
Chapter 22

It had been half a year since I moved out. 6 months since I last saw Liam. 5 months since Kaiden and Happy moved in together. 4 months since I bought my first car, a Ford Fiesta. And 2 months since my mum got engaged to my dad. That sounded weird to me.

My parents were engaged. If my life was stereotypical, my parents would have been married and maybe I'd even have another sibling. My mother wouldn't have gone through heartbreak with Max and I wouldn't be going through heartbreak now with Liam.

Yes. I know. It's my fault. Why didn't I tell Liam? Well, it's not that simple.

Nowadays, everything is different. You don't have to be married or in a relationship to have children. For goodness' sake, you don't even have to be 16. You can get pregnant at 14 and have your baby and it won't even have to be taken away. You can look after him or her and have a happy life.

I wanted another dog. Yes, that's unrelated to having babies at 14 but I honestly wanted a new dog.

Nero was amazing, and I absolutely loved him but I also wanted a pit bull. It probably would not happen since Nero was only just growing but eventually, if I got married and had a family then I'd get a pit bull too.

Anyway, my life revolved not only around my dog. It revolved around making sure that Bailey was comfortable and she was all right. She was ready to burst. Literally. Her baby would be born in a few days or weeks and we were all excited. The only thing that I wasn't looking forward to was seeing Liam.

I had missed him so much. Sometimes, I'd cry myself to sleep with Nero cuddled in my arms as I thought about my life if I had Liam in it.

I stopped thinking about Liam as I remembered that I had to go out and do some shopping because I had been running out of food for a while and my lazy arse couldn't be bothered to get some and now I had left it all to the last minute.

I dashed to my room and wore some joggers and a white t-shirt with my vans and headed out after making sure that Nero was okay and grabbing my purse and my car keys.

As I was driving, my mind drifted off to my mum and dad. Would they be happy together? Would it end in a divorce?

That was what I feared the most. Divorce.

Even when I was a kid, I knew that my mum and Max weren't married but it still worried me that if they broke up I'd have to live with one parent and only see the other on weekends. Luckily, that never happened and even if it happened, my mum would have Kaiden and I since we weren't even Max's children.

I didn't even realize that I had parked my car at Asda until I heard the raindrops splattering on my windshield.

"Are you fucking serious!" I yelled. I was fuming. I hated England, and I hated it's stupid weather. But right now I hated myself even more. Why did I wear a t-shirt with no coat? I banged my head against my steering wheel softly and groaned but then I decided to not be a pussy and just got out of my car and ran into Asda as fast as I could.

My dumbass self parked my car far away from the actual supermarket and so when I got inside my face was blasted with heat but my body was shaking as I was drenched and I was panting as I had not exercised in a while.

"You okay there miss?" A quiet but masculine voice asked.

"Do I loo-" My voice caught in my throat as I turned around and I stared at one of the most handsome men I had ever met. He had blonde hair and his skin was sun-kissed. I didn't know how as we were in England but it looked natural, so maybe he had been on holiday for a while. I could literally eat him because he looked that good. I couldn't really see his eye color since he wasn't looking at me so I followed the direction that his eyes were looking and I stared down at my chest.

At first, I didn't really understand why he was looking there because I was pretty sure that my shirt covered everything but realization sunk in as I realized that my shirt was stuck to my skin and it had become transparent.