Settling Small Affairs

"Si Chen, there are more and more customers coming to our store right now! I'm so excited! Even though not all of them bought clothes from us, but there were some who even complimented the designs!"

"Si Chen, do you know how great it feels to have your designs complimented? I feel like all my silent effort and hard work that I had spent in the past had a purpose to it! The sense of fulfilment really sends a warmth and greater passion into my heart!"

Ouyang Xin was endless chattering on about the happenings in the store, while Si Chen was casually flicking off the dirt off his fingernails while patiently waiting for the chatterbox to end her long speech.

After around 20 minutes, he heard a deep gasp, and this was most likely Ouyang Xin catching hold after her breath after continuously talking for so long.

"By the way, Si Chen…I mean Boss Si Chen, could you teach me designs soon? I already can't wait to begin learning from the great master himself!" Ouyang Xin gave a small squeal of excitement.

Si Chen did not reply to her question, as he faked an exasperated sigh, "Miss Ouyang, if you hadn't told me that you majored in Art & Design, I would have thought you had gotten a degree in communication instead. Do you know what time it is now? I only called you to roughly understand how the shop is doing, but now I am assaulted with a load of your childhood stories."

"But I…"

"Okay, I know that you love art and design since young. You created your first painting at 5, sold you first painting at 7…whatever. You are the best! Now could you please give me some figures from the shop?" Si Chen promptly interrupted and inquired.

"Oh…so you were asking for the profits…I didn't know that. Let's see." Ouyang Xin eye's brightened in realization, then began to calculate the profits

"Based on my precise calculation, I think we had earned around $800 in profits today. Oh yeah, Si Chen. You know that there was this really nice couple who went into our store and…" Ouyang Xin abruptly got carried away after reporting the numbers.

"Thank you, Ouyang Xin. It's getting late today, and I need to rest. I will call you next time." Si Chen swiftly replied, before he cut off the call.

He gave a deep sigh in relief after doing so, then focused on the number Ouyang Xin have given him.

Although $800 was currently not high as compared to his F&B businesses, it didn't really matter yet. He could always give it some time to grow and rise.

The new clothing line, which was designed by him, will probably be set to launch around 2 days from now.

As for the OnShop website, it was still running under a deficit, and he had to quickly bring this under control.

After a careful and comprehensive analysis, Si Chen had determined the most effective business plan for the website, and sent the details to Chen Yang by email.

Then, he abruptly recalled something, and went to directly call Chen Yang instead.

"Hey, Chen Yang, I had sent something to your email. Go and check it out later." Si Chen mildly reminded, before he got on to the main reason why he called.

"Have you called the Eternal Fashion store yet and discussed the business details?" Si Chen questioned.

"I haven't done that yet. Our team is currently focusing on implanting the suggestions you had given us as fast as we could. After we are done with this, I will then make a call to the Eternal Fashion." Chen Yang was typing code on his computer while answering.

"That's good. Keep up the good work." Si Chen casually said, before hanging up the call and dialing Ouyang Xin again.

"Hello? Si Chen? Why are you calling me again? Oh, do you want to hear the story about the nice couple which entered our shop?" Ouyang Xin curiously asked.

"It's not that. I just want to tell you that somebody in charge of the OnShop website, the online shopping website, will be making a call to you later to discuss some terms of cooperation with you." Si Chen unhurriedly replied.

"By the way, I also invested in the OnShop website and own quite a bit of shares there." Si Chen did not forget to add.

"Noted. Boss Si Chen, when will you teach me design?" Ouyang Xin asked with expectations in her tone.

"Soon." Si Chen offhandedly answered, then hung up the call a while later.

Now that he got that settled, it was time to move on to his F&B shops.

There was Orchid Garden, where the share transfer contract had already been confirmed by the lawyer, and he was now legally the main shareholder of it.

He had already created a few recipes, which were concerning the deserts that paired well with coffee, the main type of drink sold in the café.

The Glazed Donuts, Cheesecake and the Chocolate Sesame Cookies and others less prominent ones.

There were also light pastries, along with sandwiches and normal breakfast foods.

And as for the drinks part, it was more or less the standard drinks, like Americano, Expresso, Latte, Cappuccino, and other similar coffee type drinks.

Of course, Si Chen did not simply focus on the different types of coffee, but also branched out to other drinks, which had not been sold by the Hui Yuan Drink Store.

When he gathered all the various recipes, food and drink alike, he recorded them down in a few sheets of paper, then stored them in a folder.

Carrying the folder within his hands, he went out of the apartment to the Orchid Garden, while calling for the owner to come.

Feng Ying came a while later, and Si Chen did not waste any words as he passed on the folder to her.

Taking a glance at her, he pointed towards it and explained, "This are some recipes that I have created, and modified, based on the preferences of the customers here. The modifications may be as slight as a decrease in the ingredient prices, without a change in the taste, or as great as changing the taste and enhancing the flavor in it."

"You can take a look at it, and try to implement it as fast as possible." Si Chen eyes were calm and serene, his tone tranquil, as though he was talking about a matter as meagre as the weather.

Yet this caused unceasingly waves of shock to surge within Feng Ying's heart, as she stared at Si Chen in complete shock.

If this was true, their café would improve by leaps and bounds.

Honestly, the reason why she even wanted to sell of all 90% of his shares within the Orchid Garden was because she felt like she was getting old, and the shop was no longer doing as well as it used to be in the past.

Her passion and desire for it has slowly burned off, and has been changed to something more of hopelessness and dullness.

Now though, she saw a future for the café.

They talked for a while, with mostly Feng Ying clarifying her doubts. Also, Si Chen did not forget to give some advice regarding the design of the store, or how she could better operate it and reduce operation costs.

When they were done, Si Chen went back to the apartment yet again.

It was exhausting to go out again and again, but Si Chen didn't mind that mere tiredness. As long as it was to make money, what was there to be tired about?