Renting Process Completed

"Can we handle the renting formalities now?" Si Chen sat back down and looked towards Xun Ying.

Xun Ying was still glancing at Si Chen with wonderment and awe in her eyes. To actually make the persistent WaterLake boss to retreat from this deal with just a few sentences.

How great was this youth, really?

When she heard his voice, she shook the distracting thoughts away from her head and readily agreed, "Of course. This is the few pages of documents regarding the renting of my shop, for $8500 a month. The renting period will last for a year, and if you would like to renew it when the time comes, you are free to tell me."

She promptly placed a few pieces of paper in front of Si Chen, and gestured for him to read as he pleased.

With Si Chen's Wisdom Attribute, it took him over a minute to study the entire document, and after finding out that there was nothing wrong with it, he signed it.

After all the procedures were done, and chatting together for a while, there was no more meaning in staying.

"Thank you for renting out the shop to us." Si Chen stood up and glanced at Xun Ying.

"You pay, I rent out. There is nothing to thank me for. "Xun Ying lightly smiled as she chuckled.

"Since there is nothing left for us to do, I'll take my leave first." Si Chen said.

"Have a safe trip."

Then, Si Chen, along with Yang Deng, both left the restaurant together.

"Boss Si, I didn't expect for you to be so great at negotiating. Even the boss of the WaterLake gave you face and withdrew from the fight for the land." Yang Deng exclaimed while they were walking.

"I was surprised that they were willing to give way to me. I had thought that the other party would have been unreasonable and dense, but it seems like I was totally wrong. And that Chen Huang is really special. It looks like I have to pay a visit to the WaterLake store one day or another." Si Chen spoke in a languid manner.



In a car, Chen Huang and the elder sat together.

"Why would father give him so much face for? I had thought that he was always a stubborn old man who never lets go off the things that he wants." Chen Huang stared towards the front as he questioned.

The elder did not respond until a while later. "This youth is definitely not as simple as he looks. To make a broken down drink store became the resplendent Hui Yuan Drink Store, this youth is definitely unordinary. Your father, at his age, won't even be able to achieve half of what he has accomplished. "

"During the entire negotiation just now, he was calm and unfettered, as if nothing could make him panic. This feeling was as though he had manipulated the entire negotiations. Your father is gambling on the fact that he has potential, potential to break out from his cocoon and become a glorious butterfly. If your father was able to get on the good side of such a talented person, why shouldn't he?" The elder said in a low voice, answering his doubts.

"Then it looks like I have to go and search for another location for our branch shop instead." Chen Huang nodded his head in understanding.

To be honest, whether they were able to take down this shop was not that great of a deal. They had a few other branch shops as well, and there were also other suitable locations to build another branch shop. Although they may not be as great as the Riverside Avenue's, it wasn't that far off either.

To build a connection someone talented without sacrificing too much of their personal interests. Which smart person won't do that?


In the blink of an eye, a few days had passed since their negotiations for the Riverside Avenue shop.

The shares distribution agreement has already been confirmed by the relevant lawyers, and Si Chen now officially owned 85% of the Seafood Restaurant.

His net worth had risen to $140000, close to reaching $150000 and upgrading to the next level.

The Seafood Restaurant had already started to introduce the new dishes within their menu. Due to the various advertisement gimmicks and schemes, the public's rejection towards the restaurant because of its food poisoning incident had begun to diminish.

A few customers had perked up their interest when the Seafood Restaurant had announced their new dishes, and went there to try it out.

Not to Si Chen's surprise, they all felt their mouth-watering and their taste buds bursting with joy. The standard of these new dishes were a tier higher than the low-grade normal food that the restaurant had sold in the past.

The few customers who had realized the distinct difference in taste all went to recommend this restaurant to their families and friends, and those families and friends who came to eat at the restaurant also did the same.

Although it took quite some time, but the Seafood Restaurant had now begun to pick up on its business, with consistently increasingly customers walking in through their doors with curiosity, and leaving with bliss and enjoyment.

Fang Bin had personally went to calculate their daily earnings, and he was astonished and overjoyed to find out that their profits had went up to $1200!

And this figure was still rising with every day.

It would not take long before the Seafood Restaurant will be able to surpass Hui Yuan Drink Store in daily profits, since it catered to a larger group of people, and was of a larger scale than Hui Yuan Drink Store.

However, Si Chen was confident that when the shop they had rented out at Riverside Avenue had completed the moving in process, and officially opened store, Hui Yuan Drink Store's profits will similarly see an explosive growth.

It was just a day away from the Blue Wave Restaurant's banquet, and Si Chen was really anticipating that day.


Blue Wave Restaurant.

Kong Liang, the boss of the Restaurant, was seated at one of the tables. A few of the waiters were all busy setting up the designs and decorations in preparation of the banquet tomorrow, while Kong Liang merely looked on with darkening eyes.

Today was supposed to be a great day, and he was supposed to be enthusiastically waiting for the next day tomorrow.

But the abrupt success of the Seafood Restaurant had thoroughly angered him. Clenching his fists, he turned towards Pang Hun who stood beside him, "Didn't you say that the Seafood Restaurant will never rise again? That it would be destroyed within a month?"

"Tell me, what is happening then!" Kong Liang furiously threw the phone in his hands, and it loudly impacted the ground and broke with a shattering sound.

Pang Hun was literally shivering from his top to bottom, and he tried his best to suppress his fear as he squeezed out a smile, "Boss, I'm sure that they are only lucky. How could they possibly rise into success so quickly? We had already stolen most of their recipes, so what could they possibly have? I'm sure that the hype will die down soon."

"You better clean up this mess quickly. I don't want to see anything bad happening tomorrow, if not…there is no need for you anymore!" Kong Liang lowly growled as he pointed his finger towards Pang Hun and fiercely threatened.

Pang Hun said in a slightly trembling voice, "Boss, don't worry. I will make sure that the restaurant will no longer stay within this street anymore."

As Pang Hun left, Kong Liang looked towards his clenched up fists as he insidiously smiled, "The Seafood Restaurant! Very good! Since you are stubbornly trying to live, I will thoroughly crush you till you beg for mercy! Within this street, there can only be one restaurant, and that is mine!"