Gyo's Raging


Someone catches the ball that had drifted free before Taki who intends to take the ball.

The look on Gyo's face was a smile full of excitement when the ball was caught.

"Ren !!" was the only word that came out of his mouth.

Yes, the person who caught the ball earlier was Ren who apparently had been detached from the opposing team's techniques.

"You miss me ?!" said Ren while gathering the wind around him.

"Damn, I didn't count the time !! Looks like the duration of the effect is up, '' said Hibike who saw Ren moving freely.

"I'll stop him, you guys make a formation to use our technique," said Tomoi who had now run towards Ren.

"Good, but don't let him use his wind ability because it will be very troublesome for us later," answered Hibike.

Tomoi now approached Ren, but before reaching Ren, Ren had used his wind ability to throw his body far into the opponent's ring.

"It's still 10 years too soon for you to catch up to me," Ren said.

Now Ren has landed in front of Hibike who was standing defending his ring.

"You should just give up because our team will be the winner," Ren said, gathering more wind around his body and preparing to do his super far dunk.

"Sorry, it is not you who will win this match but we" shouted Taki from behind Ren.

Ren then prepared to jump but before that. . .


"Ugh, that technique again !!" How wide is the range of their technique? "Ren said when he was hit by a paralyzed technique for the second time just before he jumped using his wind ability.

Ren, who is now unable to do anything else, makes it easier for Hibike to steal Ren, then quickly drag the ball to the opponent's ring.

"As per my calculations you must be free to move because the duration of our technique is up," Hibike said, looking at Gyo who was now blocking it.

"I won't be defeated so easily with your techniques," said Gyo.

"Alright, how about we repeat as before" said Hibike while bringing the ball back to the ring.

"I won't go into the same trap twice," said Gyo, who was now shading Tomoi.

''What? Why is he chasing me and not Hibike, "said Tomoi in surprise.

"Because the one who is chasing Hibike is me !!" said Ryu who is now also free.

"If only you guarded me without that technique, I could have defeated you," Hibike said with a sly smile.

Hibike seemed to want to drain Ryu's remaining stamina, as evidenced by Hibike who dreaded the ball without direction until finally Ryu ran out of stamina.

"Hah ... hah ... hah ... Damn !! He deliberately lured me until I ran out of stamina, 'said Ryu who was already helpless and unable to run anymore.

"It looks like one person has fallen, now there are only two left to fight," Hibike said with a sly smile.

"Don't forget me !!" Ren shouted as he chased Hibike.

"Apparently you're the next person who wants to fall, huh? Alright I'll grant your wish '' said Hibike while mendrible ball without direction again.

"Damn !! He knows that my stamina is almost gone, because of that he forced me to chase him, "said Ren, whose stamina was running out.

"I'll help you Ren !!" said Gyo intending to help Ren.

'' I will not let you !! '' said Tomoi while facing Gyo.

"I'm sorry, Gyo, it looks like I can't continue anymore," Ren said, panting.

"Yes, two people have fallen and now is the time to play with the remaining one," Hibike said.

They are now playing with Gyo who is currently struggling alone, apparently their goal now is to make all their opponents run out of stamina so they can freely score numbers and steal.

"This is the consequence of playing with the champion," Taki said, taking the pass from Hibike and passing it to Tomoi.

"Until whenever you will not be able to win from us," said Tomoi who received the ball and passed it back to Hibike.

"And it seems it's time for us to score," said Hibike, who received the ball from Tomoi.

Hibike who saw Gyo was overwhelmed intending to do tricks on Gyo before scoring.

"Those who are weak are still weak and will never compete with those who are strong," Hibike said while doing the trick to Gyo.

Meanwhile on Gyo's side. . .

"Is this just our ability?"

"Even though there are only a few left and we will win"

"I need more strength to win this match," Gyo kept saying to herself.

"You really want to gain strength?" Then hold out your hand and hold my hand, '' said someone in Gyo's mind.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Gyo asked confused.

"Hold my hand and accept this power and you will know who I am" answered the voice.

Although in doubt Gyo finally grabbed the hand in front of him and finally Gyo could see the face of the owner of the hand earlier.

"Finally I can talk to you even if it's only in your mind," said the man.

"You ...." Gyo said, surprised because he knew that person.

While Gyo is talking to someone in his mind, something strange is happening to his body in the real world. His gold eyes are now jet black and the pentagram in those eyes is now star-shaped.

''What is that? Looks like something strange happened to him "Hibike said in surprise but continued to do the trick.

"You weak humans, stop calling yourself strong," Gyo said and then easily stole Hibike.

"What the hell is he doing?" Hibike said in surprise.

Gyo, who is now getting the ball right away, did a super-fast drible, but Taki and Tomoi were prepared to guard it. They prepare to do the triangle technique on Gyo but Gyo easily reads the direction of his opponent's body movements so that he can freely get three people at once without getting into the trap of his opponent.

"Damn since when he became this strong as if it wasn't just him," said Taki while running after Gyo who preceded him.

"You're right, Taki and what are those eyes, aren't they gold-colored with pentagram inside? Why is it now jet black and inside there are stars?" Hibike who was next to Taki wondered.

With his extraordinary abilities, Gyo played with his three opponents as if he was only playing with small children. Gyo has scored several points in a row until finally one more point is left for them to win the match.

"The Gyo I know is not someone like this, he plays basketball full of excitement, not with grudges like this," said Ren, who had been watching Gyo's strange behavior while refilling his drained stamina.

"Oh yeah, what do you want now? Weak humans like you dare say that to me," Gyo said with an intimidating smile.

"I will not let you arbitrarily, I will wake you up here Gyo," said Ren while trying to block Gyo who was carrying the ball.

Meanwhile in the audience, the mysterious men who had been watching the match smiled at the sight in front of them.

"Looks like from here it will be increasingly out of control. Let me help you a little," said the mysterious man, chanting a technique until his eyes emitted a faint glow and hit Gyo and Ren who were in the field.

"This ability ... so you're here cheeky sister," Gyo said furiously.

"Oops I was caught, it looks like I have to leave this place immediately. Make good use of my technique and stop him," said the mysterious man.

"I don't know what happened but it looks like my stamina is recovering as it was before. It looks like the sky is still on my side to stop you here," Ren said loudly.

whats next?

To be continued