought and started the meeting more like continued.

At home,

Taehyung was carrying Jungkook when they entered the house, he glanced at everyone in the living room and then went to his room. He gently laid Jungkook on the bed, covered him with the blanket, and pecked his forehead.

He changed Jungkook's clothes into something comfy then he changed his clothes. For a little while, he sat beside Jungkook, patting his head and looking at him while Jungkook snuggle with him.

He carefully came out of Jungkook's hold and replaced himself with a pillow, he went to the couch and started doing his work. From time to time Jungkook used to move from left to right and frown, that did worry Taehyung that Jungkook will get up as he knows Jungkook is used to his body while sleeping.

Those times Taehyung would stop working and go to Jungkook's side of the bed, pat his head and give him kisses on his forehead or tummy. That used calm Jungkook who knows how.

After two hours,

Jungkook woke up rubbing his eyes cutely, while Taehyung was in the washroom. Jungkook looked here and there while leaning on the bed headboard and rubbing his tummy.

"Taetae" Jungkook called and heard some noise from the washroom.

After hearing Jungkook calling him, he did his work and went out only to find a cute Jungkook sitting on the bed with his bunny smile and tiredness written on his face and eyes.

"Come Taetae, the baby kicked," Jungkook said with his bunny smile. Taehyung ran to him.

When Taehyung kept his hands on Jungkook's stomach, he could feel the baby's kick which made him happy and a boxy smile appeared on his face with happy tears in his eyes. He looked at Jungkook who had the same reaction as him, even though they left the kick many times still they enjoy it every time like its the first time.

Right now,

TaeKook were sitting on the bed with Jungkook in Taehyung's arms who was caressing his tummy, they were watching television when Taehyung remembered. Taehyung turned Jungkook around who was busy eating his chips but stopped eating and knew what was coming when he saw Taehyung's serious face.

"First you were up till late at night. Second, you left early for work. Third back-to-back meetings. Why?"

"Because I had work Taetae" Jungkook had a sad pout face.

Taehyung sighed "But you didn't care for your health nor baby bun's health"

"I am sorry Taetae"

"From now on, you are not going to work. It will be work from home"

"What?! No Taetae, please"

"Bunny you want faint from too much workload?"

"No" Jungkook pouted.

"Then it is work from home"

"Taetae only for this week let me go"

"No Bunny!"

"Please" cuteness attack by Jungkook.

Taehyung sighed "If you want to listen to me then do as I say or go to work your choice," he said as broke the hug and went to the couch taking his things.

"I am going to study, you rest," Taehyung left.

Jungkook just sat there with a bag of chips in his hands and sadness written all over his eyes he could cry anytime now but he composed himself. He took his diary and opened it, he first wrote in it and then read it. He smiled thinking and reading about the old memories.

After three hours,

NamJin and YoonMin were back, everyone was in their room except for Taehyung who was still in the study working, and HoNa who were cooking dinner tonight. TaeKook had no idea how much time was passed one was working and the other was in old memories.

Taehyung finally finished his work and leaned back on the chair and looked at the time "Shit" Taehyung picked up his things and ran to his room but stopped at the door and remembered that he fought with his bunny, he took a deep breath and opened the door.

As in entered the room he closed the door without looking at Jungkook and kept his things on the table then sat on the bed leaning against the bed headboard, and finally looked at Jungkook who was smiling and crying but Taehyung knew they were happy tears.

"Taetae, look," Jungkook said showing a picture of their first date.

"You still have these?"

"I have everything in my diary" Taehyung looked at the book.

"Is it the same book that I was trying to read when I came as Tiger for the first time?" Jungkook nodded.

"Taetae" Jungkook kept the diary aside and looked at Taehyung then hugged him who wrapped his arms around him. Even though they fought Taehyung didn't want to make Jungkook cry or stressed more since he was already tired.

"I will work from home"

"Really bunny?" happy Taetae

"Yes but if it's important"

"I will go and video call you from there okay?"


Soon both of them slept again.