Cyoku High School vs Kyoto High School

"It seems like we can't do much this time because the next match will start in an hour and we don't even know how to play them," said Mr. Yagami.

"I think that's right, so all we can do during the match is to avoid Taro's seal circle" Shin said.

"That person, I will destroy that arrogance," said Gyo.

"Gyo are you listening to us?" Since earlier you only said that repeatedly "said Ren who saw Gyo's behavior.

"I'm sorry, I'm just carried away with emotion" Gyo answered.

"You should control yourself during the match because with emotions like that you can make us lose" Hiruka reminded.

"O-okay," said Gyo.

They then continued the discussion until finally there was a call to immediately compete.

"To the Cyoku High School and Kyoto High School basketball teams to immediately enter the field because the match will start soon"

"Come on kids, ready or not this is our deciding match to the next match because the opponents we face later are formidable opponents" said Mr. Yagami.

"Yes sir," said the five teenagers together.

The match starts and both teams prepare in their respective positions.

"Hmm, looks like we have a weak opponent again. How lucky '' said the highest bodied player in Kyoto High School.

"You always like that Romeo, too underestimating your opponent" grumbled his friend who stood not far from him.

"It's up to me what you want to say, you're always envious of me, Ganzo," said the person named Romeo earlier.

"Don't fight, you guys are just like little children," said the captain.

"Good senpai," said Ganzo.

"Yes, I know Namiya," Romeo answered.

"It seems like they are underestimating us too," Shin told himself.

The match began, the ball was then thrown up and tried immediately snatched by Shin and Romeo who jumped together.

"Don't underestimate us because we are strong," Shin said then took the ball and passed it to Ren.

"It's pretty good for you with your little body," Romeo said.

"I'm not the little one but your body is big," Shin said as he landed on the floor.

The match continued with the ball being drible in Ren's hand and then immediately passing on Hiruka.

"I want to try your abilities, at least your abilities are the same as your big talk," Hiruka said while shooting the flagship.

"Let's just say it's our point of giving to your team that will lose soon," said Taro, who let the ball slip in.

"It seems like they really underestimate us," said Raito.

The ball is now controlled by the opposing team, Taro passes the ball to Ganzo and immediately kicks the ball past 4 players at once.

'' H-he is very fast, he even passed the four of us at once like ghosts passing by but hopefully Gyo can handle it '' said Ren.

Ganzo who ran while mendrible ball quickly finally faced one on one with Gyo.

"I won't let you pass and score" said Gyo.

''is that true? Then I'll show you my technique. -Ghost Dribe- '' said Ganzo while doing a drible technique.

"Didn't I say I would stop you, I predicted your movements" said Gyo who then took the ball that didzozo didrible.

"It's impossible, it's impossible that my ghost dribe can be easily broken by him," said Ganzo, dumbfounded.

"Friends, let's fight back," Gyo said while passing the ball to Ren.

"I won't let you pass," Romeo said.

"-Wall Defenser-" said Romeo shouting the name of the technique.

"I can't get past it like there's a wall blocking my way," Ren said.

"It's useless, this transparent wall which is 2 meters high cannot be easily passed by midgets like you," Romeo said underestimating.

"2 meters, huh? Ren pass the ball to me "Hiruka said.

"This is the captain" Ren said while passing the ball to Hiruka.

Hiruka then catches the ball and says "if the transparent wall is 2 meters high it means that from a distance and angle this means the power of a shoot this big. . "

Shoot by Hiruka soared away and aimed at the basketball hoop and then entered.

"Three more numbers our captain has printed, hahaha," Shin said mocking his opponent.

"Damn it, we will definitely score and beat you all," growled Romeo.

"Don't be discouraged because the game has just begun," Namiya the captain said.

Namiya then takes the ball and passes it to the court at Taro.

"Taro, let's print the numbers and reverse the situation," Namiya said.

"I'll do the captain well," Taro said.

Taro also starts to act, with his agility he ditrible ball and passes Shin then moves towards Ren.

"It seems like your other friend can't do anything until his energy is filled," said Taro, who looked at Raito, who was just quiet.

"That is not important, what is important now is that I will stop you," Ren said, blocking Taro who had crossed the middle of the field.

"I see, if it's like this then I'll just show my great ability" said Taro with a sly smile while shooting.

The ball then bounced away towards the ring and finally entered.

"It's impossible, how can the ball come in," Ren told himself.

"Now you realize that the genius shooter is not only in Cyoku, but also in Kyoto," Taro said.

"Alright then, let's reply with three points for three points," Hiruka said.

Gyo then passes the ball to Hiruka who asks for the ball and with a high concentration Hiruka immediately shoots directly into the opponent's ring.

"You're too confident that the ball will come in," Romeo said with a laugh.

"What do you mean?" asked Shin who saw Romeo's strange behavior.

"You just pay attention yourself," Romeo said, pointing at the ball.

The ball that bounced high then shot and a little more will enter the ring but suddenly the ball was reflected.

''What? Why can't you come in? '' Gyo asked in surprise.

"It's because my transparent wall that I can put anywhere I want, including in front of the mouth of the ring," Romeo said.

The bouncing ball is then caught by Taro then prepares to shoot again.

"This time I will take another three-point shot," Taro said as he opened fire.

The well-directed shot then bounced and went in.

"Hehe, with this our points are balanced," said Ganzo.

Gyo then takes the ball under the ring then quickly passes forward to Ren.

"It seems like playing time is up, it's time to get serious," Taro said, pulling out his circle of seals.

"Ah, my body is weak, I don't have the stamina anymore," Ren said suddenly, then knelt to support his body.

"I'll take the ball," said Taro, who easily took the ball from Ren, who was already helpless.

"What are you doing, my friend?" Gyo said angrily as he ran towards Taro.

But suddenly Gyo's body went limp.

"I also lost my stamina," Gyo said.

"Two people have fallen, now is the time for us to take action on my sister Hanzo," Ganzo said to his brother, who had just been silent.

"Good job bro" said Hanzo while showing his evil smile.

To be continued