A Completed Member

Previously, a new club member named Raito showed his true abilities which made everyone surprised.

'' But why did you enter this school? Couldn't you have gotten into a better school and you could even easily get a top position on the basketball team? '' Asked Ren.

"Actually I have stopped playing basketball and when I heard that this school didn't have a basketball team or club, I decided to enter this school with the intention of forgetting about basketball," explained Raito.

`` But why are you helping rebuild the basketball club with them? You even helped them talk me into the basketball club with you.

`` You could just join another club if you wanted? '' Asked Shin curiously.

"That's because I saw their persistence in forming a basketball team, after all I don't hate basketball so my love for basketball made me enter the basketball club," Raito replied.

"Okay, because I have lost then I will join you," said Shin.

''Is that true? Yeah, finally our members have increased, with this we only need one more member then look for a coach and we can enter the inter-school tournament, '' said Gyo happily.

"If 1 more member is needed, I recommend 1 person I know but maybe it will be difficult to persuade him," said Raito.

''Who is she? Is he good at basketball? '' Asked Gyo as he put his glasses back on.

"His name is Hiruka Jinzo, he is my senior since middle school and he is also our senior in this high school but since he lost in qualifying matches he hates basketball," said Raito.

Hiruka Jinzo? Didn't he ever get an award as a genius three point shooter? '' Said Shin.

"Yes, that's right," replied Raito.

"What are you waiting for, let's go and make him love basketball again," said Gyo excitedly.

They also go to the class where Hiruka is. Meanwhile at the school gate a man was talking to a security guard while carrying his old bag.

"Come on, Mr. Security, please help me to come in, didn't I already say that I was a new teacher," said the father.

"There's no way someone like you is a new teacher, you better go and leave me alone," sneered the security guard dismissively.

'' Come on sir, I'm really a new teacher here. '' The father seemed to be whining asking to enter the school.

'' How could a beggar look like you be a teacher, already gone there hush ... hush ... '' said the security guard.

"Tell you what, now contact the principal and just say Keisuke Yagami is at the gate," said the father.

"Okay, but don't mess around," said the security guard again.

The security guard then took the phone algae and then called the principal. Seen the security guard looked panicked then opened the fence and said softly to the father earlier, "s-please come in Mr. Yagami, sorry beforehand."

"I see, hahaha." The father laughed dryly as he stepped into the school.

- '' Finally I came back to this school again, it's been a long time, '' said the father to himself.

The father finally entered school and met the principal. Meanwhile in 11b grade Gyo and his friends try to persuade Hiruka.

"Senior please join us, we can win the tournament if there are seniors," persuaded Gyo.

"It was impossible because I had stopped playing basketball," said Hiruka.

"Senior please." Ren tried to persuade him in a worshiping style.

'' I said no yes no !! '' said Hiruka insistently.

"Never mind Ren, Gyo we should just find someone else," said Shin.

"Senior, I know you still like basketball in the deepest part of your heart," said Raito.

"Never mind Raito we should leave someone like him," said Shin again

'' Let's just go, '' Shin continued, dragging Gyo Ren and Raito.

They then went to the principal's office to report their new member and the new teacher.

`` What a coincidence you came and I didn't think that there were already additional members.

"I'll introduce someone to you !!" said the headmaster.

"Who?" Said the four of them in unison.

"This is Mr. Keisuke Yagami, he will be your new supervisor and trainer," said the principal.

"It's nice to meet you," said Mr. Yagami, shaking their hands one by one.

"You're welcome, sir," they said in unison.

"Okay, now we start our training," said Pak Yagami excitedly.

"But sir, we haven't even become an official club yet due to a shortage of one member," said Gyo.

"Let's just practice first, it's been a long time since I trained superior seeds like you guys," replied Mr. Yagami.

They started practicing from shooting, dribling to passing the ball.

'' By the way, you are lacking 1 member, right? '' Said Mr. Yagami.

"Actually there is someone else but it looks like he can't be invited to join anymore, it looks like he really hates basketball," said Gyo innocently.

"Hmm, it's complicated too, but I'll help persuade him," said Pak Yagami.

After saying that, Mr. Yagami went to class 11b where Hiruka was then. . .

Hiruka? I have something to say, '' said Mr Yagami.

`` Y-you are. . ., '' said Hiruka stammered.

"I want you to join my basketball team," said Mr. Yagami.

"But how can you become a coach in this school?" You are a legend I really admire '' said Hiruka.

"That was back then, but right now I will only be a coach, so what do you think if you join my team? '' said Mr Yagami.

Turning to the practice site where four children were training.

'' Shoot, let's shoot, hey Shin, don't just shut up, quickly rebound, '' said Ren irritably.

`` I already know that's an idiot, '' Shin replied curtly.

Shin then rebounded the ball and was about to shoot but another ball entered the ring first so he was discouraged from shooting.

`` Who did the shoot earlier? '' Shin was surprised by the ball that suddenly entered the ring but the three colleagues just shook their heads.

"Everyone gathered, I will introduce new members to you," said Mr. Yagami who came suddenly.

'' Come on, introduce yourself, '' continued Mr. Yagami.

`` I-I'm Hiruka, please help and can you return the ball to me? I will start training now, '' said Hiruka.

"Senior finally you joined," said Gyo happily.

'' S-so the one who did the shoot earlier was ..., '' said Shin stammered.

Yes, it's me, is there a problem? Hiruka replied curtly.

-''Great! So this is the ability of the genius three point shooter, but it's strange why he wanted to join this team even though he clearly refused to join us, there must be something I don't know from that teacher, '' Shin said to himself.

'' Alright, now our team is complete. Let's win the basketball tournament between high schools, '' said Gyo excitedly.

To be continued....