Mock Exam

He brought it to the dining table and began eating, while using his phone to check up on the daily news.

Xiao Meng was already long in school right now, and other than Yang Yun, who was still sleeping soundly in his room, there was no one else.

Meng Yao was most often at the University studying her degree in Business degree.

Yang Yun was always lazing around at home, along with occasionally going out to do somethings which Si Chen did not bother about.

As lost as Yang Yun helps him buy the groceries, and pays for the food he cooked for the pair of siblings every day, what he does is his own matter.

While he was eating, he heard the door abruptly click open, and the sound of footsteps echoing nearer towards him.

He raised his eyebrows in interest, and he turned back to see Yang Ran in her school uniform. He didn't need to be the smartest on earth to figure out why she was back in the apartment before school had even ended.

"Skipping school again? Tsk." Si Chen lightly snorted while shaking his head in disappointment.

Yang Ran looked at Si Chen with a strange gaze as she walked past, "Don't you have school at Oakwood High School too? Why aren't you going to school at all then?"

Si Chen was unfazed by her words, as he eloquently replied without batting an eye, "I got something important to do this week and am not free to go to school. I even applied for leave from the principal himself, so it is all normal."

Yang Ran was walking to the door of her room, and was able to place her hand on the door knob, when she heard Si Chen's words.

The corners of her mouth twitched when she heard that, and she turned back to look towards Si Chen, who was lazily looking at his phone while shoving food through her mouth.

Before her face could darken even further, she entered her room.


Inside the room, with the air-con set to a comfortable temperature, Si Chen laid down on his back while placing his phone in front of his face.

His eyes were aimed towards the profit numbers that were coming in daily.

Hui Yuan Drink Store earned around $2200, the Seafood Restaurant earned around $2000, while the Eternal Fashion earned around $900.

As for his investment into the Orchid Garden Café, it was just slightly higher than its usual numbers, at around $500.

The reason why the profits from the Hui Yuan Drink Store and the Seafood Restaurant was considerably higher than the rest, was mainly attributed to the fact that they both had branch shops.

He was also going to work on the branch shop idea on the other investments when the time was ripe.

With all the profits coming in, his daily income was at $5600. For him to be able to earn that much in an entire month was already considered as remarkable. For him to earn that much in one day, could be said to be nothing short of stupefying.

A few days had already passed, and it was already Friday, the day of the mock exam. Through the studying schedule he had arranged for himself, he had managed to accumulate sufficient knowledge within his brain.

He lazily stretched as he wrestled himself away from his comfortable bed, then wore on his school uniform and did the usual morning necessities.

Taking a pen along with him, he walked out of his room, all ready for school.

"Big brother, are you coming to school today?" Xiao Meng was already sitting on the dining table and patiently waiting for him, when she noticed Si Chen's attire.

"Yeah. I got an exam to take today." Si Chen casually answered, and then cooked light breakfast for both of them.

While they were eating, Xiao Meng lifted up her head and commented, "Big brother, some of my classmates noticed you and said that you were quite handsome."

She placed her food into her mouth, before she continued to say, "Big brother, are you going to school to get a girlfriend?"

"Who taught you that? Was it Yang Ran?" Si Chen stared at Xiao Meng, who blinked back at him innocently, "What are you thinking inside of your brain? I am only 16, and this is the time for me to focus on my studies."

"And you too. You better not play around in school too much, or I will make sure that I will beat up the other person so hard that he will cry for his mother." Si Chen did not forget to warn with a serious expression.

"Okay, Big brother. I will always listen to you. Xiao Meng carelessly replied while stuffing her face with food.

They went to Oakwood High School shortly after, and after keeping his head low, he went towards the classroom and realized that the exam took place a few hours later.

Unable to do anything else but wait, he went to the cafeteria to order some food.

His phone rang midway, and he picked it up.

"Si Chen, we have tweaked the website and implemented a few new features, along with the Eternal Fashion's shopping space. We are now ready to launch the new website." It was Chen Yang who was calling, and he informed Si Chen about the new updates.

"Launch it then." Si Chen plainly replied.

"Okay." Chen Yang acknowledged.

A while later, he searched up the website OnShop on the internet, and saw the changes. The interface was now more comfortable and easier to use and navigate around, which will surely serve to gain more attention from users on the internet.

The Eternal Fashion's clothes were put up on sale in the front page, with flashing discounts given, which were meant to lure customers in.

The design was amazing, but not too flashy and blinding, and was more of a mix between chic and relaxing.

He smiled in satisfaction at this change.

After a while had passed, he looked at the time and saw that it was time for the mock test. Today, they were doing Mathematics and English tests together.

The principal hadn't told him what would be tested, but it didn't really matter since he had already studied every subject.

All of the students were already within the class, when Si Chen abruptly opened the classroom door and entered.

The class, that was already silent, drew in a deep breath after seeing him.

"Who are you?" The invigilator squinted his eyes when he saw the unfamiliar Si Chen.

"I am here to take the mock exam. Did the principal not inform you of this?" Si Chen mildly replied.

"Oh." The invigilator then recalled that the principal had told him of a student that was taking the mock exam in order to determine if he was qualified to skip grades.

"Put your valuables and phone in front, and take a seat then." He gestured towards the table.

Si Chen gave his phone to the invigilator, then directly went straight towards an empty table.

He had barely sat down for a minute, when he felt somebody prodding him on the shoulder.

"Classmate, what is your name? Why haven't I seen you in school before?" A girl who sat beside him leaned towards him and asked.

"I am Si Chen, and I am only 16, and was not studying in your batch, so it is natural for you not to see me in school." Si Chen plainly replied, while taking the sole thing he had prepared for the exam – a pen.

"Then why are you taking the mock exam for?" The girl questioned.

"To skip grades and promote to your level." Si Chen turned towards her and lightly smiled.

"I hope you pass the test!" The girl replied in a rather passionate tone as she stared towards Si Chen with sparkling stars in her eyes.

"Thanks." Si Chen perfunctory said.

And the girl abruptly caught him by surprise, when she suddenly asked in a voice that definitely could not count as a whisper, "Do you have a girlfriend right now?"

Si Chen was about to reply, when he noticed that there were a few dozen eyes trained towards him after the girl had asked him the question, and the bulk of them were all females.

He was wondering if he should say yes, to throw away all these predators, when the invigilator saved him from making the decision, as he sternly warned, "No talking during the examination, or you will be caught for cheating."

Si Chen wanted to give a big thumbs up to the invigilator when he found that the eyes that were aimed towards him had all reluctantly moved away.

He still wasn't used to the attention that his face was getting, but he had to admit that the feeling was rather pleasant.

The mathematics exam was first, and it was 2 hours long. Si Chen flipped through the questions on the thick piece of test paper, and while he was doing so, his mind was rapidly carrying out computations for most of them.

There was still a small portion of questions that he was unable to solve yet, but as for the rest of the questions, he completed them in around 30 minutes.

Since the English paper was right after this, there was no point in him handing up the paper, so he simply tried to solve the remaining questions which he did not know how to do.

When he reached that point where nothing could come out of his brain, he slept for the rest of the time.

The invigilator noticed Si Chen's prominent action, and he simply shook his head while looking away. In his eyes, Si Chen was a 16 year old who just wanted to play around with the Mock Exam, and was not serious at all.

"Time is up. Pens down, and no more writing." The invigilator announced after the exam had ended, then proceeded to collect all the papers.

Si Chen directly left the classroom, while waiting for the next paper to start.

A few hours later, and Si Chen walked out of the Oakwood High School with a relaxed expression plastered on his face, looking nothing like somebody who just went through 2 Mock Papers 2 grades higher than his current level.

The papers felt rather easy to him, and although it was not a full mark, but it will at least by at around 80 to 90%.

He placed his hands within his pocket, then turned his head towards the Eternal Fashion store. Since he was already out of the apartment, he might as well go and teach Ouyang Xin a few skills.

A while later, he arrived at the Eternal Fashion store. The place was not as empty as it used to be, and he saw a few customers browsing the western clothes on display.