A Time of Retribution

Ixander was brought to the nearest triage station before being transported to the nearest hospital.

Simjen immediately went to Ixander after hearing that he was shot from a representative present in the diet.

"What?! What happened?!" asked Simjen

"Sir, Ixander was shot…at his shoulder!" said the representative.

Without further ado, Simjen galloped his horse going to the triage station where he was temporarily in.

Ixander was wailing and screaming in pain. "AHH! Ah—STOP THE DAMNED BLEEDING!" said Ixander.

"Stop the bleeding first before we bring him to the hospital" said Simjen.

They stopped Ixander's bleeding and applied the right pressure to it. Afterwards, Ixander was brought to the nearest hospital.

Of course, news of the assassination attempt rang throughout the Axis continent. The headlines of most partisan newspapers goes "PRIME MINISTER IXANDER SHOT BY EXTREMIST", "IXANDER SHOT; LIVINIAN FUTURE UNSURE"

King Stijepan of course received the news. "I must go to hi--…"

"No Sire, you mustn't! The assassin may still have been lurking around the area, we cannot have your life be endangered again" said his aid, still bowing whilst talking to the King.

King Stijepan then slowly sat at his throne. Not being able to do anything.

The Next three days, the hospital was filled with the loyal supporters of Ixander who tries to guard the entire complex in case someone tries to infiltrate the premises of the hospital.

"Oh wow! Look at that! There are so many people who are concerned of the safety of the hospital!" said the hospital director.

"Ha! Don't presume it's for you, doctor. It's for Ixander" said another doctor.

"Let me have my damned moment, Ranjer!" said the director.

And on that same day, the verdict has been decided upon the nobles that have been tried.

"Before we give the verdict to each and every one of you, I must inform that yesterday, the King has stripped the Counts of their titles, and their families will be under the custody of the state…"

The representatives clapped, but the nobles were horrified at what they heard.

"The Nobles can rest assure that the treatment of their families will be much better than how these nobles treated theirs" said the deputy as the entire crowd of representatives laughed.

"Now, may I ask if the nobles have any more final defense for themselves before the verdict?" asked the deputy.

None of the nobles raised their voice and just looked down on the floor, thinking that everything is done for.

The deputy then passed the verdict paper to the President of the Diet. The President then announced the verdict.

"We will go first on those that has been indicted by King Stijepan as free. The decision has also been shared by Grandquester Ixander, Prime Minister of Livinia."

The President then opened the paper containing the decision, announcing "Baron Aaronus, Count Masatran, you are sentenced to two weeks imprisonment…"

The crowd was confused and Baron Aaronus and Count Masatran breathed a sigh of relief.

"King Stijepan and Grandquester Ixander moved the motion that the decision be upon the representatives to indict the remaining individuals" said the President.

And so, the results of the ballot were taken out, revealing upon the President the count which will decide the indictment to the remaining nobles.

"In a count of three hundred seventy two Yea, and one hundred twenty-eight abstains, the indictment to Baron Alfard… on accusations of corrupting the treasury of the Minister of the Court, and opening illegal activities inside the borders…is death!"

The crowds cheered in great marvel as they kissed each other in cheeks.

The gavel was pounded again to silence the crowds of cheering.

"Baron Auhinett…will be placed to prison as more than two hundred seventy four representatives have voted to abstain. Let us then move on to the next one."

The attention of the crowds were once again caught.

"In a count of four hundred twenty four Yea and seventy-six abstains, Count Alvija, with accusations of abuse of power, corruption in his Ministry, and his abandonment of a child…is sentenced to death!"

Again, the crowds were cheering in the death of an oppressor. Again, the gavel was pounded to hear the verdict of the next individual.

"In a count of three hundred twenty eight Nay, seventy-seven Yea and ninety-five abstains, Count Nuaijka, has been decided that he will be freed, as per the indictment of votes. The tribunal was also not convinced of the crimes he was accused with."

What actually happened was Count Nuaijka weeped silently as false accusations have been made against him. Among the entire retinue of the nobles, Count Nuaijka is the only one that is innocent as, in reality, he saw camaraderie amongst the nobles he is with. But now that he saw Count Germahin's attitude, he rather not be in favor of them.

The whole Diet was quiet when they heard the verdict. This made it easier for the President to speak for the next person.

"In a count of four hundred ninety seven Yea and three abstains, Count Germahin, charged with Corruption and Embezzlement of funds directed towards the Court Welfare, abuse of power and of commoners, he is sentenced… to death!"

In grand celebration of the announcement, the crowds inside the hall cheered, and they all saw the three nobles in despair.

"Silence! The Nobles indicted to death will receive execution by lottery of way" said the President.

The lottery of way is the heaviest form of punishment in Livinia. In this, they are not to choose their method of execution, instead, the boxes, where inside there are aluminum balls, on which inside there is the paper with the name of the execution method is written, is drawn upon by whichever the president picks.

The president then shakes the container of the lottery, then picks one of the aluminum balls. He then unwrapped the aluminum, revealing the execution method written.

"The nobles will be executed in the way of…firing squad of three rows!"

The crowd then cheered again. Some of the attendees, which are representatives, said "What is wrong with you people? Cheering over a method of execution?"

"Why not? HAHA!! Finally, finally something is happening!"

The representative just placed his hand on his face in disagreement.

The guards then led the nobles to their final place of living. They were then aided by the executioner.

The nobles then went against the wall, all with their ropes still tying them. Against the nobles, facing them were three lines of muskets, ready to shoot against the nobles. The Executioner then raised his arms as the muskets make ready to shoot the nobles. The muskets were lined




This was repeated three times, aiming at the nobles in front of them. Each volley, seven muskets were fired. In total, there are about twenty-one muskets that fired against the nobles.

The people cheered in unison as they heard volleys after volleys of firing against the nobles. The only noble not indicted was Count Nuaijka. Count Nuaijka then visited Ixander at the hospital. He was blocked by some of the supporters of Ixander.

"You, who are you, and who are you visiting?" asked one of the militant guards in the hospital.

"I am here to visit Grandquester Ixander to express my gratitude for a second chance…" said Count Nuaijka.

"Well, I can't let you in, you may be--…"

"Let him in" ordered Simjen.

Simjen led Count Nuaijka to Ixander's room. Count Nuaijka is still young and has no immediate family. He also has no children, no wife. Count Nuaijka then waited as Simjen informed to Ixander that Count Nuaijka is outside, trying to visit.

The Militant Guards at the hall is looking with suspicion to Count Nuaijka. Simjen then went outside, nodded at Count Nuaijka and said "Do not worry about them, they have just been hostile as Ixander also received quite the rough things in his life, and they don't want their man to be gone. Do Understand."

Count Nuaijka then entered the room of Ixander. He saw Ixander had just finished his surgery on his shoulder and cannot raise his left arm nor lift with it. Ixander is reading a book at this moment, it is one of the books that he had in his shelter and he fortunately saved it from plunder of the Albanese troops.

"Welcome, Count Nuaijka, Pardon me if I cannot present you any pleasantries…" said Ixander, still laying on his bed.

"That is all fine, I should be ashamed I brought nothing to thank you for your efforts…" said Count Nuaijka

Ixander continued reading, but then looked at Count Nuaijka, being confused, so he asked "What do you mean by efforts? For the last few days, I've b--…"

"I know that well before you have been hospitalized or have been shot, you told the other deputies that I am to be saved. But…But why?" asked Count Nuaijka.

Ixander kept quiet and closed his book with his right hand. Simjen then took away the book.

Count Nuaijka continued "I could have been included…in at least the imprisonment of the other nobles for two weeks… why, Grandquester? What is the reason?"

Ixander then replied "I have looked into the reality of your alliance to those people you have been with. You did not really want their advocacy, but the retinue of those nobles…you have been with them because they were your comrades throughout… so as I have heard from your servants…"

Count Nuaijka was shocked. He humbles himself, kneeling, and crying before Ixander. His weeping is quiet, for finally, after all of these moments, someone caught the reality.

Suddenly, a soldier knocked at the door. Simjen opened the door, asking "What is it?"

"A telegram…" Simjen received the telegram and gave it to Ixander. Ixander just looked at him, saying "Please read it for me…"

Simjen then looked at the telegram. "Sire, the Khatan is on his way in here, she said she left Farkan in command of the affairs" said Simjen.

"Sorry?!" said Ixander