Towards the Final Match

The hard effort made by the Cyoku High School basketball team finally paid off, they won and got a ticket to the final of Masara prefecture. The victory that was obtained actually caused panic because their five players were now unconscious after the match and were immediately taken to the medical room that was there. Slowly their consciousness began to return, but their bodies could not move because of the side effect of the technique used by Nick.

"Ugh, I feel like I'm going to die anytime," said Gyo as he opened his eyes.

Gyo first realized that he was followed by his other friends and tried to get up but just like Gyo, their bodies could not be moved because of excessive fatigue.


Meanwhile in another place, there was a fight for tickets to the finals between Hyunda High School and Minata High School. It seems that last year's Interhigh runners-up are trying hard to score points by giving all their abilities but strangely they seem to be having trouble catching up with a team that doesn't even use their abilities.

On the bench, a teenager with a red left eye was seen who had just arrived and immediately sat back and smiled watching the game. The scoreboard that reads the numbers 128-136 is a witness to the victory that is in sight because the match time is not less than one minute left.

"We gave our all but from the start it was very difficult to score points and catch up," said Kouji, captain of Hyunda High School.

"Forgive us Captain, all of our abilities have been used but they are too strong even without using their abilities," replied Sawada who looked gloomy because she was not satisfied with the results obtained.

The long whistle that marked the end of the match finally sounded making the members of the Hyunda High School basketball team unable to hold back their tears because of the defeat they had. Thus, it is certain that Cyoku High School will face Minata High School in the final which will take place in a few days.

While tightly gripping the bags containing their belongings, with unsteady steps they walked away from the venue.

At the exit they run into members of the Cyoku High School basketball team who are also planning to go home and make them speechless at each other before Pak Yagami tries to break the ice by greeting the coach of Hyunda High School.

"Hello Pak Makoto, it has been a long time since we saw each other since the last friendly match," said Mr Yagami.

"Ah yes, Mr. Yagami, how about your match?" asked Mr. Makoto.

"Looks like we will reunite to face each other in the final later," said Pak Yagami.

Hearing Mr. Yagami's answer, you can see members of the Hyunda High School basketball team bowed listless and speechless.

"Don't tell me that you lost," said Gyo hoarsely because he was still tired.

While looking down, Kouji replied, "Sorry this is not in accordance with our words who are waiting to compete with you in the official match but they are too strong."

"Yes, and even they don't use any abilities but strangely we can't beat them," continued Taichi.

Hearing this answer suddenly made Gyo startled and then paused while thinking about something until finally Gyo remembered something related to Shin's tantrum during the match.

"Do they have members with eyes like mine but red?" Gyo asked suddenly.

"Uhm, that ... they do have members like that but he only appeared when the match was about to end and just sat back on the bench," Taichi replied.

"Looks like my guess was right and it's all connected with the incident during our match earlier," muttered Gyo.

"What are you talking about? We can't hear him." Sawada asked what Gyo was mumbling.

"Ah no, I'm just talking to myself," answered Gyo evasively.

After some pleasantries, they finally parted ways while promising to meet again at the national level preliminaries. The Hyunda High School team promises to win the match for third place against Risato Academy later.

From then on, the members of the Cyoku High School basketball team started training harder than before before the start of the final match. Gyo tries to increase the effectiveness of his second seal ability, Ren tries to control his wind ability so as not to waste stamina, Raito tries to shorten the charge time of his lightspeed ability, Shin tries to strengthen his eye ability while the rest of the team tries to increase their stamina.

Day after day they used to train and keep practicing until finally time passed so quickly and now it was time for the start of the Masara prefecture final match. With a feeling of nervousness with a racing heart, the Cyoku High School basketball team began to enter the playing field followed by the opposing teams from Minata High School facing each other and saluting after that immediately adjusted their respective positions to prepare to do a jump ball.

Shin prepares to jump as the ball is thrown into the air and finally catches the ball but it is seen that Gyo, who is the recipient of the ball, is in a condition that cannot concentrate because he looks very nervous like looking for someone. Seeing this, Shin passed the ball to Ren who, although not ready, was still able to catch the ball swiftly.

"What are you doing Gyo, concentrate on the match," Shin said irritably.

"I'm sorry ... but I feel there is something wrong with this match," said Gyo warned.

"You better think about it later, now we have to focus on scoring," said Kaze who was behind him.

Cyoku High School basketball team started the attack but strangely the opposing team who guarded the defense seemed not serious about defending so it was easy to score the first number. Confused they returned to defend but strangely enough the ball could be snatched away and points could be scored again.

The match seemed lopsided and by the end of the first quarter, Cyoku High School basketball team had scored 80 points without being able to reply by the opposing team.

"Is it just my feeling or they don't intend to play? They are like empty containers that can't do anything," said Shin.

"That's right, after all I didn't see any of their team members with their left red eye either on the field or on the bench," Gyo replied.

The second quarter finally started and it was seen that the opposing team replaced all of their members with new members and when they entered the field, suddenly Gyo and Shin's left eyes glowed with a golden and blue light resonating with the opposing team members with their left eye that emitted a red light.

"Finally we met face-to-face Brother and you brother, did you like my prize in the previous match?" asked the man.

"Damn Nick !! I'll beat you here !!" shouted Gyo emotionally.

"So you recognize me Brother, then give me an interesting show," replied Nick, activating his eye ability.

whats next?

To be continued ...