"This is awkward."

Chapter 9

"Hurry Liam. I don't have all day." I tried to make myself seem uninterested by checking my nails.

"I didn't sleep with Heather," he explained "she got her bartender friend to put loads of alcohol in my drink which made me pass out, and then they took pictures of us together in bed while we were naked."


"I didn't sleep with her Annie. I would never cheat on you. You were my world back then and you are my world now even if you don't like me." I could see his tense shoulders relaxing.

"Don't call me that Liam. My name is Keh-La-Ni, not Annie"

"Don't do that." I didn't know what he meant.

"Don't do what?" I asked.

"Don't change the subject because you don't know what to say." he smiled slightly.

His smile was honestly beautiful, but I knew I had to keep my distance from Liam. Even if I told everyone that I hated Liam I knew deep down, I still loved him.

"What do you want me to say?"

"Tell me you believe me, baby I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. I'm sorry that all these years I did nothing to get you back, but I thought I slept with Heather so me doing anything wouldn't change that I cheated on you even though I desperately wanted you back," his eyes filled with unshed tears. "but now, I know that I didn't cheat I'll do anything to make you mine again." Liam walked towards me but I hastened to the side and stared him in the eyes.

"I'm really not bothered about that weekend anymore but okay."

Once I had said that, I left Liam and went back inside Cosmos.


The next few days everything was tense between mum and I. I knew that it was my fault but I needed more time to adjust because I couldn't wrap my head around it.

"Baby, I know you need more time but that will have to end because your dad is coming over for lunch." I could tell that mum was worried about how I'd react but honestly, I was actually happy. Ever since mum had told us that Max wasn't our dad I had always wanted to meet my actual dad. Hopefully, he loved Kaiden and I.

I smiled at her and nodded then I turned my tv on and watched Designated Survivor while my mum left my room.

I spent most of my morning in my room because I feared going downstairs in case my father came early but I knew I couldn't prolong it anymore because it was now 12 pm.

My mum always finished preparing our lunch by 12:15 no matter what she was making, so I knew I only had 15 minutes to get ready.

I did nothing fancy since I was just meeting my dad so he'd better get used to seeing me in my casual clothes because that's basically all I wore unless I had to go somewhere fancy or a date.

I changed into my navy Adidas leggings and a black T-shirt. I put on some white socks and put my hair in a ponytail.

Once I had finished getting dressed, I headed downstairs and helped my mum by setting the table while Kaiden was just sat down playing on his phone.

After all the food was on the table and mum had done everything, the doorbell rang so mum quickly opened the door.

"We're meeting our dad Kaiden."

"I know. Don't freak out Kehlani. Just act normal." he seemed so cool about all of this. If I weren't his twin, then I wouldn't have ever thought he was slightly worried about what our father would think of him.

Before I could say anything else mum came into the living room and cleared her throat and so Kaiden and I turned around.

"Kaiden, Kehlani this is your dad James," when she paused a gorgeous girl appeared from behind her and stood next to James. "and your sister Kayleigh."

"Hey." Kaiden smiled.

James and Kayleigh greeted him back and then greeted me too.

"Hi." I gave them a timid smile.

Mum had failed to say that we had an older sister so once again she had not told me and Kaiden something that would change our lives.

"Let's go sit down." Mum led us all to the living room, and we all sat down.

I sat next to Kayleigh and Kaiden was opposite us while mum and James were sat at the head of the table.

I found it respectful that James only sat at the head of the table because mum insisted or else that would've just been rude that he came in and sat at the head thinking he owned the place.

There was nothing more awkward than this. No one talked we all just stared at each other while we ate our food at a slow pace.

"Erm wow. This is awkward. Anyone want to say anything?" Kayleigh's awkward attempt to make conversation worked because we all erupted into laughter.

James and Kayleigh were actually nice, and I knew that I'd love them in no time. At first, it worried me I wouldn't fit in with them because they gave me a rich vibe by the phones and watches they had and the way they carried themselves, I could tell that they were definitely richer than us.

But they were humble and nice people and I definitely knew that I was glad that this was my real family. Hopefully mum and James would rekindle their romance so we could be one big happy family.

The thing that worried me was if Max hadn't hurt mum and if she hadn't left him then would mum have told us that Max wasn't our biological dad?

Would we have ever met Kayleigh and James?