How did I get here?

"Son, Your Breakfast is ready!"

The fragrant smell of spring flowers, the cool breeze that still remains after winter ice has melted, and the mellow light the sun gave out, it was a lukewarm and comforting as the Morning Mood.

Alex, who had just woken up, just had one of the hardest drinking session with his buddies last night. "Sigh, just look at yourself! You now have a headache!" the mother said. She sat beside Alex, caressing his hair and tapping him, saying "Come on, it's time for your meal."

Alex then prepared. He took a bath, dressed up nicely for it is the first day for him to go apply for a job after all. On the breakfast table was his favorite: Pancakes with sausages.

"Well that's not all, honey! Since you will be applying for a job, here's some extra breakfast!" said Alex's mom while placing bacon and eggs beside him. "Mom! You're pampering me too much" then they laughed. "Ah, yes, I have also prepared a lunch for you for later. Don't you fail that Job interview, alright?"

"Right, right! You're the best, mom!" responded Alex.

Alex had quite a few friends back when he was in school. He often remains in Libraries, and indulges in watching historical movies, and anime. He also has a lot of collections of different books, including manga. He's a well-seasoned otaku, with which most of the culture he acknowledge calls him as. He gets along with his community through his account, and is actually quite popular in it.

He is a well-versed and well-learned person of ways in even bizarre situations: He read the Art of War, and books on the Theory of Relativity. His curiosity once actually made him invent a couple of things to try out on his own. He once invented a working engine. However, it was nowhere to be seen, but once he is satisfied with the result, he does not care of wherever that thing went.

You can say, he is both nerdy and cool. Nerdy because he is a know-it-all and cool because he can work out what he knows. You can call him a child prodigy, but even if that is the case, even after graduating college, he still needs to apply for a job, and work himself up in the corporate ladder just as everyone else.

He likes reading, but not without entertainment. If the stuff does not keep him entertained and curious, then he will not be interested in that kind of stuff. He is simpleminded, but because of what he read, he is mostly considered the opposite.

"Are you busy tonight, Alex?" asked a friend, who was also applying for a job. "No, why?"

"Well, I got a few buddies who will be with me soon, want to come with us?"

"Oi! Remember! We're just going to apply as of now, and you are thinking of drinking with the friends? Besides, it's no surprise that I would be tired after the interview." refuted Alex

"Fine bro, suit yourself" responded his friend.

"Shuuichi Takeda!" as was being called. Alex was immediately annoyed when he was called by the name his abusive father named him. This is the reason as to why Alex also liked his name, for he gave it to himself, and his mother respected him on his decision, which is why he also adore his mother very much.

He let out a sigh, and went to the interview. After the interview was done, he went out, to see his friend at the side. Alex's eyes widened and raised his right fist in the air, in a victory grip. He was accepted for the job!"

And so, with enthusiasm, Alex went out with his friend to a local bar, along with his other friends.

"O, I thought you would not come with us, ay?"

"Why, is it not a good thing to celebrate after being accepted huh?" said Alex. A group of thugs then came inside the bar, and ordered. "Three beers" ordered the thugs. Alex, having quite the drunkenness, approached the thugs. "Oi, Alex! Alex! What are you doing?"

"Oi! Who are you to barge in and take all of our peace, huh? Who are you even?" asked the thugs as Alex approaches them.

"You… you look so cool, and all…you think you are just��� blergh!" he burped loudly in front of the thugs.

"You bastard! You'll surely know your place!"

"Fighting three to one eh? Am I that str— ack!" suddenly, Alex was hit by the bottle on his head, and it drew blood on his face, he suddenly fainted. The bar was in a full brawl. Alex was all but fainted. He opened his eyes a bit, and there were moving lights, indicating that he is looking at a hospital ceiling, being moved by the paramedics to the emergency room. Then after fading blinks, his view started to change. Instead of the ceiling of the hospital, it was a ceiling made of…logs?

It was morning, and he looked around, suddenly, a man approached him. All the memories of who he undertook newly has been returning. "Hefye the?" asked a figure of a bearded man. "Homlaxarri, ese aragbhizah." Then he understood it. It actually meant "How are you? Do not exert too much, you just woke up."