Match in Sandstorm

"Tch .. I didn't think he had this ability even could make my technique helpless"

Daren was annoyed with the abilities possessed by Kaze which made his techniques useless. On the other hand, the Cyoku High School team began to overcome their fears so that the attacks would be more effective.

"Oh no ... it seems I will no longer be used because Kaze's abilities are similar to mine," Ren said, slightly depressed seeing the ability possessed by Kaze.

"Don't be discouraged, Ren ... there must be different abilities from yours," Gyo said comfortingly.

Pass-by-pass pass and now it's Hiruka's turn to receive the ball but there is something different with him when going to shoot.

"How dare you ... show me something inappropriate to show me?"

Hiruka's anger peaked making him exert almost all of his ability when making a shot so that the ball fired towards the opponent's ring became faster and faster to enter the ring before finally hitting the floor of the field and making it crack.

It seems that Hiruka was angry because of Daren's ability to show the face of an old friend who had passed away.

Daren's heart trembled when he saw Hiruka who was angry and made him look like a wild animal that was ready to pounce on its prey.

"T-swap positions !! let me guard over there," said Daren trying to cover up her fears.

The ball is now back in the hands of the Nidou High School team who just conceded a number from a 3-point throw made by Hiruka so that the current position is 19-54. Attack after attack was launched but the defense line of the Cyoku High School team was like an impenetrable wall coupled with an area scattered with sand blown by the wind due to Kaze's ability making them even more difficult. Cyoku High School team slowly began to catch up to make the number difference getting smaller with a position of 46-54.

"Looks like there's no other way, I have to be able to score," Kiriya said determinedly.

'Reverse Doll'

'Dragon's Roar'

Kiriya and Ryu mutually issued their abilities which made Kiriya's ability towards Ryu.

"This is what I'm waiting for !! The ability you use can be a double-edged knife for you because I effortlessly look for the target again," Kiriya said happily.

"S-damn I've been hit by the trap," said Ryu trying to control his body.

Daren, who is now carrying the ball, quickly looks for a gap to shoot, but when intercepted by Hiruka, his fear reappears so that the ball that should have been fired is unknowingly passed to Ogure nearby.

"Damn you Daren, we're running out of time ... why don't you just shoot?" said Ogure furiously with Daren's behavior.

Priiiitttt .....

"24-Second Violation"

The whistle was blown again because the violation occurred again when the Nidou High School team passed the deadline to carry out the attack and had not shot at all which made the ball touch the ring.

With the easy return of the ball controlled by the Cyoku High School team instantly which makes the opportunity to add numbers even greater. The ball is passed back on the field to Shin before Shin finally passes it to Ryu but when Ryu gets the ball, he strangely passes it to Kiriya who tries as if to haunt him.

"I'm sorry, friends, my body has been manipulated by him," said Ryu apologetically.

"It's okay, the four of us will definitely stop it," Raito said encouragingly.

"Looks like you guys misunderstood ... not four of you but three of you," said Kiriya.

'Doll Controller'

Instantly, Ryu and Shin's body moved together to block the movements of his colleagues making it easier for the opposing team to score.

"With the ability that I have, I can make 2 people become my puppets, but the weakness of this ability is that I can't shoot while controlling 2 dolls at once," Kiriya explained.

Kiriya calmly passed the ball he was holding to Clay who was standing free and shot right after receiving the ball.

"I won't let it go !!"

'Sand Barrier'

Kaze used his ability to make a wall of sand to cover the firing line so the ball bounced off the wall.

The Cyoku High School team found it difficult to rebound because their movements were guarded by teammates controlled by Kiriya to make the ball bounce free but with difficulty Raito with his speed trying to get the ball until the ball finally stopped moving and floated in the air to make them surprised.


When the ball was floating in the air, suddenly someone appeared while holding the ball.

"This is my ability to hide whereabouts so that it can easily steal the ball unnoticed," said Ogure who now showed his body.

With the ability possessed by him, Ogure again became invisible together with the ball he was holding so that only the sound of the ball bouncing on the floor and suddenly the ball had entered the ring so that adding numbers to the opposing team made the position to be 46-56 exactly 1 minute before the second quarter ends.

Even though he still leads the numbers but now the Nidou High School team is making a substitution for Daren who feels his performance is lacking. Their player named Kenta came in and replaced Daren whose abilities were already useless because of Kaze's ability.

The match became even more biased because conditions were increasingly unfavorable for the Cyoku High School team because they entered a new player with stamina who were still excellent while they had to fight with only 3 players. Shin and Ryu had become Kiriya's puppets who were ready to help her whenever needed.

"Damn they are too strong, they can even turn their opponents into friends," said Raito desperately.

"Calm down ... All abilities have weaknesses !!" Hiruka said trying to calm the atmosphere.

"Captain !! The point of attack we leave it to you ... we can only hope in the 3-point shot because it will be difficult to penetrate the opponent's defense !!"

Kaze gives the signal for an attack and begins to coat the ball he is now carrying with sand that is thicker than before.

"Alright leave it to me !!" Hiruka said while asking for the ball.

With all his ability even though he was still in the middle of the field, Hiruka shot 3 points but was tried to be blocked by Shin, which was controlled by Kiriya. Shin jumped with his highest jump trying to block the ball fired but the perfect timing of Hiruka's shot prevented Shin from reaching the ball. The ball sped towards the ring but it seemed unable to reach the ring but with the thick sand that Kaze placed on the ball slowly created a slump-like path towards the ring and Clay's ability which was still active on the ball made the slippery ball roll freely into the ring.

The temporary position being 49-54 made the audience amazed by the ability of the Cyoku High School team to catch up.

The match now continues with a throw-in done by the Nidou High School team. Ogure who is now receiving the ball is ready to use his ability to disappear from view but Raito at high speed snatches the ball from his hand. Raito, who was moving freely without guarding, tried to score by moving in the direction of the opponent's ring but he slowly realized something odd was that the captain of the Nidou High School team had not made a move. Raito is now more careful in making shots because he anticipates the captain of the opposing team making a considerable distance from Yasu the captain of the opposing team but suddenly the surrounding area goes dark.

'Darkest Area'

Kenta covered Raito's view by covering the area where Raito was standing in a very thick darkness but ...

Priiiitttt ...

The second quarter mark whistle ended and it stopped him from attacking.

"Luckily you were saved by the sound of the whistle but next time you won't escape," Kenta warned Raito.

whats next?

to be continued