The Dark Past

Hiruka prepared to shoot, with difficulty he moved his injured right hand.

"Captain don't push yourself too hard, don't make your hand injury worse," said Raito.

"It's okay, rest assured that I can score with my secret technique," Hiruka said.

"It's really stupid, how could he possibly shoot with a hand injury like that," said Taro.

"That's right, you said, even though he can shoot but with such a long distance it won't be possible to hit the target," Romeo said.

"Looks like he'll shoot using his left hand," Hanzo said, pointing at Hiruka who was going to shoot.

"Hahaha, just let that fool do what he wants," Ganzo said arrogantly.

Hiruka then pushed the ball with his left hand until the ball finally bounced away.

"N-no way, he shouldn't be able to shoot with his weak hands," Hanzo said in surprise.

The ball continued to float in the air and glide quickly toward the opponent's ring.

'' I will not let the ball in !! '' Romeo said, putting up multiple layers of wall.

"It's useless, no matter how strong the wall will still be destroyed when a heavy object hits him," said Hiruka.

"-Gigaton Blast-" said Hiruka saying the technique.

Suddenly the ball that floated calmly was now gliding fast like someone was pulling it.

"What kind of ability is that? The ball even destroyed my strongest wall with just one touch, "Romeo said surprised to see the wall smashed.

The ball very quickly enters the ring and makes the mesh ring broke and then hit the floor of the field and make the floor crack.

"It seems like I overused my abilities," Hiruka said casually.

"Great, that's the extraordinary ability I've seen the captain" said Gyo amazed.

"Yes, that's true, but captain, why do you shoot with your left hand or right hand?" "Ren said

"Even a professional even though he can shoot with both hands can not shoot with accuracy like that" "he continued.

"Actually, I was born as a left-handed person, but since 3 years ago when I was in middle school something happened to me," Hiruka said.

Flash back . . .

"The best shooter of the year was given to Hiruka Jinzo"

A voice announced announcing Hiruka as the best shooter of the year.

"Again I got this title, it was really easy," Hiruka said arrogantly.

With the title he got made Hiruka even more arrogant and arrogant.

"Isn't that the shooting bomber?" I never thought it turned out he was very arrogant, '' said the person who passed by him.

"Yes, but at least I already know because there is no point in being friends with such a snob," said another person.

Because of his arrogance slowly his friends moved away one by one and no one wanted to be friends with him.

''friend? What's the use of being friends? "It can only be troublesome," Hiruka said one day.

Initially Hiruka had a normal day even though without friends but over time he then felt lonely until one day. . .

"Children, starting today we have new students transferring from Hyon Middle School, let's introduce your name," said the homeroom teacher at that time.

"P-introduce my name is Hiro Yamasuke, m-please ban. . . "his master said the child nervously and stammer.

"Now, Hiro, find an empty spot wherever you like," said the homeroom teacher.

Hiro slowly walks in an empty seat nearby however. . .

"Sorry this seat is already occupied but is absent," said the child sitting next to the bench.

Hiro returned to look for a seat where nothing was occupied but nothing was empty until finally his eyes were fixed on the empty bench near Hiruka.

"Is this bench empty?" If it's empty, can I sit next to you? "Hiro said.

"Whatever you want," Hiruka said curtly.

'' introduce my name. . "

"I already know, your name is Hiro, so you don't need to bother me"

Hiro has not had time to decipher his words but was interrupted by Hiruka.

"Al-okay then" said Hiro a little disappointed.

Hiro as a new student tried to mingle with other students but because of his awkwardness it made it difficult to get friends.

The arrogant sebangkunya friend also made it even more awkward to be friends until one day. . .

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Shouldn't you be in an art club? Why are you at the basketball club? "Hiruka asked curtly seeing Hiro at the basketball club.

"From today I moved to the basketball club for one reason or another," Hiro said.

"Oh, I see, newbie, what is your position?" Hiruka asked curiously.

"Usually I play Point Guard or Center," Hiro said nervously.

"Then don't stop me from playing later," Hiruka said curtly.

Day after day passed by the two children to make Hiruka who initially closed himself to friends now began to open hearts to make friends with Hiro and eventually they became close friends.

"I noticed every time you play you only play for 1 quarter and after that immediately asked the coach to be replaced?" Hiruka asked one day to Hiro.

"You'll also find out one day yourself," Hiro answered curtly.

Every day Hiruka always asks the same thing to Hiro but the answer is always the same until one day Hiro disappears as if swallowed by the earth.

"What exactly happened to Hiro?" Is there something wrong I did to him? "Murmured Hiruka.

Hiruka then tried to find out what really happened to Hiro until finally Hiruka found out that Hiro was now critical and was hospitalized.

Hiruka now knew that Hiro was suffering from heart disease and at this time Hiro was no longer able to withstand the disease.

"Hiro, why didn't you tell me from the start that you were sick, even though we were just friends," Hiruka said sadly.

"Don't act like that, I also don't want you to be sad like this so I didn't tell you from the start" Hiro said weakly.

"One message for you, I want you to leave your arrogant attitude so far you can get lots of friends" he continued.

"Don't say like you're going to die," Hiruka said sadly.

"I know that my life might end soon so I want you not to be arrogant and one more thing, don't stop playing basketball and practice practicing as much as possible," Hiro said.

After saying that finally Hiro breathed his last.

During the funeral, Hiruka silently said "from now on I will start all over again, from now on I will learn to shoot using my right hand because this left hand makes me arrogant"

Since then Hiruka began practicing shooting using the right hand and finally with difficulty managed to master the shoot with the right hand.

Flashback end

to be continued