
It's been a week since the accident happened, and now it was time to go home for Taehyung as he recovered pretty fast considering his heavy injuries leaving all the doctors dumbfounded at his recovery speed but the members were happy that Taehyung could finally go back home.

Sana was still nowhere to be found and the security around Minseok's was increased on the order by Jungkook. Though Taehyung wanted to just kill him and end him, Jungkook wanted to torture Minseok for the pain he caused Taehyung.

It was evening when they had to pick up Taehyung and Jungkook from the hospital and take them back home, Jungkook also because the latter denied leaving Taehyung alone and wanted to stay with him. Nobody wanted Jungkook to be sad so they agreed except for Taehyung who was against it.

Taehyung didn't want Jungkook to stay in the hospital since the latter was all well and also wanted him away from the hospital environment but Jungkook played his cute bunny card and played it on Taehyung who couldn't deny the cuteness and agreed.

Back to the present where Jungkook and Taehyung are being picked up by Jimin and Hoseok, the others stayed home for the welcome party and to take care of the pregnant people.

"Taetae, you know I can walk right?" Jungkook pouted.

"I know bunny, but I don't want you to walk" Taehyung pecked Jungkook's pouty lips "And what's wrong with me carrying my fiancé?"

"Quit the romance and hop in," Jimin said done with the two.

After two hours, they reached home,

When Jimin opened the door and the four went in, they gasped in shock.

"What the fuck happened here?!" Jimin asked.

"The place was hit by a tornado?!" Hoseok asked.

"Why don't you guys come in and have a sit," Soobin said.

"Is there a proper place to sit?" Taehyung asked. The others nodded.

"Pick me up Taetae, I can't see what is below," Jungkook said and made grabby hands towards him. Taehyung picked him up and the three walked to the couch and sat there, somehow.

"So, what the fuck just happened here?!" Hoseok asked.

The place looked like a tornado came to their house, the house was in a complete mess.

There was flour on the people like they were making something, burned decorations, a fire extinguisher in PD-min, Jin and Taehyun's hands, the pregnant people were covered with cake decorations and other food also a little like they had a food fight and the house was covered with food everywhere.

"Umm....we kinda umm..." Jin rubbed his nape nervously.

"You can say that things went kinda out of hands," Taehyun said nervously chuckling

"Kinda ?? Really ??" Jimin asked. others nodded.

"Tell us what happened," Jungkook said.


Jimin and Hoseok had gone to pick TaeKook while the others were at home decorating it. Jake and Jin were in the kitchen, and PD-min and TXT were following the four pregnant people's order of how to decorate.

"Appa, what are you doing?!" Ana got up going to the six.

"What's wrong now Ana?" PD-min asked sighing.

Ana took the balloon from his hand and gave it to Taehyun who looked at her raising his one-eye brow.

"You know where to put it and now put it," Ana said.

Taehyun got it and put it where Ana wanted. Taehyun got a pat on his back and PD-min got a smack on his head. Everything was good at least for the two in the kitchen and the four pregnant people cause the remaining six were suffering.

Suddenly, the two in the kitchen came running behind each other while holding something in their hands and throwing flour at each other like two years old making the whole house covered with flour.

"Why are you two running behind each other?" Namjoon asked


"IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!!" Jin shouted back running away from Jake.

"YEAH, AN ACCIDENT WHEN I WAS STANDING FIVE FEET AWAY FROM YOU!!" Jake threw flour at Jin who made Soobin his shield making him covered with flour.

"STILL IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!!" Jin said running away.

The two were running behind each other and throwing flour not only at each other but also at everyone else who make a shield to protect themselves. The six were getting angry because they were the most wanted shield and the four pregnant people hardly became one so these four were enjoying themselves.

Jin and Jake saw the four pregnant people enjoying themselves, then they saw each other and winked at each other. They wanted to come to the atmosphere light so they decided on this.

Beomgyu sniffed in the air and then looked at their kitchen decoration and shouted "FIRE!!"

"Burn everything on fire bow wow wow~" Yoongi sang.

"Hey (hey), burn it up (burn it up)~" Namjoon sang

"YOU DUMB FUCKERS FIRE!!" Huening Kai pointed at the kitchen entrance.

"FIRE!!" everyone shouted.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!! STOP THE FIRE!!" Namjoon pushed Jin in front.

"WHY ME?! YOU GO!!" Jin pushed Jake.

"THE ONE WHO SAW THE FIRE FIRST WILL GO!!" Jake pushed Huening Kai.

"I DIDN'T SEE IT FIRST HE DID!!" Huening Kai pushed Beomgyu.

"THE LEADER SHOULD GO!!" Beomgyu pushed Soobin who gave him a 'wtf' look.

"WHY ME?! THE OLDEST SHOULD GO!!" Soobin pushed Yeojun in front cause he was the closest to him.

"I AIN'T THE OLDEST!! HE IS!!" Yeojun pushed PD-min in front.

"HE WAS THE REASON FOR IT!!" PD-min pushed Jin in front and they continued.

"They are dumber than we thought," Ana said shaking her head.

"Yep, I wonder how they became so big mafias," Yoongi said.

"Let's go" Rose came with a fire extinguisher and attacked the fire with it.

"Dumb fuckers" four of them said to the mafias.


Taehyung, Jimin, and Hoseok were dumbfounded as Jungkook was laughing while sitting on Taehyung's lap who was holding him tight so that he doesn't fall.

"How dumb can you guys be?!" Taehyung asked the mafias.

"I am hungry, let's eat," Jungkook said wiping his tears.