Chapter 9

After Niall's wedding, last month dad keeps me busy with works and works. You guys must be wondering if my plan to get Lucas's attention is still going on or not.

Well, the answer is, YES!

I made breakfast and sent it to his office and I even leave a card with no name. I am too scared to expose myself to him yet but don't worry I will tell him that it is me who sent him breakfast every day. I already know what is his last name, is Lucas Santiago. Even his name is hot. It's been two weeks since I started all this and yes I am not regretting anything. I want to find myself a perfect one and to be honest, I am tired to wait for a guy to come and confess feeling for me which is I know it's not going to happen that fast.

I am in my office doing my work as usual and then, I got a phone call from my dad. "Another work?" I said before picking up the call. "Yes, dad. Don't say you have another work for me, I am super exhausted and let me breathe for once."