Chapter 44

"I proposed." Ade suddenly blurted out amidst the conversations they were having.

The men suddenly stopped talking and drinking altogether as they stared at him in shock. The silence was so deafening that if a pin dropped at that moment, the noise it would make would be resounding.

They blinked harder as they weren't sure who just spoke the word, 'proposed.'?

"Ehm... Ade, did you stutter or am I the only one who heard him say the word proposed?" Kunle asked for clarity.

"Why are you people making it seem like a big deal? I said I proposed, to ehm... Glory." Ade said the last part with his head bent.

The guys exclaimed.

"The same glory? The glory that you said you're just enjoying for a while?" Biola asked, bewildered.

"The same glory that you said is an improper fraction with her big boobs and flat behind?" Kunle questioned too.

"You mean you proposed, like, proposed to a lady. As in, will you marry me stuff?" Fikayo added.