Hui Yuan Drink Store's Change

He entered his room after a while, and took a deep breath of the crusty and smelly scent of his room.

The paint on the walls were almost peeling down.

He took out the Apple Matte 5 from the box, and started setting it up.

Using his Wisdom value of 8, he managed to quickly get the hang of the computer.

Then, he took out his phone that he had conveniently bought on the way back.

It was an Android. IPhones were too expensive.

He dialled a number on the phone, and after a few seconds, a lazy voice sounded out, "I'm Yang Deng, the boss of the Hui Yuan Drink Store. What do you want?"

"Yang Deng, what's your email?" Si Chen directly asked.

Yang Deng, who was casually laying on the sofa, instantly sat up when he heard his voice, and he hurriedly gave him his email.

He hung up the call, as he started to work on the business plan that he had created for the Hui Yuan Drink Store.

Hopefully, this will provide sufficient assistance and aid the business in the come-back.

After all, he had shares in it, and the better the Hui Yuan Drink Store profited, the greater his investment returns.

Typing on the computer for more than a few hours, he looked at the time, and realized that it was already long past midnight.

He was too engrossed in working that he had almost forgotten himself.

He saved the document and sent it to Yang Deng's email, but he slumped into the bed and comfortably slept.

The next day.

After finishing his morning necessities, he turned on the computer while simultaneously calling Yang Deng on the phone.

"Yang Deng, did you receive the document that I had sent to you yesterday?" Si Chen calmly asked on the phone.

"The document?" Yang Deng hurriedly went into his email and checked it.

"Yeah, I did" Yang Deng replied after a while,

"Check it" Si Chen simply said.

With curiosity, Yang Deng opened up the document, and saw that it was around 15 pages long. The words at the front read, "Business Plan for Hui Yuan Drink Store" in bold and big words.

At first, Yang Deng didn't have much hope towards this document. Si Chen only looked 16, and this was the age where he was still studying in high school, always buried in mountains of assessments and redundant knowledge that the school taught him.

What could he possibly know about the business world, and how it works?

But as read on, and on. He was utterly astonished. Words could no longer describe the astonishment that he felt in his heart.

At this point, he no longer had any trace of doubt at Si Chen's abilities, and the only thing he could care about, was to read.

Why? Because the business plan was far too engrossing and effective. It was the best thing that he had ever seen in his life, and if it wasn't because Si Chen had sent it to him, he would have thought that it was written by a professional businessman.

He finally wrestled his gaze away from the plan after a long while, as he agitatedly said on the phone, "With this…I can guarantee that our business can increase our profits by at least! At least 30%!"

He was close to yelling on the phone out of excitement.

"Okay. As the boss, I hope that you can carefully implement this strategy, and ensure that there are no loose holes. And not only that, I can ensure you that the profits of the Hui Yuan Drink Store, will definitely increase upwards of 40%." Si Chen said in a tone of confidence and conviction.

His confidence lied on the 10% increase in profits that his business management skill had brought him, along with the additional 10% increase in customers.

How could their profits possibly not increase in an exponential rate?

After they talked a while about the business plan, and cleared some of Yang Deng's doubts regarding it, he ended the call, and comfortably slumped down on the chair.

He was already beginning to feel the perks of being an investor.

You just needed to sit at the back, give some suggestions here and there, and let the others do the work for you.

It was easy and efficient.

3 days passed, and during this three days, Si Chen followed a very stringent routine, as part of his improving his life scheme.

Every day, he would take a run outside, do a few push-ups and sit-ups, as well as some crunches.

It was a plan to train up his apparently weak body that was only at a pitiful value of 3

He wanted to see if exercising his body could lead to changes in his strength value.

He didn't know whether it would be effective, but only time will tell.

It was really true that exercising could completely change your life.

He was no longer feeling as fatigued as before, and his skin was a healthy shade of white.

Not pale white, but snow white. Beautiful white. Nice white.

Whatever, it was, he know had a healthy glow surrounding him.

His mind also felt clearer too,

Also, during these 3 days, the Hui Yuan Drink Store has long been putting in the changes.

You may find that 3 days is a very short time, so what could possibly change during their period of time?

He didn't know what Yang Deng was made off, but he now knew that he was a rather capable boss.

He had practically hurried the entire process of implementation, paying for advertisements online, buying new ingredients for their drinks, and somehow managing to rush the renovation of the store within the 3 days.

Si Chen was completely dumbfounded by this.

The renovations were not meant to be a complete renovation, but to give it a subtle and little designs that will completely change the atmosphere of the store, making it more welcoming and warm.

An increasing number of customers began to take note of the Hui Yuan Drink Store, with students making up the greatest portion of them.

From the few and pathetic 4 to 5 customers a day, Hui Yuan Drink Store has managed to receive around 70 customers on its first day or reopening, with some coming because of curiosity and interest at the changes to the store, and others who saw a glaring and alluring advertisement online that piqued their interest.

With better ingredients, the drinks they sold will naturally test better, and coupled with Hui Yuan Drink Store's unique recipe, it was especially mouth-watering and special.

One day after the reopening of the store.

Si Chen hung up the call after he was bombarded with the enthusiastic and thrilled voice of Yang Deng who was reporting the figures of the business this past 2 days.

He could almost feel the saliva that was spitting out of his mouth.

Based on the figures given by Yang Deng.

On the first day, they received 78 customers, and earned around a 100 dollars

On the second day, they received 160 customers, more than double of the previous day, and earned around 230 dollars.

The basic cost to produce the drinks were very low, while they sold it at a much higher price, but this price was still within an acceptable range for average citizens.

Regardless, the drink store's profit was very high.

The figures Yang Deng gave him were not the total money they received from all the customers. It was with the cost of production deducted away from the total money they received.

Which basically meant, their profits.

They profited much.