Ranked blades

1- Onigiri Yasutsuna (童子切)

(Cursed blade)

crafted by: Amakuni Yasutsuna. - where about: unknown

Nickname: Oni slayer

Description: Deadly sword no curves straight and sharp, thin in wide and hilt coloured marron. (Katana style) actual blade completely black with red shining tone.

Case: The case coloured black with a red coloured symbol written on it (童子切)

More description: Black cloth hanging on the end of it of the hilt

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2- Onimaru Kunitsuna (鬼丸国綱):

Crafted by: Hedochi Masamune. - Where about: Unknown

Nickname: Demon sword

Description: The blade itself sharp shinning a white/purple type of coloured metal, A curve near the top and rather long (Katana style). Hilt of the sword white and some strips purple.

Case: White and has a scratch design in the middle that is coloured purple.

More description: Also has a small golden bell hanging at the end of the handle hanging from a purple ribbon.

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3- Mikazuki Munechika (三日月)

Crafted by: Unknown

Nickname: Crescent moon sword

Description: Elegant blue shined blade thin a sharp extreme curved bend (Katana style) Blue hilt like the ocean and medium sized blade.

Case: Case dark blue with golden metal flowered designed pattern on it.

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4- Ōdenta Mitsuyo (大典太) Great Denta sword

Crafted by: Rochi Denta. -Where about: Last seen somewhere north

Nickname: Great Denta sword

Description: Shorter blade (katana style) Hilt strong and thick wrapped in orange cloth hilt itself is dark green actual blade shined orange tone sharp and straight.

Case: dark green with orange diagonal lines going across it.

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5- Juzumaru Tsunetsugu (数珠丸)

Crafted by: Unknown

Nickname: Rosary sword

Description: Blade long curve at the top sharp and wide at the top bright red hilt and two metal rods along the each side of the handle.

Case: Bright red and has a black rose on it

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6-Muramasa (村正)

(Cursed blade)

Crafted by: Muramasa Sengo. - Where about: Unknown

Nickname: Akuma whistler

Description: Actual blade is black long sharp slight curve and a gold type black but slightly lighter

Case: black with gold design of a dragon on it.

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7-Kogitsunemaru (小狐丸)

Crafted by: DXD . where about: unknown

Nickname: Qin

Description: Skinny sword straight and very flexible almost like a whip. completely silver

Case: Sliver plain with one black line in the middle

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8-Kogarasumaru (小烏丸)

Crafted by: DXD. - Where about: Unknown

Nickname: Rin

Description: Very wide sword with massive hilt and blade itself is very wide complelty silver including the blade very durable and straight and also plain no design.

Case: plain sliver with two black lines in the middle.
