Punishment (M)

Back to TaeKook,

Taehyung and Jungkook were hungrily kissing each other when Taehyung turned them around and started slowly walking toward the bed.

After they reached the bed, Taehyung pushed Jungkook on the bed harshly breaking the kiss, Jungkook whined at the loss of Taehyung's lips.

"Your punishment is left Jungkook" Jungkook gulped.

Taehyung bent over to him and took his chin in his hand "Why are you getting punishment and which punishment are we talking about?" V asked.

"When I ran away and got kidnapped by your father" Jungkook pouted.

"Your pout isn't going to work baby" Jungkook pouted more.

"Today, I will show you, V" Jungkook gulped in excitement.

Taehyung left Jungkook's chin and stood straight in front of him, folding one hand and the other on his chin rubbing it, making it look like he was thinking.

"What should your punishment be?" V asked while looking at Jungkook with lust-filled eyes.

"Spanking," Jungkook said jumping on the bed. Taehyung was a little shocked but composed himself pretty quickly.

'So, my bunny has a spanking kink ' Taehyung smirked.

Taehyung sat down at the edge of the bed and without looking at Jungkook he used his finger to make Jungkook in front of him. Jungkook stood in front of Taehyung who pulled him onto his lap. Jungkook's ass was facing Taehyung who was caressing it.

"So my baby has a spanking kink?" V spanked it.

"Yes-ahh~" Jungkook moaned in pleasure.

"Now, baby you will get twenty-five spanks as your first punishment" Taehyung gripped Jungkook's chin and made him look up "If you mess up, we start again. Understood?"

"Yes V" Taehyung could see Jungkook's eyes sparkling.

Taehyung first caressed his ass and then a loud skin-slapping sound was heard in the room with Jungkook moaning in pain and pleasure.

"I said count Jungkook" he got another one.



"Two-ahh~~" eyes filled with tears.




"Fo-four" tears are about to fall.


"Si-six" poor Jungkook he messed up.

"Tsk" Jungkook looked at Taehyung.

"Restart didn't expect you to mess up so fast" Jungkook nodded and got another spank.


After the spanks,

Jungkook messed up two more times. He was now a crying and moaning mess with a red ass that was being caressed by Taehyung. Taehyung made Jungkook sit on his lap facing him and wiped his tears, kissing his eyes.

"Next punishment," V said with a smirk.


"I will decide that" Taehyung kissed Jungkook.

Jungkook kissed him back while wrapping his hands around his neck and tilting his head to deepen the kiss. Taehyung groped Jungkook's ass and squished making Jungkook moan as he put his tongue inside his mouth.

Both were having an intense tongue fight for dominance which Jungkook lost because Taehyung spanked his ass, he whined in the kiss as Taehyung smirked. Taehyung put them on the bed and hovered over Jungkook while pining him between his hands, caging him.

The kiss was very sloppy and arousing. Taehyung left the kiss and looked at Jungkook who was looking like a mess with his wet hair in sweat, lips swollen, eyes puffy and lips parted for air with eyes hodded back.

Taehyung's hand went beside taking something from the drawer when Jungkook pulled him into another kiss and Taehyung kissed smirking cause his work had become easier with the kiss. He gave Jungkook an open mouth until Jungkook yelped and left the kiss.

"V-mmm~" Jungkook moaning threw his head back.

"Yes baby" he was smirking and looking at Jungkook like a hunter looks at his prey.

"Wha-ahhh~" Jungkook arched his back and opened his eyes to look at Taehyung but was only shocked and aroused more seeing Taehyung.

Taehyung got up and so did Jungkook tried it with a dildo up his ass but was pushed back and handcuffed by Taehyung.

"Now, Jungkook, stay like this and I will be back baby" Taehyung pecked Jungkook's lips and walked out of the room closing the door but not completely leaving Jungkook dumbfounded.

"KIM FUCKING-mm~ TAEHY-mm~UNG" Jungkook shouted while moaning.

Taehyung went down whistling and smirking, everyone heard him as the door was slightly open. They looked shocked at Taehyung expect for YoonMin and Hyue Ae.

"Tae what did you do?" Jin asked.

"Nothing. Where is Hyue Ae? I want to play with her for a while" he said while smirking.

"She is sleeping with YoonMin" Taehyung nodded and was about to go upstairs.

"Where are you going?" Hoseok asked.

"To my room" he went back to his room with a pout and closed the door locking it from the inside.

Taehyung saw Jungkook wiggling around but ignored him and grabbed a towel going into the washroom.

'I just wanted to play with my daughter, but that cat had to steal her away. I bet they are playing inside' Taehyung was thinking about his daughter and how to fuck his bunny while he was in the shower.

A/n - Warning kiddos!! If you are okay with BDSM then only read otherwise skip it until I say. I am warning you, don't blame me later...

After shower,

Taehyung walked out of the shower naked, the towel he took he used to wipe his hair but was shocked to see an angry Jungkook sitting on the bed with no handcuffs and dildo later Taehyung smirked.

"I thought I will give you what you want *sighs* but I think you have to wait" V walked into his walk-in closet.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked and went near the walk-in closet but came back and sat frustratedly and aroused on the bed.

Taehyung walked out only wearing his boxers and stood in front of Jungkook who looks at him with curiosity. Taehyung pushes him onto the bed and ties his hands on the bed headboard blindfolding his eyes, Jungkook struggles to get out.

"V what are you doing?" Jungkook asked getting confused by Taehyung's action but screaming in pain when he got a harsh slap on his inner thighs.

"Say nothing, use that pretty mouth of yours only to scream and moan for now," V said and slapped his inner thighs again making Jungkook scream.

Taehyung slaps his inner thighs a few times thrice more and stepped away from the bed, going somewhere. Jungkook got confused as to where Taehyung went and was about to say something when he remembered Taehyung's words.

But Jungkook wanted to know what will Taehyung do, so he opened his mouth and asked "V where are you?" that's how he got a harsh hit on his thick thighs making him scream. Luckily the rooms were soundproof.

V harshly removed his blindfold and hold his chin harshly bringing Jungkook's face closer to him. Jungkook yelped at V's sudden action and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Didn't I say to you to only use your pretty mouth to moan and scream" V said pulling Jungkook closer. The latter just nodded.

But that was a mistake cause he got another harsh slap on his inner thighs "Words" V said this grabbing Jungkook's hair and not his chin.

"Yes V" Jungkook's head was thrown back and V could see his member hard and leaking precum so he put a cock ring on it making Jungkook whine.

Before Jungkook could whine anymore Taehyung flipped him on his stomach and Jungkook screamed in pain when he felt something harsh and thin yet thick hit his ass. He sniffed and looked at Taehyung, his eyes widen when he saw a leather belt in Taehyung's hand who is smirking right now. Jungkook gulped hard, he could feel his member getting harder.

"Now, baby boy your eyes should be opened or your punishment gets worst," V said ready to give another spank on Jungkook's ass.

Jungkook nodded again getting another harsh spank on his ass with the leather belt "Words" V growled this time making Jungkook feel giddy and a shiver ran down his spine.

"Ye-yes V" Jungkook got two more harsh spanks but the second one was a little harsher which made Jungkook close his eyes.

V saw that. He 'Tsked' and stopped spanking him that made Jungkook open his eyes when he couldn't feel any spanks on his already red ass, cause it was spanked a lot before. Soon, Taehyung came back and Jungkook wanted to see and he saw. Jungkook got confused.

Jungkook screamed and shut his eyes, he got another spank on his ass this harsher than before. V grabbed his hair harshly and made him look at him, he growled in satisfaction seeing the tears on Jungkook.

"I told you right? Not to close your eyes then why did you?" reality hit Jungkook about what he did.

"Sorry, V-it-it hurts" Jungkook tried not to close his eyes.

"It's your punishment baby" V pecked his forehead gently.

'I knew I liked it harsh but this harsh and me getting hard I didn't expect, its so much fun. I want more punishment' Jungkook thought.

V had a candle in his hand which he lighted and the hot wax was falling on Jungkook's back, making him scream in pain and pleasure. Jungkook got harsh spanks every time he tried to close his eyes from the leather belts.

The hot wax was going from Jungkook's back to his inner thighs and to his rim making him squirm. V could see Jungkook's hole clenching around nothing making him want to fuck him hard but he won't cause his baby deserves punishment first.

V took a dildo and shoved it in Jungkook's ass and without preparing him he started thrusting it at a high speed using the remote and still playing with the hot wax on Jungkook's back and thighs who is moaning in pain and pleasure, very loudly.

V kept the candle aside and flipped Jungkook only to find the latter in mess with messy hair, eyes hooded, and hands getting tugged on the handcuffs from time to time, while his mouth was leaving lewd moans and lips parted. Both were looking at each other.

A/n - You can read from here if you skipped. It will be normal smut but if you still are not comfortable then skip the chapter.

V went to Jungkook's jawline and licked it then went down on his neck biting and leaving dark purple harshly. V bite Jungkook's sweet spot harshly "AHH~" Jungkook was screaming in pleasure.

V was marking Jungkook's whole body while he increased the speed of the dildo and Jungkook arched his back throwing his head back in pleasure. He wanted to cum badly but he couldn't because of the cock ring.

V made Jungkook sit on his knees on the floor and sat in front of him. He gripped Jungkook's hair and put his dick in his mouth thrusting and mouth fucking him, making the younger gag. Jungkook sucked on V hard and fast making him moan and grip Jungkook's hair harder.

"Ahh~ just like that baby" V thrusts faster while Jungkook was trying to hold something but his hands were tied to his back.

V was holding himself back from cumming cause he just wanted to fuck his baby's mouth while his baby was ready to cum untouched by just hearing his moans but couldn't just because of the cockring which he was cursing at in the back of his mind.

Finally, after half an hour Taehyung came into Jungkook's mouth and sucked him till the end till nothing was left. Taehyung picked Jungkook up and placed him on his lap, looking at him. Jungkook had swollen lips, eyes red, tears stain and sweat making his hair stick to his forehead and lips parted for air.

Taehyung removed the cockring, he came instantly, and dildo, Jungkook smiled tiredly looked at him, Taehyung pecked his lips then smiled back. Taehyung laid Jungkook down on the bed and was about to get up when Jungkook held his hand.

"What happened baby?" Taehyung asked pecking his hand.

"Are you leaving me like this?"

"I am getting things to clean you, bunny"

"I meant this" he pointed at his hard dick.

Taehyung chuckled "You think you can handle more, bunny ?"

"You think you give" Taehyung kissed him getting over him.

Jungkook's hands went to Taehyung's hair pulling him closer while Taehyung's one hand went down to Jungkook's hole caressing the rim making Jungkook whine in the kiss. They broke after a little while.

Taehyung licked his lips and started sucking on Jungkook's nipples, hard like he will suck everything out of them. Jungkook started hitting me on his back while arching back and moaning.

"St-stop" Jungkook said moaning but Taehyung shook his head as a no and inserted one finger on him.

Jungkook somehow managed to push him away after a little and kept his hands on his nipples, shaking his head as no Taehyung pouted removing his fingers from him to which Jungkook whined and pouted.

Jungkook's whines turned into moans when Taehyung put his thick and long dick in him without warning he started thrusted in him. Taehyung directly hit his prostate again and again making Jungkook a moaning mess.

Tears of pleasure were falling from his eyes but still kept his eyes open while getting fucked senselessly not wanting another punishment cause he was tired. Soon they both came.

Taehyung didn't cum in Jungkook, he cummed outside. Taehyung got up as Jungkook lay like a dead body on the bed. Taehyung cleaned both of them and changed the bedsheets and slept cuddling his bunny.


"What the hell were these two doing?" Jin asked shocked and blushing.

"I don't know and don't wanna know," Hoseok said.

"I thought the room was soundproof," Jimin said.

"Me too," Namjoon said.

"Luckily, Eunjoo is still asleep," Yoongi said. Everyone nodded.

"We will talk to them tomorrow," Ana said.

"If Jungkook is in the condition or we just talk Tae," Namjoon said.

"I am not staying in the house the next time these two decide to have sex," Rose said. The other nodded.

Somebody came knocking on the door and Jin went to open it.

"Hello," the person said with a smirk and an angry growl left from Namjoon and Yoongi's mouths startling all.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Namjoon cursed.