The Show Has Concluded

Si Chen was long back at home, deciding to return straight to home after the entertaining Blue Wave Restaurant's banquet that filled with a sense of fulfillment.

He had just taken a bath, and the glistening water drops on his hair gave him a few shades of elegance.

Sitting on the sofa on the living room, he lazily stretched his legs outwards, while his hand was casually holding a phone by his ear.

Fang Bin was currently giving him the reports of the banquet today.

The Seafood Restaurant's banquet had garnered incredible profits. Although they had offered a 30% discount, they were not really losing out that much on profits, since the recipes Si Chen had given were not only high in quality, but also low in costs.

With this, their profits had reached an astounding $4000, even after the 30% of discount.

Of course, this number will drop after today, when the one time discount ends, because the unexpected surge of popularity during the banquet had added much to the profits.

And in this expected surge of popularity, there was a keyword, "unexpected". The huge waves of unceasing customers that appeared today was not going to be a consistent number.

Si Chen estimated that their normal profits, after today, will reach around $2000 to $2500 with the introduction of their specialties, a huge increase from the past $1200.

"…Yun Ran, the live streamer showcased a spectacular performance today, which added to our profits as well." Fang Bin informed.

Si Chen clucked his tongue when he heard this. When he had returned home, he had checked up on the internet and was surprised to find that Yun Ran, the live streamer they had invited, had some beef with Si Yin.

He also found out that Yun Ran's fan base had explosively increased, while Si Yin's showed a decline. They could now be considered equals, with Yun Ran's popularity even slightly suppressing Si Yin's.

Si Chen didn't really like Si Yin's face anyways, so to bring her down was one of the extra benefits of the banquet.

"Tell Yun Ran that if she does live streaming on drink stores too, she can make a call to Hui Yuan Drink Store. They will provide her with the details." Si Chen instructed.

Si Chen had briefly watched Yun Ran's live streaming, and could see that she had quite some talent for this.

It won't hurt to help her develop, as well as gain some popularity for his own drink store in the same time.

"Hui Yuan Drink Store? The one that became famous a while ago?" Fang Bin cried out on the opposite end of the phone.

"Yes. I own most of the shares there." Si Chen responded to his doubts in a leisurely manner. Since Fang Bin was now considered a sort of a subordinate, telling him a few things won't kill.

The line went silent for a while.

Si Chen probably guessed that Fang Bin was looking out of the window with his hands on his head, and he was doing exactly that indeed.

After a while, Fang Bin heavily breathed, "Boss Si, I had never imagined that you would also own the Hui Yuan Drink Store as well. If I might guess, the recent success of it must also be attributed to you, right? How else could they made such a huge turnaround in such a short period of time? "

"Boss Si, don't worry, I will direct the message to Yun Ran, and will send you her answer as soon as I get it." Fang Bin assured.

After exchanging a few words, Si Chen hang up on the call, and looked up to find Yang Ran staring at him.

"What are you looking at?" Si Chen stared right back towards her as he raised his eyebrows and asked.

"It's…nothing." Yang Ran slightly stammered.

The first thing she had saw when she went out of her room was Si Chen just lazily stretching on the sofa, with his phone loosely hanging on his ear. This casualness gave him an air of undeniable attractiveness, further coupled with his slightly shimmering wet hair, adding onto his charm.

She didn't know why, but she was instantly mesmerized by this sight, especially when she heard his low and magnetic voice.

Yang Ran shook her head, and lowered her head to slightly hide her embarrassed expression after being caught red-handed, while walking past Si Chen towards the door.

"You are going out right now? This late into the night?" Si Chen glanced at her attire and saw her holding onto her wallet.

"Yes." Yang Ran nodded, before she was quickly surprised by her actions.

Why was she being so open today? Usually, she won't not even bother to respond to his questions at all.

Was it because it was night time, and the fact that people are often more unreserved at night?

"Can you help me buy some food at the 24 hour convenience stall on your way outside? Thanks." Si Chen straightforwardly said, before he shifted his gaze back onto his phone.

Yang Ran was stunned by his direct exploitation that she could not find any words to retort with

In the end, she merely silently left the apartment, while wearing a cap over her head to cover her features.


The next day.

Si Chen went on to post the evidence of Blue Sea's Restaurant's crime on the internet under an untraceable alias.

As Si Chen had expected, netizens quickly noticed it and it began to catch fire.

The ones who had thrown dirt on Seafood Restaurant for its food poisoning incident swiftly changed sides and began to mercilessly insult and condemn the Blue Wave Restaurant.

This widespread disapproval towards Blue Wave Restaurant was further intensified after the Seafood's Restaurant's banquet, which garnered quite a lot of online fans.

Also, with a news article sent out by the North View newspaper company, which confirmed the validity of this evidence, the denouncing of Blue Wave Restaurant became even more fervent.

Kong Liang, was sitting within his restaurant.

The restaurant was open, but the seats were all empty. The waiters and waitress all had their faces covered with a dull and gloomy look.

On the other hand, Kong Liang's body was faintly trembling in anger, his green veins visible through his skin.

"Seafood Restaurant! Your puny pathetic restaurant actually dares to fight against me!" Kong Liang clenched his teeth as he forced out his words.

His lips curled up into a cruel smile, as he dialed a number on his phone.

"Hello? Boss Tiger? This one is Kong Liang, the owner of the Blue Wave Restaurant. I am calling to request for some help." Kong Liang's voice immediately turned respectful.

The Boss Tiger was one of the people he had met in a high status social gathering. He was a known gang leader, and if you pay him enough money, he would help you settle your enemies.

"$5000 upfront. Tell me who the target is…" A fierce voice growled out from the other side of the phone.

"Wait! What did you say your restaurant is again?" Boss Tiger abruptly questioned.

"The Blue Wave Restaurant" Kong Liang promptly answered.

"The Blue Wave Restaurant? The one on the internet right now? You actually have the guts to call me? Hahaha!" Boss Tiger manically laughed, before he directly hung up the call.

He had seen the notoriously famed Blue Wave Restaurant on the internet. Without any surprise, the restaurant will directly topple and the boss will be arrested by the police

Why would he even help someone without a future?

"Hello? Boss Tiger? Are you still there?" Kong Liang heard the call got cut off and frantically asked.

This was his only method to get revenge. If Boss Tiger didn't want to help him, then he was utterly helpless against the Seafood Restaurant.

Just then, police sirens rang outside, livening up the silent atmosphere within the restaurant.

A few policemen walked in and after taking a sweep around the place, their sights landed on Kong Liang. One of them walked up towards Kong Liang and asked, "Are you Kong Liang, the boss of the Blue Wave Restaurant?"

"Yes…may I ask, what are you here for?" Kong Liang politely questioned, as his brows slightly furrowed.

"We suspect that you are related to the food poisoning incident at the Seafood Restaurant. Every word you say thereafter may or may not be used against you in court." With that said, the police officer directly whipped out a pair of handcuffs and placed it onto the utterly stunned Kong Liang.

It was only when he was brought all the way out to the door of the restaurant did he realize the situation he was in.

Struggling out of the handcuffs, he desperately screamed out, "It's not me! It's not me!".

His saliva spat all over, and his current appearance was truly miserable, but the policemen simply ignored him and shoved him into the car.

Within the police station.

Kong Liang's face turned deathly pale at the moment, as he knew how deep he was in trouble, after seeing all the evidence placed in front of his eyes. His heart was filled with resentment and hatred towards the Seafood Restaurant, but with most parts, regret.

But one thing he could never figure out, was how the Seafood Restaurant managed to so suddenly make a comeback, as well as the evidence of his framing in the food poisoning incident.

And this was something for him to deeply contemplate on in the depths of the icy jail.

Si Chen lips rose up into a devilish smile, as he comfortably leaned back on the chair after reading the news online.

Boss of Blue Wave Restaurant got into jail, Blue Wave Restaurant thoroughly collapses.

In retrospect, Seafood Restaurant was rising in popularity and fame every day.

He, had won his first fight. His first business fight.