"How fucked up.."

Chapter 19

It had been 2 hours since I walked into town. I had been into the Apple store and Flannels. I had 2 iPhones and an iPad in my bag. I knew nothing else would fit in my bag so I was carrying a Balenciaga shoe box. I was really tempted to get the same shoes as Kayleigh but then I knew that if I got them, then I wouldn't be able to afford the house I wanted and a puppy. But I knew I had more money than planned since James had sent me more than half of the money needed for mum's iPhone.

I was on my way home when I remembered that I had got nothing for Liam yet. I had got stuff for the rest last week when I went shopping with my mum so that if I wanted to change anything or get anything else, then I'd have time but I absolutely forgot about Liam.


I had no clue what to get him. Liam was a hard person to get stuff for. He had everything he needed. I knew I had to stay away from him but I would wait until after Christmas. I had to get him something even if I would not spend Christmas with him.

I'd probably get him a Hugo Boss watch. He had an Armani watch and a Rolex so I'd just get him another watch to add to his collection.

With my mind made up, I went into the Hugo Boss store and bought him a Plated Stainless Steel watch.

Once I had finished shopping, I headed back to Noah's house in a taxi.

When I opened the front door a sweet smell filled my nose, and I sniffed the air trying to distinguish what the aroma was. I was about to go to the kitchen when I remembered that I had things on my person that were only supposed to be unveiled on Christmas day.

I quickly walked to my room trying to avoid seeing anyone so they wouldn't ask what I had bought. There was no point in leaving my room then going back to wrap all the presents I had bought in the past 2 weeks so I wrapped them first, then go down to see what food was being made.


My arms were full of presents that I put under Noah's and Liam's heavily decorated tree. I knew the tree being decorated wasn't their doing since Noah couldn't be bothered to decorate and Liam wasn't that bothered about Christmas.

I placed the ones that belonged to Liam, Bailey, and Noah under the tree and then went to the dining room to see that nearly everyone was already seated and were eating apart from Noah and I. There was a spare seat in between Bailey and Happy so I sat down and huffed childishly.

"Why didn't anyone tell me to come down for dinner?" I pouted.

Everyone shrugged and conversed about Christmas and Kaiden and I's birthday while they ate their pasta. A few minutes later, Noah came into the room with a huge grin on his face and plopped himself down next to Liam. He whispered into Liam's ear and Liam gave him a small smile and looked at the notification on his phone.

"Oi Bails." Noah smiled.

"Leave me alone, I'm eating." She grumbled and put a forkful of pasta in her mouth and chewed quietly.

I stopped observing what the surrounding people were doing and started eating the pasta on my plate.

I slowly looked up and was met with green eyes identical to mine. I gave him a bright smile and subtly looked at Happy and I saw his eyes follow my movements and his light-skinned cheeks gave a small red tint and he looked away with a love-struck smile on his face.

I looked at all the people sitting at the table, Kaiden, Karrie, Bailey, Happy, John, Noah and lastly Liam. Everyone here was my family. No matter how fucked up our past was or how fucked up our future would be. I'd always remember my time with my family.

It didn't matter if we weren't blood-related. If they treated me good, I'd treat them well, and I'd love them unconditionally. To many people, I seemed rude and closed-off but that was only if I wasn't comfortable with you.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt eyes burning into my skull so I turned my head slightly and my eyes connected with intense grey eyes. All thoughts about staying away from Liam vanished, and I wanted to bask in his comfort. Even if it was only for a few seconds, for I knew that Liam would always be there for me, whether I was mad at him, if he was with someone other than me or not.

I knew that Liam loved me even though I tried hard to not acknowledge it. And I smiled at Liam and let my love shine through my green eyes and I knew he noticed because he gave a small nod that wouldn't have been noticeable if you weren't looking closely at him.