Extraordinary Strategy

The second quarter finally starts, the first ball is controlled by Gyo's team. The ball is held by the captain Hiruka.

"Raito catch the ball!" Hiruka passes the ball to Raito while running to the unguarded place to outwit his opponent.

"Fine, I understand." As if he understood the intent of the captain, with lightning speed the Blue Flash dribbled the ball and put the ball into the ring.

`` Nice Raito! ''

Now the ball is controlled by the opposing team, the captain of the opposing team dribbles and attacks but Gyo quickly responds by guarding the captain of the opposing team. With his Gold Eyes ability, Gyo can predict the opponent's movements and quickly steal. Gyo then starts attacking the opponent's defense and passes the ball to Ren. With a pretty game Ren shoots and scores again.

"Yeah, we scored again," said Gyo happily.

After learning how to play the Cyoku High School basketball team, the Opposite Coach finally realizes something and says to himself, "So that's how it is."

The trainer then asked for a time-up and then called the trainees to gather.

"Gio, Sawada, Takeshi, and Taichi, you guys can play now." The coach finally included the core members of the basketball team he was training in and told them what to do.

"Finally Pak Makoto played us, it seems he already knows the weakness of the opponent," said the player called Gio.

"I already know their abilities, number 5 has incredible speed so I'll leave it to you Gio.

"Taichi and Takeshi I handed over numbers 6 and 9 then you Sawada use your abilities against number 7," ordered Mr. Makoto.

"Yes Mr. Coach!" The four of them answered in unison and filled with confidence.

"And you Kouji, you can use your abilities against their captain," - Mr. Makoto gave permission to the captain named Kouji to give all his abilities- "Show them the difference between an experienced team and a beginner."

"Yeah, that's what I wanted from earlier." Kouji glared at his opponent accompanied by a soft smile.

The match has restarted and now there is a massive overhaul where 4 players are replaced with core players.

Gio then brought the ball but was blocked by Shin. Gio quickly passed to Sawada.

'' Hey Gyo, guard number 6 who is holding the ball or we will miss! '' Commanded Shin.

Slightly annoyed at feeling slighted by Shin, Gyo replied, `` OK, I already know that. ''

Gyo quickly intercepted Sawada, but something strange happened to Gyo.

-''What is this? Why is it that in my sight no one brings the ball but the ball passes me, '' muttered Gyo confused.

What Gyo saw finally happened, suddenly Sawada disappeared but the ball continued to move quickly past Gyo.

- "It's hard to believe, he can get past Gyo who already uses Gold Eyes," said Ren to himself.

Sawada then dribbled under the ring and took a shoot. Now the situation is reversed after the core players of the opposing team enter the field.

"Don't worry, let's reclaim the numbers they scored!" Said the captain Hiruka encouragingly.

Hiruka then passes the ball to Shin and Shin immediately dribbles the ball and takes it to the opponent's defensive line but Takeshi continues to overshadow Shin.

- "Shit! At this rate I'll do dunk with my air walk ability, he definitely can't match my jump, '' thought Shin.

Shin then jumped as hard as he could to do a dunk, but Taichi quickly jumped too and blocked the ball that Shin was holding.

-''What? W-why can he match my jump? No, even he could be more than that, '' Shin wondered to himself.

Shin then fell and was helped by Raito to stand up.

'' Are you okay? '' Asked Raito worried.

`` Yes, I'm fine, '' replied Shin quietly.

Taichi who won the aerial duel with Shin approached him with a smile that looked disparaging.

"Is that all your jumping ability is? You suck !! '' Taichi sneered.

- '' Damn he's too strong, '' Shin said to himself then took the ball for the throw-in.

Shin then passes the ball to Raito then with his speed Raito starts to enter the opponent's defense area then shoots but ...

- '' What happened? Why could he block my shoot, '' thought Raito when he saw his shoot being blocked by Taichi.

"Your speed is incredible but the shoots you do are just ordinary shoots," said Taichi underestimated Raito.

- '' At this rate we can lose, the only thing that can be relied on right now is Captain Hiruka's three-point throw, '' thought Shin then threw in a throw-in at Hiruka.

Hiruka understood then prepared to shoot from the middle of the field to steal three points, but something happened ...

`` Hey, hey, I didn't see it wrong right? There's no way his hand can be that long, '' said Ren amazed to see Kouji stretching out his hand to catch Hiruka's 3-point throw.

"This technique I call 'Blocking Strike' because with this technique I can catch any high ball even a three-point throw," -Kouji explained his abilities and passed the ball to Sawada - "This Sawada, quickly score points."

"Yes, Captain," replied Sawada.

Then with his ability Sawada carried the ball, dribbled at full speed and scored again.

The second quarter is almost over, now the position is far away. Gyo's team has nothing to do with their opponents and the score for now is 42-78.

- "I have to score numbers before this quarter ends," said Gyo to himself then started doing drible.

"Let's pass the ball to me !!" exclaimed Ren asking for the ball.

- '' No way, why did I have a vision that the ball I was holding would disappear by itself? I have to do something, '' thought Gyo.

But finally Gyo couldn't do anything because the ball he was holding disappeared. The ball disappeared after Sawada made a stealing with his vanishing ability.

"Time Up !!" Mr. Yagami quickly asked for Time Up.

"Forgive us sir, it looks like we can't win." Hiruka lost the confidence to beat his opponent.

"Yes sir, they are too strong," continued Gyo in despair.

"Do not despair like that, I already have a way to beat them," said Pak Yagami.

'' Is that true sir? '' Asked Ren happily.

"Yes, this is the plan ...." Mr. Yagami explained his strategy to be used against Hyunda High School.

"All right sir, we understand !!" They said understandably.

The match finally resumes, Gyo's team finally strikes back. Shin, who was carrying the ball, was then guarded by Takeshi.

- "Like Mr. Yagami said that this person will take care of me," said Shin to himself.

After that Shin then jumped as hard as he could to do a dunk but in front of him Taichi also jumped.

"It's useless, you can't beat me in an aerial duel," said Taichi but Shin just smiled.

- '' As Mr. Yagami said, '' Shin said to himself then passed the ball back where Hiruka was waiting.

''What? H-he did a fake (trick)? '' Said Taichi.

Hiruka then takes a swing and hits it ...

`` I won't let it! '' Kouji shouted as he stretched out his arms to catch the ball.

"Hehehe, looks like you've fallen into my trap," Hiruka replied.

- '' What? '' Kouji could only mutter in shock at the way Hiruka shot was unusual.

It turned out that Hiruka didn't shoot but instead passed the ball. The ball freely bounced in the air and was caught by Shin who was not guarded and then put into the ring.

Flash back...

`` Shin when you carry the ball for sure one of these two will take care of you.

"All you need to do is jump like you're going to do a dunk then when your dunk is blocked you pass the ball to Hiruka," said Mr. Yagami explained with a board scribbled in his hand.

"Yes and then I'll do the three point shoot," Hiruka replied.

'' No, you will not shoot because surely the long-handed man will catch the ball but use long passes on Shin so he can score points, '' explained Mr. Yagami.

"Very well then." The five teenagers were ready to carry out the plan that had been made.

Flashback end.

- "With this great strategy we can definitely beat them," muttered Shin confidently.

The match continues and has entered the third quarter. Gyo's team continues to catch up with them until the difference in numbers is not much different, namely 78-86.

"Only 8 points left to equalize, let's win this match." Hiruka cheered on his teammates.

To be continued ...