The Beginning

A well-known group of powerful cultivators known as the Tiaya sect has recently been invaded by an alliance of two sects, the Ashen sect and the Jiraya sect.

Almost everyone including the sect leader Rui Hongchang is mudered and only a handful of disciples are lucky to escape.

Qui si an outer disciple of the Sanyang school and her husband Zhansun Shan a Martial Disciple thinks they are the only surviving members of the sect. It now dawns on that onus to rebuild the sect or to take vengeance for the death of their colleagues lies solely on them.

On the other hand, Wenren Yu, a young gifted healer of 17 years is among the few to have escaped. He founds himself with Sui Wenyen a young beautiful actress who is also a member of the sect. They get into deep friendship and give themselves the ultimate objective of reuniting the sect before they can be united as husband and wife

The Beginning

A Tiaya disciple holding a spear runs frantically inside a room and taps a sleeping old man

"Master Shen, please wake up. We are under attack."

Master Shen mumbles and opens his eyes tired and surprised. He sits up and speaks calmly "I knew this would come someday. Who are the attackers?"

"I do not know but they wear dark masks and they fight like the mó"

Master Shen looks at the student and thinks a little "Is Rui Hongchang aware of the invasion"

The student nods and tell the master "Rui Hongchang is already aware, he is at the courtyard with the other disciples fighting off the Inva....

An arrow enters the student chest. He gasped and looks at the arrow. He looks at Master Shen and sees him laughing wickedly. The student is shocked

"Why Master She... Before he finishes his statement, Master Shen forms Qi and blast him with much force. His body flies and hits Master Shen armour which was hanged on a metal rod.

At the courtyard, Rui Hongchang and the other disciples fight against the invaders. The battle is pretty tough and the invaders are having upper hand.

Rui Hongchang looks around and sees the members of his sect been killed. He becomes sad and is disappointed. He notices an eight feet tall warrior skillfully beating his disciples. Being an experienced fighter and leader, Rui Hongchang is able to perceive that the warrior is a Martial Disciple. He sizes him up and conjure a wind splitting fist towards him. To his amazement, the eight feet tall warrior senses this and dodges. The warrior looks at him and charges towards him with his dagger surrounded by fire

Unsure and now afraid, Rui Hongchang tries to form a defence wall around himself but it is too late, the fire dagger goes straight into his heart. He screams in pain and hold his chest. The eight feet warrior removes the knife and attempts to stab him again but he is blasted by a disciple.

Rui Hongchang who is badly hurt manages to crawl out of the courtyard. He crawls to his room and searches his collection for a portion. He needs to heal himself otherwise, it was evident that he would die. He is startled as he hears someone walking towards his room. He holds his dagger close to him and steadies himself. The footstep gets louder and Rui Hongchang stands by the door. He cleans sweat off his brow and use his leg to clean the blood dripping to the ground from his chest.

Wenren Yu, a young disciple of the Tiaya sect opens a door slowly. He is shocked to be welcomed by a dagger and he holds the person's hand

"Master, it is I, Wenren Yu, your student"

Rui Hongchang is surprised and relaxed. He frees his hand from Wenren Yu's grip anf Weren Yu enters before Rui Hongchang locks the door

Weren Yu looks at the floor and sees it filled with blood. Rui Hongchang white robe has also now become red

"Master, allow me to try heal you"

Rui Hongchang scoffs "You are too young to know the techniques of healing boy. How did you even know I was here"

"Blood trails, there are drops of blood outside and they all lead to your room"

Rui Hongchang exclaims "Oh God!, how could I be so foolish"

Weren Yu is confused "What is the problem Master." Rui Hongchang does not answer him, he looks among the files on his table and gives Weren Yu some scrolls, a box, the original stamp of the Tiaya sect and a pendant.

Weren Yu is surprised and more confused "Master, why do you give me all these things?"

"There is no time, the future of the Tiaya sect now rest in your hands"

But..... Weren Yu is interrupted as the door is destroyed by a fire blast. The fire also begin to spread around the room

Rui Hongchang looks at Weren Yu "Run Yu. run with all the things I have given you and do well to reunite with all the other disciples, you are now the leader"

Weren Yu stands there still looking at Rui Hongchang "Master, I can't leave you here, I am too young to be a leader"

"Don't worry, the leader in you would lead when time comes, Go! forget about me for my time has come"

Weren Yu is still hesitant to leave Rui Hongchang, there is now tears in his eyes

"Go now, leave now before they come." Reluctantly, Weren Yu turns back and runs with the things given to him by Rui Hongchang. Master Shen and the other masked warriors enter the room. He scoffs and chuckles as he sees Rui Hongchang holding his chest in pain

"You would pay dearly for this Master Shen, the entire Tiaya sect would never forgive you"

Master Shen laughs at Rui Hongchang words "I thought you were the leader of the sect., I thought you were the best cultivator in your clan, I thought you were a martial. . But now look at you Rui, look at what you have become"

"Spare me from your vain words and tell me what you which to do to me" Rui Hongchang says.

"Not so fast Rui Hongchang, I would do to you worst than I did to your students"

Rui Hongchang is angry and hits the table "Do not talk ill of my disciples"

Master Shen laughed hardly and spoke "Which disciples, your disciples are weak and their Qi energy very low. It seemed you have become weak in training Master Rui" He bows funnily and laughs with the other soldiers.

"Enough of the sport Shen, kill me now if you wish"

Master Shen chuckles and walks closer to Rui Hongchang "so soon, don't you want to know why I betrayed your trust in me"

"Why should I care to know Shen, a pig would always be a pig." Hearing this statement, Master Shen looses his temper and blast Rui Hongchang with dark Qi. Rui Hongchang flies and fall inside the burning flames, screaming as he is slowly consumed to ashes.

Master Shen turned and speak to the other soldiers without contrite "go to the forest and nearby mountains, search every house. If you find any member of the Tiaya sect, kill him. This is the rise of a new alliance."