Gyo vs Grand

Armed with a strong determination and high spirit, Gyo accepts the challenge of the Grand, which is now dominated by an evil aura that envelops his entire body. With slow steps but full of intimidation, Grand moves towards the ball which is now off the field and picks it up and throws it at Gyo as a sign of challenge.

"Let's settle this with one number," challenged Grand, who threw the ball.

With a steady Gyo catching the ball as a sign he accepted the Grand challenge and did not forget he took off the glasses he was wearing a sign ready to compete seriously.

"I will definitely defeat you and complete this exam," Gyo replied while preparing to face Grand.

Slowly but surely Gyo dribble the ball in his hand and run as fast as possible towards the Grand who is preparing to confront him. Their Gold Eyes slowly emitted a sign that their ability had been activated but in contrast to Gyo's Gold Eyes, Grand's Gold Eyes had a beam that was enveloped in a jet black aura.

When the two eyes face each other, a glimpse of the future emerges in each of their minds which makes them mutually motionless in the slightest.

"Looks like the ability of our eyes are balanced," Grand said with a curt smile.

"I have worked hard to master the ability of Gold Eyes to this stage," Gyo said while returning Grand's smile.

"For that I acknowledge that you have progressed a lot, but all you need to know is that it is only the ability of the first seal," Grand replied as he let out an eye ability Gyo had never seen before.

The Gold Eyes pattern in Grand's eyes that were previously shaped like a pentagram is now slowly forming star patterns.

"The second seal is open !!" Grand shouted.

A beam of bright light with a black aura coming back from the Gold Eyes owned by Grand made Gyo pause to watch the scene in front of him.

"Because this is only the first seal test so I can only issue the second Gold Eyes seal," Grand said.

"But this alone is enough to make you fail this test," he continued.

Gyo seemed unperturbed to hear Grand's words still trying to pass through the obstacles of Grand to score. But a few moments later, Gyo saw something strange in a glimpse of the future.

"Wh-what was that just now? How can I see him become 2?" Gyo wondered.

"I saw him take the ball from my hand and strangely there was still another one standing still in that place," said Gyo increasingly surprised.

After thinking that, suddenly the ball held by Gyo disappeared from his hand and moved into Grand's hand without Gyo knowing the obvious reason for it.

"W-what happened?" Gyo said increasingly confused because the ball seemed to teleport from Gyo's hand to Grand's hand.

"Looks like you're confused about what happened," Grand said.

"Let me explain ..."

"The ability of Gold Eyes's first seal is to see the future at a glance 5 seconds in the future while the ability of the second seal is to cross the future 5 seconds and then come back again," Grand explained to explain.

"II want to be stronger," said Gyo, who began to be covered with anger because of her inability.

"Then accept that power and rampage, ha-ha-ha," Grand said as he released his black aura towards Gyo which was then absorbed by Gyo's Gold Eyes.

Black aura slowly enveloped Gyo's entire body which made him uncontrollable. Gyo was later overwhelmed by the evil aura and made his Gold Eyes turn jet black.

"Rage ... Dark ... Eyes ... ha-ha-ha," Grand said with a satisfied laugh.


Meanwhile in the real world, Ren who was fighting Gyo was increasingly overwhelmed because the pressure exerted by Gyo was getting stronger because the evil aura was increasingly controlling Gyo's body.

"Gyo I will definitely make you come back to normal. This is not you, Gyo," Ren shouted, waking Gyo.

"Hey aren't they a teammate? Why are they competing with each other?"

The audience began to wonder seeing Gyo's strange behavior against Ren.

With the remaining energy he had, Ren created a whirlwind of wind that enveloped Gyo's body to limit Gyo's movements.

"Gyo come to your senses, remember our promise to win the Interhigh and become champions" Ren shouted again, releasing a punch at Gyo by expressing all his determination.

Gyo who received Ren's punch finally stopped motionless with the mouth of the commander did not know what he was saying.

Determination that was so strong was conveyed by Ren that it reached Gyo who was in the ocean of his consciousness which made Gyo calm down. Even the black aura that enveloped his entire body now began to disappear without a trace.

"Thank you Ren, your determination has reached me so far," Gyo said with a smile.

"That's impossible, how can you escape the control of Dark Eyes?" Grand said in surprise.

"That's because I still have friends who make us stronger with the bonds of friendship we have," said Gyo.

"For that I will defeat you here," Gyo said firmly.

Gyo then ran to try and grab the ball which is now held by Grand with high enthusiasm because he currently held the determination of his friend delivered to him.

"Even though with Dark Eyes you can definitely win this match and finish this test, but you foolishly unleashed that power," Grand said in surprise.

"I don't need great strength that will only hurt my friends," Gyo said loudly.

"I can become stronger with the help of friends I have," he continued.

"Then show me how much determination you have," Grand said defiantly.

Gyo approached Grand with incredible speed making it look like a flash of blue light.

"This is the determination I had when Raito entered our team," Gyo said as he ran at a faster and faster pace.

"W-what is this? Even in my future vision I cannot see his movements," said Grand who was shocked by Gyo's ability.

The ball quickly returned to Gyo's hand and did not stop there, Gyo then jumped as high as possible to make Grand unable to reach him and then opened fire.

"This is the determination I had when Shin and Captain Hiruka entered the team," Gyo said while adding weight to the ball like Hiruka's ability.

"And this is my and Ren's determination when rebuilding the Cyoku High School basketball team," Gyo said, covering the ball that had been heavier with a whirlpool.

"What's this? Why is he being this strong?" Grand increasingly surprised by the ability of Gyo.

"This is the determination of us all !!!"

'Meteor Shoot'

Gyo fired a very powerful shot into the ring which even made the ring vibrate and finally shattered.

"I hereby defeat you and complete this exam," Gyo said happily.

Instantly, the world in the sea of Gyo's consciousness was divided and darkness sucked it up until it was left.

Gyo then hurried to regain his consciousness in the real world which was taken over by Dark Eyes but before that, a black shadow held Gyo's feet.

Gyo's body in the real world slowly reacts that soon he will wake up but at the same time a black shadow comes out of his body and makes the time around him stop.

"W-what happened in this place?" asked Gyo, who had just woken up and saw the people around him not moving and the world was filled with black and white which meant that the time had stopped.

The black shadow that came out then showed itself to Gyo and put a terrible pressure.

"From here it will be the real test... ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha."

what will happen next?

to be continued