New Missions


[Host has dipped his fingers into the retail industry, and there are two paths available for Host to continue on. The first path is to continue threading and developing within the retail market, while the second path is to embark into an entirely new industry]

Mission Task 1: Invest in into a business with at least $100000 in net worth

Mission Task 2: Get at least a 30% return within a month


[Start a Company]

[Host has earned a respectable living for himself, and no longer needs to rely on the funds of the System to carry out his investments. Host's investments are now considered numerous, and it will become increasingly difficult to keep track of them as the quantity of your investments grow.

To allow the Host to be able to effectively manage them, the System recommends the Host to register a company to oversee all the investments]

Mission Task 1: Register a company and classify investments under company's assets.

Mission Task 2: Raise Company's total net worth to $600000

Si Chen took a minute to go through the two missions that had popped up, one regarding his future industry path, and the other regarding the matter on starting up a company.

The mission on starting up a company will be easy for him, since all he needed to do was simply get his assistant to register a company under his name for him, while waiting for the net worth of his other investments to rise up so that it could contribute to the total assets of his new company.

The first mission, however, will be rather complicated, since investing into a $100000 business may take some extra time and effort.

First, he had to take care of the less serious issues, before he take care of the larger ones.

During evening, Si Chen and Meng Yao were sitting beside each other within the living room. The Yang siblings and Xiao Meng had all went back to their rooms to do their personal things, so there were the only ones within the living room right now.

"How was the deal with the HoneyChef Restaurant?" Si Chen took the initiative to speak, and questioned.

While he was asking, his eyes shifted towards the file within Meng Yao's hands, which had already given him an answer to the question he had just asked.

Meng Yao handed over the file to him, and while he was going through the document, she began to inform in a clear and crisp voice, "Through certain means, I had already managed to negotiate a deal with the boss of the HoneyChef Restaurant. The boss was stubborn at first, but he still gave in in the end."

"The deal stated on the document is 70% for $50000. All it needs right now is your signature for confirmation, along with the transfer of money." She plainly stated.

After looking through the document, the corner of his lips lifted up into a satisfied smile, "That's good."

"How was the experience?" Si Chen took over a pen and began to sign the document while asking.

Meng Yao thought for a while, before honestly replying, "It was nerve wracking, because I had never dealt with such a huge amount of money before."

Her face then wore a delighted smile as she continued, "But it was enjoyable and fulfilling to see the deal go through."

Si Chen gave a soft sound of acknowledgement, then handed over the signed document to Meng Yao, "Get the relevant authority to confirm this, and tell the boss that I will be sending him the money by tomorrow."

"You did very well." Si Chen sincerely praised.

"Then can I get a pay raise---"Meng Yao stared up with hopeful eyes.

"But this is why I give you such a high salary for." Si Chen added without skipping a beat.

Meng Yao put up a mock expression of displeasure, but did not say anything else. After all, she was only asking a question she knew had almost no chance of occurring.

Standing up from his seat, Si Chen glanced down at Meng Yao, "I still got another task for you. This time, it is a much simpler one."

"I want you to set up a company for the public to see, and put up a random name up on it. But in the background, register another company that owns the entirety of that company that will be publicly set up, and keep that company hidden behind the shadows."

"This means that the first company you will be registering is only a shell company, a mere figurine, while the second one is the true boss." Si Chen instructed in an unhurried and eloquent manner.

"And, by the way, I hired another assistant along with you, so as to not keep you lonely and struggling with work." Si Chen was preparing to leave when he recalled something, "If one day, the results he is pumping out is better than what you are doing…"

Then, he left his next words empty for Meng Yao to imagine by herself, before he returned to his room.

70% in the HoneyChef Restaurant was truly an amazing deal, and he really wondered what means Meng Yao had employed to cheat the owner of this much shares.

The potential of the restaurant alone, if a few twerks and changes were to be made to the food, would rise greatly.

He had to say that just by judging from the quality of the dishes alone, the chefs working in the HoneyChef Restaurant was a tad bit higher than the ones within the Seafood Restaurant.

It was the recipes that had pulled down the overall taste of the food they had cooked. Well, at least this was what his taste buds and extensive knowledge of F&B had told him.

The next day, he was lying down on the sofa watching TV. It was not that he was being lazy, but rather that he was taking a hard-earned break.

Regardless, the business news channel was rather entertaining, especially to someone who always wants to search up for the latest news on the business market.

Today was a typical weekday, more specifically, the end of the weekday – the most loved weekday.

His phone rang while he was carelessly placing his sight onto the TV, and he slowly picked it up.

"Boss Si, the three new branch shops will be opening for shop today, and there is already quite a crowd outside the 3 separate locations of the branch shop." Yang Deng instantly informed him of the current circumstances in a hurried tone of voice.

"Why would they even be a crowd outside for? We haven't released any new drinks, did we?" Si Chen frowned his eyebrows with an uncomprehending expression on his face.

"No, Boss Si. But our popularity has went beyond our regions, and many people want to see if our drinks are truly as good as they are said to be on the internet. "

"Most of these people felt that it was too inconvenient to travel to our two shops since there were quite a distance away, and after they knew that we will be opening a shop near their living locations, they just came out of curiosity." Yang Deng took a deep breath and explained.

Hearing his words, Si Chen released the tension on his eyebrows, while he slightly shook his head, "I had thought that there was a problem that had occurred from the tone of your voice just now, like a riot against our shops or something. Next time, could you try to convey the meaning more clearly?"

"Haha, yes Boss Si." Yang Deng awkwardly laughed and caught his breath. He was now within one of the new branch shops sites, and after he saw the crowd outside, he was simply too filled with excitement to calm himself down.

The current situation was far too unexpected for him to catch hold of his emotions, which was why he had spoken so quickly in the beginning.

"How is our cooperation with WaterLake so far?" Si Chen questioned.

"WaterLake?" Yang Deng halted for a while, before he started to respond, "Our cooperation with them has received quite a few positive responses from the public, since the WaterLake Company has always withheld a presentable reputation, and also have multiple branches around the city, making it more convenient for purchase."

"So far, there hasn't been much worrying complains." He added.

Then, Yang Deng suddenly thought of something, and swiftly informed him, "Boss Si, I had received a message from the Northwest Drinks yesterday night, and they requested a meeting with me. How should I deal with this issue?"

Si Chen's lips imperceptibly rose up into a devilish smirk, while his eyes sparkled with a dangerous glint, "Agree to it. I would like to see what they have up their sleeves."

"Okay, Boss Si."