"Taxi service people."

Chapter 7

A few days ago I heard something.

My mum was telling someone she didn't know what to do and how she would tell someone about Kayleigh. It really confused me because she usually talked to me and Kaiden about anything that bothered her.

I tried to not let my overthinking side come out but I couldn't help it.

I headed to the gym so I could take my stress out on a punching bag.




Right Hook


Left Hook




That is basically what I did for an hour.

Once I had tired myself out, I called a taxi, and they arrived in 5 minutes.

I really couldn't be bothered to walk home because I was lazy plus at this moment I was exhausted.

"That's £7" I was not paying £7 for a 6 minute drive.

"£4.50" I argued

"No. £6.50"

"£5.50. Don't argue mister because it's this or nothing. I am not paying £7," I gave him a scowl " I tried to be nice by calling you to pick me up because then your taxi service people or whatever they're called are getting money when I could have just walked so you're getting this or nothing because mark my words you are not getting more than this!" Once I had finished my rant I gave him the money, gave him the bird, and left the car but not without slamming the door with the intention to slightly damage the door.

I entered my house and closed my door quietly not wanting to ruin our new door.

"I can't James. I don't know how to, this will make them hate me. Please help me." Mum pleaded.

Was this the same James that Grace was talking about a few weeks ago?

Thinking about Grace made me realise how shit I've been as a sister. I didn't even call her when she went to Spain. Hopefully, she was okay and everything was going well for her.

"No James. I'm sure I don't need your help, I'll do it but thank you."

Her voice took me out of my thoughts and I entered our newly designed living room.

I didn't want to ask her what she was talking about because I didn't want to invade her privacy but I had this urge to find out what she was hiding.

"Help you with what?"

When I said this, I could tell that I scared the shit out of my mum because she dropped her phone and turned around so fast I swear her neck could've broken. Lucky for me that didn't happen because if her neck broke then she wouldn't be alive and she wouldn't be staring at me with fear in her brown orbs.


"Say my name. Say my name." I laughed when I sang that but mum scratching her neck nervously didn't go unnoticed by me.

"I'm sorry that I scared you mum but I want you to tell me what's wrong."

Small beads of sweat trickled down mum's forehead, and her eyes darted to the stairs.

"Kaiden come sit down. I need to talk to you and Kehlani." Mum's voice came out clear and strong but I knew that wasn't how she felt inside.

Once Kaiden and I had settled on our couch. Mum opened and closed her mouth like a fish.

"Spit it out, mum." You could tell Kaiden was getting agitated.

"Max isn't your biological dad. That's why he's always been distant with you two."

Distant? Max wasn't distant. He loathed the thought of being around us. He only talked to us when he needed something and you could see his hatred shine in his eyes when he looked at Kaiden and I.

The man I thought was my father was just my mum's lover. Did I even know my father? Would mum keeping this secret from Kaiden and I tear our family apart?