Chapter 1 I Hate You

Netra's POV

I have disconnected the call and proceeded to my press meet session.

Mrs. Netra, we heard that you are going to get a divorce. Is it true?" One of those reporters asked me.

These days, the media is much interested in the personal affairs of a person than on their profession and other crucial things. So disgusting!

"Yes! My husband and I have mutually decided to take the divorce. I don't think we need the permission of you people for our divorce. Anyways this interview is about my success secrets. Can you focus on it?" I said, crossing my legs and giving a look that says shut up.

Understanding my intention and guessing how would I react if they question more about my life, the reporters chose to skip such frustrating questions.

"Mrs. Netra, What is your next target?"

"My only target is to play to the tune of my heart. What mesmerizes me, soothes me, fights with me, but at last, make me win. Unless you start listening to your heart, you can never be happy in your life though you succeed initially."

"What is a success, according to you?"

"Smiling in the toughest phase of your life with a clear vision that nothing can stop you ever, and you will achieve all your dreams very soon. That's how I define success. I never attach my success to the money, people, or anything related to the outer world. Success is nothing but the courage you show in every situation." I said.

"What is your message to the youngsters?"

"I never take the advises from anyone. So, I don't think I can give a message to anyone. But let me share the lines that drive me.

Take the risk. Never step back. Make mistakes and learn from them. Nothing can teach you better than your experience. If you have a goal, achieve it at any cost. No matter what are the challenges and how tough life may be. Be confident and go ahead."

"Thank you, madam!"

The reporters left the corridor, concluding the meet. I went inside my room, and my marriage photo appeared there on the wall. I looked at it for some time, remembering how did I enter into that unwanted relationship. Thank God! Finally, it's going to end soon.

"Madam, are you sure that you want to divorce Jeevith?" Serena asked me.

"Yes!" I said.

"Madam, can't you give a chance to the relationship?"

"Serena, why are you trying to convince me?"

"Madam, I am a divorcee, and I know the issues of a woman who took a divorce."

"Why did you take the divorce?"

"My husband has an affair." Serena answered.

"You have done the right thing, but now you are thinking in the wrong way. Anyways, Serena, you have divorced your husband for an affair. But you didn't want me to take a divorce. Do you think Jeevith has no affairs, or do you think I am a virgin?"

"Madam, I don't know." Serena said as if I gave a bitter pill to her to swallow.

"What is lovemaking, according to you?" I asked again.

Serena gulped and didn't answer anything.

"Okay, tell me this. What is the difference between affair and lovemaking?"

"Madam, we make love to the life partner. Affair is a wrong thing. There is a lot of difference between both." Serena answered me.

"But my perception is different, Serena. Lovemaking is a sacred thing that can be done only when two hearts love each other a lot and then make their bodies meet. It's a divine feeling where not the pleasure but the love is experienced. It's just another way of expressing our love.

Affair is nothing but a mere collision of two bodies that is done for biological need, pleasure, or as a kind of duty. Did your husband made love to the other woman or has an affair with her?" I asked her.

"Madam, I don't think that he made love to me too. If your definition is true, then I should say it's just a mere collision of two bodies in my case because I am his wife. I have never experienced love in my relationship with him." Serena said.

"Serena, try to marry the one who loves your thoughts and the way of living. Not the one who sees you as a manufacturer of babies or a need for his pleasure. Now you can go." I said.

Serena left, and Jeevith came to the room.

"Nice lecture, Ms. Netra!" Jeevith said, clapping his hands most sarcastically. I looked at Jeevith, raising my eyebrow and throwing daggers at him with my looks.

"Still, Mrs. Netra." I said.

"A man is called Mr forever, irrespective of his marital status. Why should a woman be called Ms and Mrs depending on her marital status?" Jeevith asked me.

"A woman should have an individuality forever. She is not a possession to be owned by her husband to become a completely new thing after the marriage." Jeevith said.

I chuckled at his words. I couldn't believe the words of a person immediately and cannot form any opinion.

"Netra, did you date ever?" Jeevith asked me.

"Yes!" I replied.

"Date with Netra, right?" Jeevith asked me.

"How do you know that?"

I feel comfortable with me, but not with anyone else.

"I don't think you have time to date with anyone except yourself." Jeevith said.

"Jeevith, what's your problem with me? Do you want to prove me wrong or something? This is what I hate in men. They think they are right, and they dominate women always. I hate it, and I hate you. I wish divorce would be sanctioned soon." I said seriously.

"I love to be hated by a hot-headed lady like you, and I am glad to say that I hate you too." Jeevith said with a grin on his face.

"Get lost out of my house." I shouted at him.

"I didn't come here to see you or date with you. I just came to take your signatures on these divorce papers." Jeevith said, and I signed on the papers immediately.

Jeevith took the papers and looked at my angry face for a moment.

"I am sorry, Netra!" Jeevith said and left from there immediately.

How dare is he to insult me? Yes, I am ambitious, and I love to work than getting stuck into useless things like love, bonding, relationship, dating, etc. Unless I control my emotions, I can't control my company and this business world. I don't want to waste my feelings or emotions on a person who thinks a woman is a servant, slave, baby bearer, pleasure giver, cook, and everything but not a human. I took the wedding photo from the wall and threw it on the floor, breaking it.

I was about to step on it but all of a sudden, Jeevith came there. Didn't he leave?

He took the photo frame from the floor and threw the glass pieces in the dust bin. He took the photo from the frame.

"Is this your way to value a marriage? I have never seen a girl like you who has no feelings and emotions. I hate you, Netra. I am sure no one loves you because of your attitude. Unless you leave your pride, you can't win the hearts of people. I came here to talk to you about giving a chance to our relationship. But, now I don't want to be with you even for a second." Jeevith said.?

"Enough! I have already told you to get lost. If you have any self-respect, leave my house." I said.