Negotiations Completed

The Seafood Restaurant looked the same as before, just that there was an additional gloomy atmosphere that had covered the place.

The waiters all had that obvious dull and bleakness that was written on their faces.

Something must had happened. Si Chen thought inwardly to himself, before one of the waiters noticed him as the guest that their boss was waiting for, and respectfully led to where their boss was.

Fang Bin was silently sipping a cup of tea, his eyes lacking a bit of lustre as compared to before.

As he noticed Si Chen, he abruptly stood up and passionately led him to the seat.

After they took their places, Si Chen gazed at Fang Bin with puzzlement.

Fang Bin, sensing Si Chen's gaze, heavily sighed as he explained, "Our Seafood Restaurant has met with some serious problems this days."

"A person who I had always trusted had eloped with the restaurant's money, and our opponent has recently released a few dishes to suppress us. Right now, our funds are thoroughly lacking, and less and less customers are visiting our restaurant"

"Who is your opponent?" Si Chen questioned after paying attention to his words.

"It is the Blue Wave Restaurant, which is situated close to our restaurant. Initially, they wanted to buy out our restaurant, just when we were getting popular. But we rejected their offer. In the end, they started to act against us in the dark, and we are now close to collapsing." Fang Bin put on a heavy expression as he dejectedly replied.

"When I heard about our restaurant's situation, I thought about your number and decided to call you…for help." Fang Bin turned towards Si Chen as his eyes held a silver of hope.

"Boss Fang, although I know of your dire situation, but I will still not take advantage of you. My previous offer still stands. $12000 for 50% of the shares. Of course, this includes the recipes which I would be letting you test out." Si Chen lightly smiled as he stared at Fang Bin.

"$12000 for 50% of our shares." Fang Bin softly mumbled to himself.

He chuckled as he mocked himself. In the past, his business was worth far more than that. But now, he was stranded, desperate even.

But now, half of his shares were only worth $12000. If it was before, he would immediately chase the other person out. Yet this was his only chance right now.

He muttered indiscriminately to himself for a few minutes, before he took a deep sigh as he shook his head, and raised his head to Si Chen, "Deal."

Si Chen could naturally sense Fang Bin's emotions right now. But the business market was merciless. There was no such thing as emotions, there is only profits and benefits.

Although, honestly, he was sure that Fang Bin would definitely not be losing out on this deal at all.

Si Chen's smile widened as he heard Fang Bin, then took out a few pieces of document that he had prepared.

"You can sign this document, to agree that you will officially transfer 50% of Seafood Restaurant shares in exchange for $12000. And before you sign this, I would like to show you something, to assure you that the decision you make today is correct." Si Chen calmly spoke.

Si Chen took out another piece of paper that had a food recipe written onto it. This was considered low grade out of all the recipes within his mind, but was still better than the standard of the Seafood Restaurant's dishes.

"Get one of your chefs to cook according to this." Si Chen pointed towards the piece of paper and said.

Fang Bin studied the recipe with doubt, wondering if this was the value that Si Chen was talking about, and gave it to the waiters and ordered their chefs to prepare this dish.

A while later, as Si Chen and Fang Bin was casually chatting with each other regarding the agreement, the dish came.

The flavor-full aroma wafted to Fang Bin's nose, and Fang Bin quickly dug into it.

A few minutes later, the entire plate was wiped clean, as Fang Bin stared at Si Chen, his expression inexplicably changing, as the distress he had felt before completely disappeared into thin air.

"Good, good! I will send this document to the lawyer to confirm the share transfer. I hope that we can have a delightful cooperation!" Fang Bin heartily laughed, as he voluntarily exchanged a hand shake with Si Chen.

His heart was close to bursting with joy, his mind reeling in excitement.

The Chef who cooked the dish was the same. The grade of ingredients used to cook the dish was the same. The only thing different, was the recipe.

And the taste, was better than anything he had ever tried within the restaurant.

He could not help but be joyous of the prospect that the youth in front of him really had the capabilities to let their restaurant come back to life, back into the bustling and vibrant days which he had missed so dearly.

"Boss Fang, as soon as the agreement has been confirmed, I will send more of such recipes to you. The one I had just given you was just one of the scrap ones I had made in my spare time." Si Chen lips rose up into a smile as he responded.

They exchanged a few words, as well as their email, before Si Chen left to restaurant

Fang Bin stared at the direction where Si Chen had left for a long while.

In this youth who had yet to be 17, he had found hope, hope for his restaurant.

The downheartedness in his eyes had been thoroughly replaced by expectation and anticipation for what this youth could bring to his restaurant.

Were all youths this capable this days? He pondered to himself.

Meanwhile, Si Chen returned back to the apartment with a satisfied grin on his face, and found that the living room was currently empty.

They were probably all silently studying and doing their stuff.

He didn't bother about anyone else, as he entered Xiao Meng's room, and saw her doing some work.

He spoke with her for a while, and then left to his room.

Directly taking off his shirt, he jumped onto the bed and slept.

Today was a tiring day. It was time to rest.