Not Alone in the Wild

Weren Yu walks in the jungle. His mind wanders back to what had just recently happened. How was he going to act as the leader of a sect, how was he going to reunite the sect or even come across any member. He felt his stomach rumble and churn. Knowing that he is hungry, he decides to look for any fruit that he can manage to eat.

He drops the bag containing the things given to him by Rui Hongchang and begins to walk around the forest. As he walks, his eyes sight a very large on a tree just before him. He is happy and walks to the tree. On getting to the tree, he place one hand and then the other and climbs the tree. He is even more delighted to find out that the fruit is already ripe. As he plucks them, the branch of the tree breaks and he falls to the ground making a crashing sound.

He groans and rolls on the floor cursing the tree. After some minutes, he decides to stand up. He opens his eyes and they widened in fear. Right before him are four thunder Rhino.

"Thunder rhinos" he mutters to himself. Thunder rhino are wild animals that lives in the jungle. One distinguishing attribute about them is their ability to send lightning and also their ability to drain Qi energy from their target.

Weren Yu heart is troubled and he begins to pant slowly. How was he going to tackle these four matured rhinos. As he still contemplate, his body is met with a blast of lightning sending him flying and hitting a tree.

Weren Yu slowly stands up and cleans himself. There were just two options for him, run or die while fighting the thunder rhinos. But for Weren Yu, running was out of the option since he could not run and leave the bag containing the things given to him by Rui Hongchang. He had to fight this thunder rhinos or he would get killed.

The thunder rhinos began to walk to him and Weren Yu forms Qi in his hand and use it against one of the rhinos. The rhino shifts back a little and suddenly drops to the floor. This annoys the other ones and they all charge at him.

Weren Yu being young and agile quickly crouched down and place both hands on the grass using his last energy to fill the ground with Qi. He does this with the hope that the rhinos would die by stepping on the Qi filled grass.

To his utmost surprise, the rhino sends lightning at him again and he is forced to remove his hand from the grass inorder to dodge the lightning. Weren Yu having escape the blast sits down and is still breathing heavily. He sees the rhinos still coming to him and he tries to attack with Qi but he is unable to.

Scared and afraid, he closes his eyes and tries to calm down assuring himself that all will be well. With his eyes still closed, he hears the scream of a rhino and the sound of it dropping on the floor. What could be happening, he ask himself.

He hears another large bang and he is forced to open his eyes. He sees Sui Wenyan , a female member of the Tiaya sect tackling the last rhino. She rolls under the rhino and place a knife right into it stomach. The rhino groans and drops dead on the ground.

How did she do that, Weren Yu ask himself. Sui Wenyan was in her fifth refining stage and yet she was able to kill three matured rhinos without using Qi. What could have given her such strength. Sui Wenyan , looked at him and smiled. She cleaned her knife and kept it by her side.

"Why do you look at me like a stranger"

Weren Yu is brought out from his thought "I never knew you are alive"

"Is that how you thank somebody who just saved your life"

Weren Yu chuckled and sharply replied "and is that how you address your leader"

Sui Wenyan is shocked on hearing his words. "what a big joke, Weren Yu"

"It is no joke, Rui Hongchang pronounced me as the sect new leader before he was killed. He also gave me some things and told me to reunite the sect."

Sui Wenyan is quiet and ponders on Weren Yu's words. Being a trained actress she was able to know when somebody was acting and looking at Weren Yu she could tell that he was speaking the truth.

"But how could Rui Hongchang pronounced you as the leader, you are the youngest disciple in the sect both in age and level."

"I thought so myself but Rui Hongchang said that the leader in me would lead when the time comes." Sui Wenyan shakes her head and stares at Weren Yu crossing her arms. Weren Yu also stares back at her and there is silence until Sui Wenyan breaks it.

"So were do we go from here leader"

Weren Yu laughed - This was the first time someone called him a leader and it sounded good to his ears. Little did he know that there was more responsibilities and risks attached it.

"I don't know but I think we should sleep together first." Immediately, Sui Wenyan forms Qi around and hands and points it at Weren Yu who is surprised.

"What do you say we do together"

Weren Yu laughs on hearing her. " Pardon me, I mean we should make a tent and sleep since it's already night and it will be more risky to move."

"That sounds much better." She chuckles and withdraw the Qi back into her palm. Weren Yu is amazed because only a few disciples who were regarded as genius could do it. For others, they were forced to release the Qi into somewhere once they have brought it out.

"And by the way Weren Yu, you forgot something"

"What" Weren Yu replied. Sui Wenyan kicks his bag to him. Weren Yu catches the bag and he is amazed. What a smart beautiful girl. He had long forgotten about the bag which contained the things given to him by Rui Hongchang but here was a girl who observed every detail.