Focus shift

Pushing open the car door and stepping onto the red carpet, Vin Diesel could immediately feel the scorching, surging atmosphere. The heatwaves licked his arm hair as the cheers and applause enveloped him. It was as if the very blood in his veins was starting to boil. This vivacious energy coursing through his body and the chants of support from all around gave him a sensation of standing at the center of the world, as if he were a god in control of everything.

Vin was entranced by moments like these. In his opinion, no one could resist such a moment. No one.

The screams, shouts, and cheers were deafening, and Vin stood firmly on the red carpet. He scanned the scene, the hundreds and thousands of people surging in his view, and even the air itself seemed to shimmer. Swaths of red twisted and dissipated, giving an April day the feeling of midsummer in July.

Such moments were always so enchanting, making one wish to live in this one instant forever, time standing eternally still.

But why were all the sounds directed towards the Chinese Theater? It seemed like nobody had noticed Vin's arrival at all. This was not the scenario he had envisioned. As the biggest star of the entire cast, Vin should have been the center of attention today. That's why he had deliberately chosen to make his entrance in the latter part, preparing to revel in the exclusive celebration meant for him.

However, the situation on-site had veered far off course. Even the area near the theater's entrance seemed oblivious to Vin's presence. This was exceptionally odd. Vin couldn't help but pat his bald head, masking his inner turmoil. A tinge of frustration, a hint of anger, a trace of disappointment—his emotions were a complex mixture, too difficult to put into words. He glanced around, pretending to be indifferent, and looked toward the direction of the red carpet.

He could vaguely make out three or four figures gathered together, being interviewed. On the red carpet, he could see Sung Kang's silhouette, and fans on both sides were excitedly screaming.

Strange. Vin still couldn't figure out the reason. Although Sung had undoubtedly become a highlight in the third installment, amassing a fair number of fans, his popularity was still far from being on par with the two main leads. So what was going on?

This was Vin's home turf, unquestionably his domain. Since the fourth installment of "Fast & Furious", he had been the undeniable star. Here, he was like a king, basking in the cheers, enjoying the adulation, as if he could command the winds and rain with a mere lift of his arm. Even top-tier Hollywood stars couldn't compare.

But why was it like this today? Everything felt strange and abnormal. Vin's emotions began to grow restless.

However, the atmosphere on-site didn't allow him to dwell on it further. Fans nearby were shouting his name with all their might. "Vin! Vin! We love you!" Their heartrending cries effortlessly drew Vin's attention. He could see people in the crowd holding up his photos and even unfurling banners.

This was the scene he had expected. This was the image a premiere should have. He let go of the emotions that hadn't had time to ferment and regained his warm smile. Vin walked confidently, greeting his fans and accepting their enthusiastic support. Finally, he took a carbon pen and began signing for the fans.

The fans on both sides of Hollywood Boulevard finally snapped back to reality. They saw Vin's arrival, and the cheering escalated, resounding everywhere. Vin had successfully found his lost smile, interacted with his fans with boundless enthusiasm, and reveled in this unique moment that belonged to him.

There was no doubt that Vin was the biggest star of the "Fast 5" cast, not even Paul could compare. This wasn't an assumption but a fact.

The uproar and excitement at the premiere scene affirmed this. The frenzied screams, the excited cheers, they all surrounded Vin, rising and falling in waves, seemingly endless.

The gloom that had been looming over him vanished quietly, and Vin's mood soared. The fans' service was top-notch. Signing autographs, taking photos, shaking hands, hugging, exchanging greetings—they catered to every request, radiating warmth and friendliness. Fans on both sides of Hollywood Boulevard enjoyed the perks to the fullest, and the premiere's excitement seemed to have returned to its peak.

"Come on, let's take a group photo!" Vin took a fan's camera, turned around, and enthusiastically called on the crowd to gather around him. He initiated a selfie, beaming and waving, urging for more, even more. As he looked at the faces contorted with excitement, his smile grew even brighter.

"That guy from earlier, who was he? He's so handsome!"

"Who are you talking about?"

"The one who was the only one wearing a shirt in the entire place."

"...Oh! Yeah, I didn't notice until you mentioned it! Haha, he really is the only one wearing a shirt."

"Right, right. At other premieres, they all wear shirts, but today, they're all in T-shirts. But he looks really good in a shirt! My God, why haven't I seen him before?"

"I don't know him. All I know is that they call him Young Heir!"

"Ah, Young Heir, Young Heir. He really suits that title!"

Vin's movements came to a halt as whispers and murmurs reached his ears amid the clamor. Despite the bustling noise, these sounds effortlessly entered his ears, causing his facial expression to stiffen. His smile froze in place, almost faltering. A cloud of darkness seemed to be creeping over him, the kind of pent-up frustration that made him feel like he was about to vomit his lunch.

"Vin! Vin! We're ready!" The cheerful voice from behind interrupted Vin's thoughts. It was only then that he realized his fists were clenched tightly, the muscles in his forearms fully tensed, as if he were poised to strike. He quickly redirected his attention, relaxed his hands, and once again displayed a cheerful smile. "Everyone, get ready. One, two, three, cheese!"

After taking the photos, Vin stood up straight, turned around, and saw a small group of girls chattering excitedly. They would occasionally crane their necks to look toward the end of the red carpet, their faces brimming with excitement. They even jumped up and down, their excitement akin to high school girls seeing their crush.

Vin felt a lump in his chest, and he had no inclination to pay attention to the loudly cheering fans. He took a few steps forward, stood at the entrance of the red carpet, and without hesitation, walked up, a broad smile on his face as he greeted the fans on either side. However, he soon realized something was amiss.

There were no journalists, or more accurately, no cameras.

All the cameras were aimed at the interview area, which was normal because the interview area was the center of attention. But not a single camera noticed Vin's arrival. They were all unanimously focused on the interview area. This was abnormal. How could there be no photos of Vin walking the red carpet? How could there be no photos of him greeting the fans? How could there be no photos of him interacting with the fans up close?

What about tomorrow's news release?

Vin had no time to greet the fans now; he simply nodded and gestured absently. His pace quickened as he rapidly passed Chris, getting closer to the interview area. Suddenly, he came to an abrupt stop, and the emergency braking action was so obvious that he couldn't even hide it.

Renly Hall.

At this moment, there were four or five people standing in the interview area, and prominently among them was Renly. Next to him was Paul. Standing in the center were Jessica Chastain and Rami Malek, and there was another figure beside them, facing away, so his face couldn't be seen, but it was probably Seth Rogen.

Although Jessica was in the center, creating a star-studded scene, all the attention, all the focus, all the center of gravity was concentrated on Renly. He seemed to possess such a magnetic charm that naturally drew everyone's attention with every gesture and movement.

Today was supposed to be Vin's home court, but all the limelight was stolen by Renly? It sounded unbelievable because Renly was only the third lead, because this was Renly's first commercial movie, because the name "Renly Hall" meant nothing to most summer blockbuster movie fans. But reality was unfolding right before his eyes.

Stay calm, stay calm, stay calm.

Vin's clenched fists were trembling slightly from exertion, but he managed to calm himself down. He had learned his lesson during the shooting period and didn't need to test his limits again. A certain manager named Andy Rogers, whom even Christian Wagner respected, was not to be trifled with. Moreover, the higher-ups at Universal Pictures had spoken. Vin wouldn't be foolish enough to go against their expectations.

Everything would be fine. After the box office success of a film like "Fast 5", whether it succeeded or failed, it would all be credited to Vin and Paul. That was Hollywood, that was social reality. Regardless of the outcome, Vin would reap the rewards.

In other words, Renly was making the wedding dress for him.

With this in mind, Vin finally felt relieved. He reappeared with a smile on his face, as if nothing had happened. He smoothly turned around, waiting for Chris to approach, and then hugged him, engaging in friendly conversation.

Now, the reporters had finally come to their senses, noticing Vin's presence. Cameras were pointed at Vin and Chris, and flashes lit up the scene as expected. However, the reporters sensitively picked up on a small detail: Paul didn't step forward to greet Vin.

When Renly had appeared earlier, Paul had warmly welcomed him, giving him a big hug. But now that Vin was here, Paul remained standing beside Renly, indifferent.

It seemed like there were still many backstage stories to uncover in the seemingly harmonious "Fast 5" cast. The reporters' gazes suddenly became more intriguing.

Unaware of the subtle change in the reporters' attention, Vin and Chris walked toward the interview area together. Vin proactively wore a big smile, opened his arms, and first embraced Paul, then Renly. There was a hint of familiarity in his words, as if the two of them were close friends. "How have you been lately? I was talking to Paul yesterday, and you haven't been to a few gatherings. I was wondering how you've been."