
Jungkook was in his last month, he was walking like a penguin not only but the other four too.

Namjoon was in his eighth month.

Rose, Ana, and Yoongi were in their seven month.

Right now, Jake and PD-min were the only two who were taking care of the pregnant people BTS and TXT had to go on an important mission which was in another country, though BTS denied to go and said for only TXT to go they were forced to go by their lovers who planned to make the days of PD-min hell for sending their lovers away at the time they need them the most.

It was practically PD-min begging on his knees and pleading to them to send BTS to the mission as it was a big mission and if TXT go alone then they will be in danger because they don't have much experience. The five agreed only because of TXT.

With Jungkook,

In his room,

"I miss you" Jungkook whines

"I miss you too bunny and I miss our baby bun" he was on a video call with Taehyung.

"You know, our baby bun is missing you so much, it never stops kicking" Jungkook whines. Taehyung chuckled.

"Yahh!! Don't laugh" Jungkook pouted.

"I wish I could kiss those pouty lips and feel my baby bun's kicks when I talk" Taehyung had a sad smile.

"Don't worry, we are getting full revenge on PD-min" Jungkook said proudly.

"Nice work. What is he doing right now?" Taehyung asked curiously

"He is cooking something for me and Namjoon hyung, again" Jungkook sighed


"Yes, he does not know how to cook. I want to eat the food you cook" Jungkook whines.

"Just for a few more days bunny, then I am coming back. I will cuddle you, cook food for you, bathe you, and massage you, just a few more days bunny" Jungkook nodded with a pout.

"Btw, bunny, is Sana still coming, or was she found?" Taehyung becomes serious when it came to his bunny and baby bun's protection.

"No, Taetae there is no trace of her. It's like she vanished in thin air" Jungkook pouted.

"V!! We have to go" they heard Jimin yelling

"Coming!!" Taehyung yelled back.

"Have to go, bye bunny" Taehyung gave a flying kiss to Jungkook and ended the call

Jungkook leaned back on the bed sighing and rubbing his tummy talking to his baby bun.

"I know baby you are missing your appa, I miss him too but we can't do anything baby he has gone to work only because of that PD-min. Baby when you come out trouble him a lot okay? Because of him you and I had to stay away from your appa and my Taetae for fifteen days. When you come into this world, your appa and eomma will shower you with lots of love, not only us but your uncles and aunties will also do that. You know baby your appa and eomma are the youngest but you will be the oldest, you have to set a good example for your younger brother and sisters okay?"

"Do pee and potty on PD-min, make him a mess for taking your appa away for so many days. Don't worry baby eomma will help you with that, we will make him regret right baby ?" the baby kicked a 'yes' in reply making Jungkook smile evilly.

"Jungkook, food is ready!!" PD-mine shouted. Jungkook went down.


After a week,

"WE ARE BACK!!" the mafias ( BTS and TXT ) entered the household.

"TAETAE!!" Taehyung ran and hugged Jungkook.

"JINNIE!!" Jin ran and hugged Namjoon.

"MINNIE!!" Jimin ran and hugged Yoongi.

"SEOKIE!!" Hoseok ran and hugged Ana.

While the four couples were having their hug and make-out session.

"FINALLY!!" PD-min was very happy to see BTS come back.

"Don't worry the mission was very good and successful" Jin said while pulling Namjoon onto his lap.

"Fuck the mission, I am saved!!" PD-min threw his apron and started running all around the house in happiness leaving the mafias dumbfounded whereas the bottoms and Jake were laughing at him.

"It seems you guys tortured him to the verge that he begged us to abandon the mission and come back yesterday," Hoseok said with a 'wtf' look at PD-min who still running in happiness.

"We showed him living hell," Yoongi said proudly.

"Taetae let's cuddle," Jungkook said while looking at Taehyung with his big doe eyes.

"First, shall we see what we brought for you guys?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook nodded excitedly.

All of them were looking at the gifts, talking, complaining, being lovey-dovey, and laughing. They were in their world not noticing that the door was open and someone entered glaring at them with anger and hurt written on their face.

Taehyung felt someone staring at them so turned towards the door and saw the door open.

"Taehyun goes and closes the door," Taehyung said his eyes still on the open door.

Taehyun went and closed the door and locked it. Taehyung sighed in a little relief but was still worried since Sana was still loose. Jungkook saw the worry on Taehyung's face and kissed him distracting him.

"It will be alright Taetae, okay?" Taehyung nodded and continued with the gifts.


Taehyung was taking a shower while Jungkook was playing with the plushie his Taetae brought for him. While he was playing Taehyung came out with a towel around his waist and kneeled next to Jungkook, putting his head on Jungkook's tummy.

"Baby, did you miss your appa?" the baby kicks.

"Aww, appa missed you too" he lifted Jungkook's shirt and started pecking at it

"Did you trouble eomma?" the baby kicked again making both of them laugh

"Truthful," Taehyung said laughing. Jungkook joined him in laughing.

Taehyung stood up and hugged Jungkook tight making the latter blush because of his body, this was making Jungkook hard and blush. Jungkook was sensually touching him, feeling them, making Taehyung hard.

"Bunny, stop making me hard because your hole isn't free" Taehyung broke the hug. Jungkook pouted.

"Give me my hug back, you tiger!!" Jungkook pouted and made grabby hands.

Taehyung sighed and hugged him. They hugged each other for a while until Jin yelled for dinner. They broke the hug but arms still on each other, looking at each other, and shared a passionate and loving kiss.

"Let's go down," Taehyung said in a soft voice.

"Okie, but wear some clothes" Jungkook pointed at Taehyung's naked chest.

"Okay, but you wait here," Taehyung said to Jungkook who stood up to go down.

"No way, we are hungry" Jungkook walked off.

While Taehyung was wearing clothes he heard others scream "JUNGKOOK/KOOKIE!!" panic took over Taehyung. He wore his clothes quickly and ran downstairs, only to find Jungkook down the stairs in a pool of blood with Sana in PD-min and Jake's hands.

Taehyung just wanted to go and rip off her head but Jungkook was more important. He went to Jungkook and held him in his arms, tears flowing down his cheeks unconsciously while patting Jungkook's cheeks.

"Bu-bunny wake up" Taehyung patted his cheeks.

"It-its hurt Taetae, our ba-bay" Jungkook holds his tummy and cried in pain.

"Don't worry no-nothing will happen to our baby" Taehyung carried Jungkook in bridal style and ran to the car.

The others followed him. TaeKook and HoNa and Jake and Rose in one car, NamJin, and YoonMin in one car, and TXT and PD-min in one car.

"You will be alright, bunny, and our baby too" Taehyung was crying and covered in blood.

"Hurry Jake!!" Jake increased his speed but was still careful.