And A Blessing

Ixander received the response telegram from Vladistav. Ixander understood that his adversary is rational, but is not the right authority to decide for peace in the realm.

Meanwhile, a telegram has also arrived at the midst of Willemus. When the telegram arrived, the courier was tired from galloping a long distance along the course of the road going to Axan. It was because the road was not maintained, and this is also the reason why the supplies going to the Albanese Army at the banks of the Great Livinian River is hindered.

Willemus was having his dinner when the courier entered the palace, and at the door to the dining hall where Willemus' aid stood.

Willemus' aid then went inside as he signaled the guard to open the door. The Aid then approached Willemus in an urgent matter. He immediately gave Willemus the telegram from Ixander.

Willemus was still munching his food whilst reading the telegram…then his chewing slowed. Alongside Willemus was his adopted son Ferdigo, and his wife Malthusia.

"A truce…" whispered Willemus. Willemus then sipped from his glass of wine as he continues reading the telegram. Underneath the telegram was a signature signed by Grandquester Ixander. Willemus' teeth are now gritting in anger as the wineglass still in his hand was thrown to the wall.

Enraged, Willemus pounds the table, saying "Does he believe me to be weak-willed?! WHAT EXCUSE IS IT TO GIVE ME TRUCE FOR THE 35TH OF SAHARMIA?!"

Malthusia and Ferdigo both stopped chewing their food as well. Willemus however, calmed himself to decide on this well. "Very well, but we must utilize this as an opportunity to breach them as soon as possible."

Willemus then signed the telegram, and sent out the courier to inform of the truce.

Willemus then returned to his office. Inside, three of his advisors are there to await his orders on some ensuing matters.

The first to approach Willemus is his Minister for Internal Affairs. He presented a paper containing reports of casualties in the capital due to a recent uprising by the Nationalists.

"Sir, the Nationalists have taken this opportunity to revolt against our government. What they did may be unforgivable, but I adv…" the minister was about to advise him but he was cut off by Willemus, saying "Wipe them out, behead anyone responsible for the uprising."

"We will sow more discontent sir, we must grant concession…"

"Concession? We are in a war, the concession we can only give is if we shut their heads up!" said Willemus.

The Minister only sighed at the decision and proceeded on the next issue. "Sir, the gold miners in Harzan are showing signs of discontent. If we…"

"Now you are talking, this! This is who we must give concession to. Those who have a worth in this ensuing war!" said Willemus. "Give them what they want if they are showing discontent. We must place our money where we can grow them. After all, we are the source of the purest trivertis coins. We cannot relieve our position in that" said Willemus.

Despite being opposed to inhumane measures by Willemus, the Minister only agreed.

The second one to approach was his Minister for External Affairs.

"Sir, we have to tackle the problems with logistics in order to supply the Birjuans, or we will lose them in the war if Grenavians will take them on near the River Grenav" said the Minister.

Willemus was not concerned of the state the Birju will have to face. For Willemus, Birju is but a tool for Albanese dominance. Of course, as an ally, Willemus does not express this opinion among his ministers, or even among the diplomatic corps.

Willemus ignored this and moved on. "What of our puppet states?" asked Willemus.

"Sir, how abou…"

"What…of the puppet states, Minister?" asked Willemus again, cutting him short of his persuasion in managing the affairs regarding Birju.

"T-they have gathered as much forces…to aid our cause against the Carabian Kingdom" the Minister for External Affairs responded.

Willemus then slightly raised his hands from the armrest of his chair and signaled him to withdraw as he demands for the next minister to state his affairs.

Then, the third approached him. It was a Minister of War and Weaponry Advancement.

"Sir, we have done our prototype for a new balloon that maybe capable of engaging Grenavian Airships" said the Minister of War.

"This is a news I want to hear. Your Ministry is a pleasure to my ears" said Willemus.

"I have to add that the development was just in time for us to engage the approaching airships of Grenavia, or to counter their attacks if they try to intervene on us when we approach the capital of Grenavia" added the Minister of War.

While Willemus was hearing the news, a physician went inside the office of Willemus. The Physician slightly bowed to Willemus.

Willemus then said "Well, gentlemen, it has been a pleasure to discuss the different matters of the realm. You may take your rests."

And so, the retinue of ministers left the room. As they are marching farther away from the room, the face of the Minister of Internal Affairs could only hold his temple in disagreement to the decisions of Willemus. The Minister of War however tried to comfort his companion, saying "Everything will be fine…"

As they are walking through the hall, they were seen and heard by a close friend of Willemus. It was no other than Hargi the Younger. And yes, Hargi the Younger was the son of Hargi the Elder. Hargi the Elder, also known as Minister Hargi, was the one who intervened for a compromise between the Nationalists and Confederates.

Meanwhile, the Physician with Willemus informed of the illness of his adopted son, Ferdigo, is getting worse.

"Sir, I have some good and bad news. The bad news is that Ferdigo's illness is getting worse" informed the Physician.

"And…the good news?"

"We can relieve his suffering. It has been found that Bandormilum cannot only dissipate heat from the cannons it was lined with. Its powdered form has been seen treating the ailments of those infected" said the Physician.

Willemus then looked up at the Physician and asked "Bandormilum? W-where can we get that?"

"A rich resource can be found near the base of the Alatsto Mountain Ranges. We have access to that, but not the entire resource. We only have enough to treat the ailment of your son" said the Physician.

Willemus then said "Thank you for bringing me this information. I will surely make an action to this."

The physician left the room but another man came to show up. It was Hargi the Younger.

Hargi the Younger did not beat around the bush nor receive any pleasantries and straight out asked "Why are your ministers wearing a face of despair?"

"We are in a war, Hargi. We cannot show any weakness in here" said Willemus.

"In a war? You think confronting the nationalists with numerous bullets can solidify our war effort? Are not you raising more sentiment?" asked Hargi.

Willemus was silenced as to what Hargi told him.

Willemus, however, spoke after a brief pause and said "As a leader, I am trying my all to give to our nation. I cannot be caught off-guard. As a fellow, you must understand that."

"I do not speak for our friendship now, Willemus. I speak for the people. They are the same servants and loyal men who you fought for" said Hargi.

"I know what you did on that election. My father covered for you over there. He knows as well, but he kept it hidden from you. Will you disappoint everything he has done for you?" asked Hargi.

Willemus then paused briefly as he has realized indeed that although things have been going to his direction, it does not mean that he should forget where he came from.

"I'll…ponder and decide better…" said Willemus.

"Not for me, or for the sake of my father. Do it because you must love your people" reminded Hargi.

Hargi then left the room, leaving his words of reminder to Willemus. Willemus then looked down at the floor, thinking what must be done.

He remembered the letter, on it was the name of Ixander. He immediately looked at his portrait on that office and saw once again a striking same face with Korol the Great and Lodayr, the last king.

But then, he was too tired thinking, so he instead went to bed and let the day end for him.

For Ixander, he let his men not have rest unless the trenches are fixed.

"Men, I do know that the truce will buy us time, and rest throughout the winter. However, one must always prepare" said Ixander.

And so, Ixander's men were eager to dig the trenches and repair the fortifications. "Remember that you are protecting your loves ones from the Albanese men that may be perilous to your lives."

Suddenly, a boy went to the trenches, sneaked in to one of the trench rooms and sneaked out food.

"Thief! Thief!" cried one of the soldiers. The soldiers then tried chasing the boy as he was running. However, the boy was caught. The boy was then presented to one of the officers.

"You brat! How dare you steal food!" shouted the officer.

Ixander then went over to hear the commotion. As he went near, he saw a boy who stole some food from one of the rooms of the trenches.

"Stop officer…" ordered Ixander. "What has the boy done?"

"Sir, he stole food from one of the trench rooms" said the officer.

Ixander then crouched to see the boy. The boy looked up in fear as he was constraining the food he just stole.

What other men saw was a boy who tried to steal food from soldiers' rations. What Ixander saw was a boy so desperate that he wants to steal food in order to survive.

"Where is your mother? Your family?" asked Ixander to the boy.

"T-they are starving…w-we are refugees from Halerdan!" said the boy. One of the officers then hit him and said "You better have respe…"

Ixander then stopped the officer from going further and clicked his tongue in annoyance to what the officer just did. "Officer, I cannot tolerate one hitting a child!" said Ixander.

"Pardon me sir! He stole rations and that is why I am quite annoyed. Our soldiers are working hard, and children like him are of no worth to our cause!" said the officer.

"Then you are no better than Albanese men!" said Ixander.

The officer realized the Albanese brutalities and spoke humbly, saying "Pardon me sir, I will not do it again and become rational from now."

"Good, but you will be lead to the disciplinary court for your actions" said Ixander.

"I-I understand…" said the officer.

Ixander then ordered two soldiers to lead him to the military court for soldier disciplinary actions. Ixander then conversed with the boy.

"What's your name?"

"I-Ilbert sir…" said the boy.

"Where do you hail from, I am guessing you also retreated to here" presumed Ixander.

"Halerdan, sir…I've to confess sir, I've been doing this even in Halerdan…and we retreated…hoping that maybe, we will have a better life here…" said the boy.

"Nobles always despise us…children more so. I…actually don't have a mother…she died of hunger…I only have with me a little brother and sister…" said Ilbert.

"Well then, will you come with me?" asked Ixander.