
A/n - Okay, this story is coming to an end soon.

Warning: The author is bad with endings....

Current location,

TaeKook's room,

Current time,

The due month of the girls,

Jungkook was feeding Hyue Ae and was sitting on Taehyung's lap who was trying to control his urge to suck.

"Tae, I finally understood how you feel," Jin said. Everyone looked at him confused except Namjoon.

"And I understood how Kookie feels" Namjoon sighed.

"Just get the points hoomans," Yoongi said as he handed his daughter to Jimin.

"I understand why Tae feels jealous of his daughter while feeding" Jimin nodded in agreement and understanding.

"I understand why Kookie prevents feeding Hyue Ae in front of Tae or threatens him," Namjoon said. Yoongi nodded in agreement and understanding.

"Um... Guys can we have some fun, it's boring sitting at home and doing nothing" Ana said rubbing her tummy as her child kicked.

"But what will we do?" Rose asked.

"Let's play truth and dare," Jungkook said as he put sleeping Hyue Ae on his shoulder and patted her back to make her burp.

"No, dare or drink," Hoseok said with a smirk.

"That smirk does not look good but okay," Yoongi said.


They were sitting in with their lovers and kid on the couch, there was a beer bottle up the front of them to roll.

Wine glasses filled for the tops only.

"Why don't we have anything to drink?" Yoongi asked.

"Because only the tops will drink, for them and their lover," Hoseok said and turned the bottle.

The bottle landed first at Taehyung and seeing Hoseok's smirk they knew it was not good.

"I dare you to give Jimin a hickey, a visible hickey" TaeKook and YoonMin choked on their saliva.

"Oh hell no, I am not going to do this!!" Taehyung said. The three nodded.

"Then you have to drink a bottle" Taehyung was about to take the bottle "Remember that you have to drink for yourself and Kookie" Hoseok smirked.

"You fucker" Taehyung and Jimin said while glaring at Hoseok but Yoongi and Jungkook were planning Hoseok's funeral.

Taehyung walked up to Jimin and gave a light hickey on Jimin's neck, it was visible. The soulmates had disgusted looks on their face.

Taehyung turned the bottle and it landed on Namjoon, now Taehyung smirked.

"I dare Namjoon to kiss Hoseok... On lips" NamJin and HoNa were looking at Taehyung with 'wtf did you just say?!' look but Taehyung was unbothered.

Namjoon internally crying kissed Hoseok who was internally beating Taehyung for this dare.

They both left the kiss with a crying expressions and turned the bottle which landed on Yoongi.

"I dare you to give Jake a lap dance" both the couple shook.

"I am not doing that," Yoongi said.

"Then Jimin has to drink the whole bottle of wine, remember he is drinking for two and not one" Hoseok reminded.

Yoongi gave Mae Jae to Jimin and walked to Jake. He took a deep breath and gave Jake a lap dance, Jack was about to cry and Yoongi was planning Namjoon's death in his mind.

After the lap dance, Yoongi turned the bottle and it landed in Ana. Everyone was thinking about what to dare to give to a pregnant woman.

"AHH!!" Ana screamed.

"Baby, why are you screaming?!" Hoseok asked. The bottoms knew what it is.

"I AM GOING-AHHHH TO GIVE BIRTH!!" Hoseok was blank, he had no idea what to do.