Awakening Sei (Chapter 5)

- Western Junior Cadet Training camp-

"Do you see the trees around us and the birds chirping and the tiny ants crawling and you very cadets standing here today? Well, we are all connected, interlinked by one important thing." General Hatazō Adachi said. He stared at the cadets with one passionate blue eye, the other was long gone. His strange curved sword swung on his hip with the wind. The sun bounced brightly off the green and gold sword case.

"And that is Sei the living essence granted to us by the gods. They say it is a gift from the gods to make us unique. Every one of you has dormant Sei inside of you pure the colour white" The general continued to tell them. "It is when that Sei inside of you wakes that you can use it to fight."

"You see as we are all unique, therefore we are all different once that Sei inside of us wakes our differences glow, shown by the colour that the aura your Sei produces. Do your best, cadets. I will now pass you over to captain Rosko." The general said before stepping back.

"LISTEN UP CADETS! There is only one way to pass this test and that's if you produce an aura NO AURA MEANS FAILURE." - Captain Roko looked as scary as he sounded. Dressed in an all-black robe and with his black hair tightly tied up the only thing unorganized about him was the little stubble on his beard. HERE ARE THE COLOR RANKINGS! LISTEN UP!

" White- Basic is the most common

Brown- common

Blue- lowest rare

Green- middle rare

Red- middle rare and more violent

Yellow- rare and powerful

Black- uncommon deals with death

Purple- extremely dangerous and demonic."

"I've got this, it's my time to raise to even higher heights." Nelen said, trying to convince himself this was true.

"Put your palms together breath in and out, have a completely clear mind, focus on the centre of your chest now imagine an egg in the centre of your chest slowly start cracking, it coursing through your body your Sei will ooze out you will feel a warm sensation all over your body don't let go of the sensation after time swiftly let it out." Captain Roko commanded his voice still an authoritative whisper.

The captain then demonstrates it in swift motion letting out a widely flared green aura but to the common eye you could see that it was refined to be a simple state Captain Roko. Then after that he was back to his authoritative self.

"Right all of you line up and start good luck!" Captain Roko

One by one they all got into a low stance and closed their eyes

5 minutes passed until they produced results

Captain Roko remained in front of them the whole time demanding they keep going.

Kikoi (random Cadet) tried to find his voice but it was hard enough to breath. "No .. I cant do this" He found his voice and instantly collapsed to the ground.

However, that wasn't the only cadet to fall twenty-five out of the 100 fell to the ground instantly and a failure report from captain Roko also followed them.

"I can do this I go further further further!!!" Nelen yelled, barely able to form a coherent sentence.

But some succeeded. They started to form their auras faint but the colours where visible

I got White!! - Random cadets

I got white too!!! Yess

I got blue!

Slowly but surely each one of the remaining cadets got their Sei awakened

Ten were left, still pushing on out of the ten two of them seemed to stand out like a soar thumb one trying extremely hard (Nelen) one not even attempting it (Hissori)

"I CAN DO THIS GO FURTHER!!" Nelen yelled.

And there it was Nelens aura tightly contained with a faint green.

"I've done it I reached over the limit!!" Nelen

"WELL, DONE CADET that's the highest colour we've seen all day" Captain Roko said his voice was comforting, almost as comforting as Nelen falling to the ground after he passed.

"What wonderous determination" General Hatazō Adachi noted.

"That seems to be everyone Ohhh wait one more." Captain Roko said, with a surprised tone in his voice and then obvious annoyance. "So are you struggling or is it that you don't want to try.

Hissori said nothing and his expression remained blank.

"I've explained it can you not do it?"

"hahahah hahahhha " Quiet laughter rang from some of the cadets.

"I.." Hissori's mind floated onto other things.

"Look here if you want to become a solider you work for it if your not willing THEN GET OUT!" Captain Roko said.

Inside Hissori's head, he thought; "What a drag... wonder what desert were having today? I should probably finish so I can make it in time for dessert." But aloud he said; "fine…" He closed his eyes, breathes, and started the process.

The air became tight soldiers coughed...

Suddenly, the whole training room turned into a thick purple colour..

All the soldiers sensed something was wrong blood dripped from their eyes and their auras got weaker and weaker while it looked like Hissori's grew stronger.

ALL the soldiers fell to their knees lungs seeping from screaming, and blood flowing from their eyes rapidly.

The captain suddenly stumbled to his feet trying to hold his composure

Hissori completely oblivious to the chaos that was happening while his eyes were still shut.

In a instant the general seemed to move to Hissori and hit the end of his sword into Hissori's gut the purple aura left the room and silence was spread through the training camp.

The general looking at boy his eyes dripping with a bit of blood

What just happened?

To be continued..