Incorrect Conclusions

The long whistle blows back to indicate that the match which was delayed due to ring damage can finally be restarted. The ball was once again dominated by the Nidou High School team, who were excited because they had the upper hand in the lead position to start their attack. The ball quickly moves from one hand to the other hand and from one person to another in order to pound the defense of the Cyoku High School team.

Hiruka and the rest of the team were careful in doing the movements because they did not want to be hit by Kenta's ability which could appear suddenly and make them helpless.

Attack after attack was launched but the Cyoku High School team didn't even give the enemy the slightest shooting space which made it difficult for them to add numbers until finally the referee's whistle sounded accompanied by a loud voice mentioning something.

"24-Second Violation"

"ugh, again we can't shoot," said Kiriya discouraged.

The ball is automatically regained by the Cyoku High School team with Shin throwing the field at Hiruka.

"Because melee attacks are hard to do, long range shots should be possible," Hiruka muttered.

"Kaze let's do it like we did before," Hiruka shouted while passing the free-standing Kaze.

As if understanding the captain's intentions, Kaze received the ball and then resumed the ball with the sand as thick as possible before finally passing it back to Hiruka.

Ogure who reads the opponent's movements tries to cut out the pass from Kaze but Raito quickly takes the ball and laboriously passes it on to Hiruka who is already in the middle of the field.

Long-range shots occur and cannot be stopped by the opposing team member making the ball fly free towards the opponent's ring and then the ball rolling with the help of a slide made of sand into the ring makes the position closer to the points owned by the opponent.

There was a sense of regret in the hearts of the Nidou High School team who were unable to stop Hiruka's three-digit shot but there was nothing they could do.

"Damn !! Do they already know the weakness of my technique?" said Kenta, exasperated.

Kaze who saw the anxiety in Kenta's heart slowly began to realize something but what he thought was kept tightly before getting clear evidence. On the other hand, Shin began to get nervous because until now Gyo had not done anything that could break the ability of Yasu the captain of the opposing team. With a face full of hope, Shin looked at Gyo who was on the bench hoping that Gyo could do something, but what was seen was Gyo's restless face that seemed to signal that there was nothing he could do.

"I don't understand what Gyo actually thinks. Does he say that with his abilities he can overcome the opponent's ability just to encourage or is there something else that makes him fail?"

Various questions arose in Shin's mind, who was hoping for Gyo's ability but could not do anything.

The match resumed but the Nidou High School team seemed to have difficulty firing mainly due to Ryu's ability to make Cyoku High School team members easily able to steal the ball when they attacked.

"Raito, can your lightspeed be used again? I want to confirm something," Kaze asked suddenly making Raito a little surprised.

"Yes, I can use it again, but what do you plan to do?" Raito answered.

"I just want you to run as fast as you can to the area of the opponent's attack. Run even though the darkness preys on you again," Kaze said giving instructions.

"All right, I'll do it for the sake of victory," said Raito.

While asking for the ball, Raito prepares to run at his highest speed as instructed by Kaze until finally Raito now stands face to face with Yasu who is stunned. Without further ado, Raito who saw the opportunity to prepare for a shot but darkness again devoured him and trapped him. Kaze's words then crossed his mind to make him run as fast as possible towards the voice that called him until finally Raito could reach the voice and surprised him.


Before Raito could continue his words, a loud bang nearby brought him back from the darkness.

"Nice Shoot Shin !!"

Apparently Shin managed to score with the ability he used successfully to make the ball enter the ring.

"How do you feel in that darkness?" asked Kaze who approached him.

"Th-that ... I saw someone in there and it seems like that person is Yasu," Raito answered.

"Wh ... hmmm ... I think I understand," Kaze murmured.

"What is that? You just make me curious," Raito asked.

"We should talk with the other team members," Kaze said while gesturing for a time-out.

The whole team was reunited with the time out requested by the Cyoku High School team to re-strategize.

"Now explain clearly what you want to convey," asked Raito who was increasingly curious.

"I have two things that I can say about the opponent's abilities," Kaze said.

"Wait !! before that I want an explanation from Gyo who until now has not helped anything," Shin interrupted the conversation.

"Th-that's actually I've been looking for and there are threads of the soul but I can't find it so I can't do anything," explained Gyo.

"Regarding that, I think this has to do with what will be said," Kaze said.

"Okay, just continue," Shin relented.

"Actually the first thing I said was that we might infer wrongly from Yasu's abilities," Kaze said.

"What the heck? How is that possible?"

The other team members were shocked by Kaze's statement but then silently waited for Kaze to continue his words.

"When Raito was in Kenta's darkness ability, Raito found one person in the darkness and he was Yasu," Kaze explained.

"Looks like I'm starting to understand Yasu's ability and this explains Gyo's useless ability," Shin said.

"Yes, you're right, and it seems like Yasu's ability is what we think but has another effect," Kaze said.

"So what he meant was that Yasu did use the ability of her soul and her soul was hidden in Kenta's darkness ... Is that right?" Hiruka said trying to conclude.

"Yes, you're right, captain. Besides, I have no way to deal with it," Kaze replied.

"Then what is the second thing you want to say?" Ryu asked.

"I have analyzed Kenta's abilities and finally discovered his weaknesses," Kaze said.

"Is that true? Then we can defeat them easily," Gyo said excitedly.

"I'm afraid it won't be as easy as you think because its weakness only lies in the effect of its abilities," Kaze explained.

"When going to attack, his ability cannot automatically be activated but in defense that is when the opposing team enters the area of attack then that ability is automatically active and will chase the opponent wherever he goes," he continued.

"Even so at least we already know what we should do," Shin said excitedly.

The whistle signaled the end of the time out was finally heard and made all members of the team inevitably have to enter the field to continue the match. But it seems that Gyo seems to be thinking hard about something.

"I know !!" Gyo said suddenly.

"Dark Eyes can't you possess my Gold Eyes? So can you possess that empty body?" Gyo asked.

"Why didn't I think of that? What a good idea, who knows we can find out the secret of his ability," replied Dark Eyes.

Enthusiastically, Dark Eyes flew towards his victim's body and then possessed him until he finally realized something.

"Th-this is ..."

to be continued